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What are the home remedies for chronic cough and cold?

Home Remedies for Cough

By Sigma Published 3 years ago 7 min read
What are the home remedies for chronic cough and cold?
Photo by Chelsea shapouri on Unsplash

Due to the changing weather and food, anyone can have a cough problem. However, the problem of coughing is quickly resolved, but it can also take serious forms if not treated in time. Therefore, if someone has a mild cough, it is necessary to cure it. Home remedies can be taken for this. These home remedies can prevent the cough from taking a severe form in the beginning. At the same time, if someone's cough has reached a critical stage, then home remedies can help in recovering from the cough, but cannot cure it completely. Therefore, the patient should be treated by a doctor without delay. In this article of style crase, we will tell you the reason for cough at night and home remedy for cough. We will also show how it can be avoided.

Causes and Risk Factors of Cough:-

Before you know the home remedies for cough, before that it is important to know what are the reasons of cough. Many people have the problem of coughing again and again, which also affects their health.


Tuberculosis or tv

Dust and soil pollution


Respiratory tract infections such as chills or pneumonia

Change of seasons

lung cancer

Dry mouth


Infections of tonsils i.e. tonsillitis

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

To smoke

Whooping cough (Pertussis)

Cold things like - ice cream or cold drink

Symptoms of Cough:-

In the case of a cough, its symptoms may appear depending on the cause of the cough, which are as follows:-

to have a sore throat

Sore throat



To be tired

Chest pain

Having trouble breathing

Nasal congestion




No desire to eat

Types of Cough:-

When the cough is cured soon, it is considered normal, but if this cough persists for a long time, it can be a cause for concern. Therefore, it is important to treat the cough by identifying the type of cough in time. We are telling below some types of cough

Acute Cough - This cough usually starts rapidly. The main reason behind this is cold, flu or sinus infection. This type of cough usually resolves in 3 weeks.

Sub acute cough- When acute cough does not cure after 3 weeks and remains for 8 weeks, it is called sub acute cough.

Chronic Cough - This cough lasts for several days and can sometimes last for more than eight weeks. In such a situation, without delay, immediately go to the doctor and tell about your problem.

Pertussis - This cough is caused by an infection which affects the nose and throat. This cough occurs mostly in children (3).

Mucus cough - It causes mucus when coughing. In this type of cough, mucus accumulates in the chest, due to which the patient has difficulty in breathing.

Dry Cough - This cough is accompanied by a sore throat. Time and again it will feel that something is stuck in the throat. Coughing in it does not release mucus, this cough can be caused by changing weather or dust and soil and pollution.

Nocturnal Cough - This cough occurs mostly at night. Sometimes it becomes so intense that the patient does not even sleep.

Home Remedies for Cough:-

This problem can be treated by adopting a home remedy to get relief from the problem of cough. For this, you can adopt any of the home remedies mentioned below.

1. Gargle with salt water


teaspoon of salt

A glass of hot water

How to use:

Add salt to hot water.

Then gargle with it.

How often to use:

You can do this two to three times a day.

How beneficial is:-

The recipe of gargling by adding salt to water has been practiced in almost every household for years. It is considered to be the easiest and the best cure for cough. A scientific research on the National Center for Biotechnology Information website suggests that regular gargling for a few days can prevent upper respiratory tract infections (4). This can give relief from the problem of cough. However, further research is still needed in this regard, so that the exact effect of gargling can be detected with salt water on cough.

2. Steam


Half a tub of water

The towel

How to use:

First of all, put water in a vessel and heat it.

Then put a towel on the head and steam it.

How often to use:

In the case of cough, it can be used twice a day.

How is profitable:

Sometimes the nose also closes with a cough, in this case, this steam will open a closed nose and the throat will also get warm. Try to take this steam before sleeping at night and then cover the head well, so that there is no cold air. However, there is no specific evidence as to whether the cough can be completely cured by steam, but it can provide relief temporarily.

3. Honey


Two teaspoons honey

A spoonful of lemon or ginger juice

How to use:

Drink a mixture of honey and lemon or ginger juice.

How often to use:

It can be taken like syrup two to three times a day.

How beneficial

According to a medical research, honey can be considered as a good remedy for the treatment of cough. It can also work more effectively than a cough-curing drug . At the same time, a scientific study published on the website of NCBI has also given that the intake of honey can reduce cough to some extent. Consumption of this medicine reduces the cough of the patient and can lead to restful sleep at night. For this, the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties found in honey are helpful. The antimicrobial properties present in it may serve to remove the bacteria that spread the infection. This can prevent other risks from infection.

4. Ginger


Three teaspoons finely chopped ginger

A spoonful of dry mint

A cup of honey

Four cups of water

How to use:

Take water in a vessel and mix ginger and mint in it.

Then boil the water well.

After this, let the water cool down. Then add honey to it.

Take one teaspoon of this mixture daily.

This mixture can be kept in a good jar and kept in the refrigerator for two to three weeks.

How often to use:

This mixture can be drunk every three to four hours.

How is profitable:

Ginger can also be included in the remedy to stop coughing. Ginger is considered a natural cure for cough. A scientific research in this regard has found that ginger can have beneficial effects in the treatment of cough and respiratory infections. At the moment, more research is needed on this, so that it can be found out how beneficial it is.

5. Cloves


A clove

A pinch of rock salt

How to use:

Chew the cloves with rock salt.

How often to use:

It can be used two to three times a day.

How beneficial is:

Many problems can be avoided by using cloves, one of which is cough. Actually, clove acts as an expectorant, which is a medicine to treat cough . Therefore, cloves can be said to be a sure fire cough medicine.

6. Black Pepper


One teaspoon pepper powder

Two teaspoons honey

A cup of hot water

How to use:

Mix pepper powder and honey in warm water.

Now keep the cup covered for 10 to 15 minutes.

Then drink this tea.

How often to use:

This tea can be drunk once or twice daily during a cough.

How is profitable:

Black pepper can be considered a good herbal medicine for home remedy for cough. According to a scientific study conducted in this regard, pepper works as a natural medicine to improve the problem of cough. Apart from this, it can also work to improve cold and throat diseases. For this, the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties in black pepper can be beneficial.

7. Garlic


One or two garlic buds

a glass of milk

How to use:

Boil garlic buds in milk.

Then drink it.

How often to use:

During cough, this milk can be consumed at night for two to three days.

How is profitable:

If one refuses to consume garlic due to the lack of taste, they will be surprised to know that garlic can prove to be a good home remedy for many problems. According to a medical research, garlic can be helpful in relieving cough. For this, the antibacterial and antiviral properties found in garlic are helpful . Therefore, it can be said that garlic is a panacea for cough.


About the Creator


My Name is Ankit Bhatt .I’m an educator, Blogger and Writer. I blog on multi niche topics such as Personal Development, Motivation, Education,Technology . And I’m writer on Medium as well. I want to write life experiences on this platform.

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