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What are the symptoms of tuberculosis


By journalismPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
What are the symptoms of tuberculosis
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

What is tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is an infectious bacterial infection called mycobacterium that affects the lungs.

Tuberculosis (tuberculosis), which is known in its scientific term (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), is not a fungal infection but an infection caused by bacteria, as for the place of infection is in the lungs in most cases, and may result in the impact of other organs such as the spine or brain, and there is a difference between bacterial infection with tuberculosis and its infection, which is an active bacteria, and can be shown by X-rays the infection and may be latent and the results of the rays appear negative.

Is tuberculosis contagious?

Yes, tuberculosis is contagious.

In the first place some wonder what tuberculosis is and is it dangerous... Or contagious? Tuberculosis is already an infectious disease, it may be transmitted from coughing or sneezing and therefore caution and permanent disinfection are necessary, because tuberculosis bacteria (tuberculosis) are latent bacteria, that is, tuberculosis bacteria may infect the body and do not show symptoms on the patient, and here comes the role of the immune system that can control the activity of the bacteria that cause tuberculosis disease than others, and therefore people who develop immune weakness or receive special drugs, by suppressing immune systems, are the most responsive people to accept the disease, knowing that the uses Daily, for clothes, drinking glasses or cooking utensils and toilet do not cause panic, for the rest of the family members and always prefer good ventilation, and the danger of tuberculosis bacteria lies in the fact that it is a bacterium that affects all ages and there are reasons that may lead to a rapid response to the body including the abuse of alcohol and drugs.

What are the symptoms of tuberculosis

• Cough.

• Chest pain.

• Loss of appetite.

• Bloody urine.

• Pain in the muscles of the body.

Cough: when the cough lasts for more than three weeks with the confidence of blood.

Chest pain: Tuberculosis bacterial infection (tuberculosis) is accompanied by chest pain in the middle of the chest with fever i.e. high fever and sweating.

Loss of appetite: The tuberculosis patient feels a loss of interest in food causing weight loss.

Bloody urine: Urine is accompanied by blood or redness in color as a result of affected kidney function.

Body muscle pain: The tuberculosis patient may feel back pain, causing nausea and muscle spasms, and this leads to loss of consciousness.

Does tuberculosis cause cancer

Tuberculosis does not cause cancer, on the contrary some types of cancer, cause the speed of the body's response to the spread of tuberculosis infection, and for this there are many factors that increase the risk, for the chances of contracting the bacteria that cause tuberculosis such as malnutrition,Not practicing a healthy eating style throughout the day and using bad eating habits causes an increase in the chances of developing tuberculosis, tobacco use as well as diabetes.

Is tuberculosis dangerous

Yes, tuberculosis is dangerous.

It is a disease that threatens the immune system of humanity significantly, as there are drugs that cause an increased risk of tuberculosis such as drugs for rheumatoid arthritis, and tuberculosis, is the main cause of death for people infected with HIV, which is HIV, and the development of latent tuberculosis bacteria that have not been treated to turn into tuberculosis (active tuberculosis) especially in a person infected with HIV, and for this makes tuberculosis detection test necessary for anyone with AIDS, and people infected can HIV/AIDS, i.e. HIV, to take some important actions in order to help reduce the risk of bacterial infection such as:

• Conducting tests for tuberculosis.

• HIV medications should be taken.

• Avoid contact with autoimmune patients, i.e. those with the disease.

• Quit smoking.

• Exercise appropriately.

Diagnostic tests for tuberculosis

The specialist doctor uses various tests such as:

• Blood test.

• Skin test.

• X-rays.

Blood test: It is symbolized by IGRAs and its task is to measure the body's reaction to the infection of bacteria that cause tuberculosis, and when the results of these tests appear positively, the diagnosis is confirmed to the infected and other tests are used to determine the activity of the disease.

Skin test: which is used by many doctors, is that skin test that is known as a derivative of pure protein to make sure that the infection of bacteria is transmitted to you, and this test is done by injecting a specific amount of protein under the skin and after 3 days the doctor concludes the condition of the patient, while people who have received the vaccine for tuberculosis, their results show positive, any test result is positive, but without the presence of actual infection.

Chest X-ray: In order to confirm the diagnosis, the practitioner is asked to X-ray on the chest in order to look for spots, in a certain shape in your lungs knowing that lung spotting is similar to many diseases, do not worry, sometimes infections are the result of infection or the result of a virus, the doctor is the person who is able to confirm the causes of pulmonary spotting, knowing that the results of the test may receive negative if you have problems with the immune system or have not passed you around Eight weeks after infection.

Treatment of tuberculosis medically

The doctor needs to determine the stage of infection before starting the treatment protocol because the infection goes through three stages:

• Primary infection

• Hidden or latent infection and is not easily detected Latent infection

• Active Disease

Starting from the treatment schedule with which the treatment of tuberculosis will begin will inhibit the bacteria to prevent their re-activity, and the attending physician will also perform mucus or sputum tests, so as to make sure that you can transmit the infection, to those around you and also in order to take the necessary measures, and will require you to wear a mask or mask of your own, since you feel the symptoms of the disease, and it is possible that it will require a biopsy of the lung, and with the treatment of tuberculosis, many infections will improve during the first weeks of treatment with the use of an antibiotic Appropriately, infected patients should complete a course of treatment of at least six months because there are bodies that are resistant to drugs.

Methods of prevention of tuberculosis

• Avoid crowds and close contact with others while wearing a mask permanently.

• Therapeutic nutrition.

• Conducting periodic analyses.

• Use of vaccines against the disease.

The person with tuberculosis should take into account the importance of the directives referred to by doctors, especially patients with impaired ability of the body to fight infectious diseases as a result of weak immunity or suffering from other diseases.Some doctors pointed out the importance of using the tuberculosis vaccine (Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine, especially in countries where the infection is highly prevalent such as some African and Asian countries, because there is a cure rate not exceeding fifty percent for cases of resistant tuberculosis, that is, it is resistant to medicine, such as a drug Isoniazid or rifampin can reach 30% with the isoniazide-resistant body and a substance for rifampin fluoroquinolone, and the vaccine also works efficiently with adult children.


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