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We all know that staying up late is harmful to health, how to effectively reduce the harm of staying up late?

Four points to reduce the hazards of staying up late

By Sheryl E DavisPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

In fact, as the pace of life is getting faster and faster, often stay up late and work overtime crowd is not a few, everyone knows that staying up late is not a good habit, but "people in the jungle, can not help themselves", we always encounter a variety of problems, so we have to stay up late, the company overtime, emotional distress, insomnia, rich entertainment activities and other factors We have to work late, emotional distress, insomnia, rich entertainment and other factors, all unknowingly take away our sleep time. Some people do not like rich entertainment activities, but still do not want to sleep at night, the daily time is limited, the day is used to work, only the night time belongs to them, play a game, look at novels or movies, brush the short video, unconsciously late into the night. So, in this "have to" after staying up late, we should be how to "remedy" it?

A. 4:00 a.m. to sleep, noon up, is considered to stay up late? What time to sleep is considered to stay up late?

Strictly speaking, going to bed at 4:00 am and getting up at noon is not considered staying up late. Two recognized factors influence the regulation of sleep: sleep habits and sleep time. Sleep habits mean that our sleep should be regular and have a fixed biological clock, if the biological clock is irregular, it will lead to endocrine disruption and poor sleep quality; sleep time means that we must sleep enough, generally, adults should ensure 8 hours of sleep per day, and the sleep time will vary among different people.

That is to say if your biological clock is 4:00 am to sleep, noon up, long-term, you have been used to such a life, then the first two factors are met, it is not considered to stay up late, at most late sleep, as long as the length of sleep and sleep quality are sufficient, there is nothing wrong with late sleep. And if your sleep time is not enough or your biological clock disorder, only then can you be counted as staying up late in the real sense. Some studies have shown that reducing sleep by 2 hours a day for two consecutive weeks and not sleeping for 48 consecutive hours will reduce the cognitive function of the brain, and the harm of not getting enough sleep for two consecutive weeks will be even greater.

Second, after staying up late, how do reduce the damage of staying up late to the body?

① Catch up on sleep

Is it useful to catch up on sleep after staying up late? Yes, but you have to be able to make up for it. There are many ways to make up for sleep: 1. If you know in advance that you are going to stay up tonight, you can take a nap during the day to prepare for staying up late. 2. can make up for a nap in the afternoon the day after staying up late.

② Drink more plain water

Staying up late can lead to endocrine disorders, and the water-electrolyte balance in the body can easily be disturbed, so you must drink more plain water at this time, which can strengthen the body's metabolism and regulate the electrolyte balance on the one hand, and increase the number of trips to the bathroom and do some physical activities on the other.

③ moderate exercise

Many people think that staying up late in a tired state, is not suitable for exercise this statement is not accurate. After staying up late, the body is tired, the cardiorespiratory function becomes poor, really not very suitable for strenuous exercise, but moderate exercise is still very good for the body, in late night work and study can be every 45 minutes of work, get up for 10 minutes of activity, stretch, tiptoe, jump and so on.

④Eat some night snacks in moderation

Staying up late in the process of work intensity will be relatively large, so you still need to have an energy supply, you can eat some midnight snacks, of course, eating midnight snacks are also delicate, so it is best to choose relatively light food, such as milk, bread, beans, porridge, etc. Remember not to eat high oil, high salt food, or sweets when staying up late, which will cause excessive calorie intake, increase the gastrointestinal burden, causing obesity. Likewise, breakfast after staying up late is very important, many people stay up late after sleepless nights, do not eat breakfast or rush to solve, which is not beneficial to health, moderate eating some nutritious breakfast, can help people restore energy and strength, reduce the damage to the body after staying up late.

Of course, both the preparation before staying up late, or after staying up late tonic, is only the remedy of last resort, the above measures are only applicable to occasional late night, the occasional late night can make up for it, but if often stay up late to play games, it is really hard to make up for it, therefore, people better not stay up late, less late night, especially for children and young people, stay up late for the body damage will be accompanied by a lifetime.


About the Creator

Sheryl E Davis

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