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Unpopular Opinion: We Have Entered a New Planetary Cycle where Authenticity, Compassion & Interdependence Reign

Are looks deceiving? That depends on what you're looking at...

By BossesroundherePublished 4 years ago Updated 2 years ago 19 min read

Contrary to what we might be seeing in our external reality, we have entered into a new planetary cycle of abundance.  We are moving out of Separation Consciousness, which is perceived as linear and dualistic, and into Unity Consciousness which is experienced cyclically, on a quantum level.  

How can this be possible? In the age of the rising magician, humans are becoming increasingly more aware of our ability to co-create our realities with the Universe. Many people call this process, manifestation. This process begins internally through the following sequence: Belief, Thought, Emotion, Action

Manifestation Sequence

Free will, facilities the embodiment of these intentions. The way the materialization part of this process occurs is by the human intently focusing on the intended What, Why and Who aspects, and then the Universe responds with the When, Where and How. This infinite feedback loop is called co-creation.

Co-Creation Feedback Loop

In the previous planetary cycle, our collective consciousness resided predominantly in a third dimensional consciousness. The illusory nature of the third dimension is that reality appears to be predominantly a physical and mental experience, as our human minds process reality linearly, through the lens of duality. The third dimension is extremely dense, so much so, that consciousness appears to physically separate into opposing yet complimentary polarities, e.g. woman & man, left & right, hot & cold.

Consciousness Appearing to Separate into Opposing Polarities in the 3rd Dimension

In this thought experiment, we will refer to third dimensional consciousness as Separation Consciousness. Not only does consciousness appear to split into opposite polarities, but amidst this density, our minds perceive consciousness as moving so slowly, that we perceive our experience of the time-space continuum as linear. Therefore, momentary experiences appear to be occurring on a linear, temporal plane, and our experience of reality seems sequential and even causative. Linear perception of momentary experiences creates a delay in the materialization of our intentions. This is why instant manifestation from Separation Consciousness is an unlikely feat.

Linear Perception of Time

Momentary Perception of Time

The history of humanity has been traumatic in many senses, and through loss and pain, we have developed Separation Consciousness as a means of survival. This comes from fear of experiencing lack or loss of resources, security, and safety. It can lead to oppression, shame, guilt, judgement, manipulation, etc. In order to ensure provision for our own individual and familial needs we have developed this survival mechanism, and learned to perceive the self as separate from the other and the Source. Separation Consciousness has enabled us to evolve to our current state of existence; however, the majority of the collective has mastered it; therefore, collectively we are ready to upgrade. This process is called Ascension. The more skillful we become in co-creation, the more we recognize just how powerful our minds are. What we focus our attention on expands, as our energy flows into it.

Mental Energy in a State of Expansion

Let's look at manifestation through the lens of archery. The intention or desired outcome is the arrow, the mental point of focus is the target the archer aims the arrow towards, drawing back the bow string and releasing the arrow is the physical action, emotional energy is the force that carries the arrow towards the intended target, and the bullseye is the intended physical manifestation.

We may notice that when we focus our attention positively, we attract our intentions towards us, and when we focus our attention negatively, we repel our intentions away from us. In this sense, our physical reality serves as a mirror, that reflects back to us what we are projecting outwardly. More and more people are mastering this form of co-creation, which we have learned to do through a dualistic lens. This poses the question, could there be a more efficient way?

Now a days, we often hear people talking about how important it is to focus on the positive. Though I agree with this stance, to a point, I find it to be unsustainable. The problem with solely focusing on the positive, or attempting to put a positive spin on things all the time is that we need space to process our authentic emotional reactions to trauma, and perceived loss and pain. Not only can disingenuous positivity feel impostrous but when we suppress what we are authentically feeling in any given moment, the unprocessed emotional energy can get stuck and block up our energetic channel. This resistance to experiencing our emotions creates illness or disease within our being.

Physical Manifestation of an Emotional Blockage (Disease)

Honoring our emotional experience is the pathway to authenticity. It allows us to connect to the core of our being, and the essence that we truly are. This process is called emotional integration.

Emotionally Integrated Human Being: Energetic Union

In Unity Consciousness, the human has already mastered the lens of duality, by taking a stance of neutrality, or experiencing the ‘present moment’ without attachment or judgement. The human still experiences duality, but without being swayed towards either pole. The human stands in the center, and its self worth is not attached to external outcomes. Thus, the human validates its self worth internally, not externally. This ironically creates an external reality that reflects this internal state: Union.


As we discussed, positive attention attracts, and negative attention repels, however neutrality dissipates, and facilitates the process of integration. Neutrality is presence in the ‘now moment’, in which the human is embracing the act of ‘being’. In this state of ‘being’, the human is able to process its current experience of reality more efficiently. The more emotionally integrated the human becomes, the faster this process occurs, allowing the human to process its reality at real time speed, so that each emotional experience moves through the energetic channel, and no trauma is stored in the body.

While our brains process our mental understanding of our emotional experience, our core is where we actually experience it. The core is the main emotional processing center and when we honor our emotional experience we move this energy through our body more efficiently. We can store trauma anywhere in the body, however most of our unprocessed trauma is held within our core.

The J-Hook Manual Emotional Release by Dr. Perry Nickelston

Figure 5.3 in Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith, Ph.D.

How do we know we are experiencing Unity Consciousness or Union?  Some qualities are Alignment, Grace, Authenticity, Compassion, Interdependence, Abundance, and Fluidity or Flow State. Co-creation occurs more rapidly and the human’s intentions materialize more quickly than in Separation Consciousness.  That is why it takes a certain level of self-mastery to step into this frequency, because it requires heightened levels of awareness, accountability and balance. With great power comes great responsibility. In Separation Consciousness, we struggle and work hard to earn our blessings because we believe our deservedness to receive the reciprocal physical manifestations of our abundance is based upon us being productive by engaging in the exertion of human will. In Unity Consciousness we tap into abundance by simply aligning with our Purpose, and then taking Divinely guided action, because we have reached a point of understanding that we are innately worthy just by being our authentic selves. This results in fruitfulness.

What does this mean for our individual and collective experiences of reality moving forward?

In the aforementioned section, we touched lightly on how the key to embodying Unity Consciousness, is integration, or bringing different aspects of life into Union. Integration requires some level of surrender on behalf of the human, as we have faith that the infinitely intelligent Source that we come from, may know a thing or two, and will provide a path that allows life to flow more gracefully. Human will provides abundance through addition, while Divine will provides abundance through multiplication. Let’s look a little deeper into how emotional integration affects the process of co-creation.

On both individual and collective levels, we go through life and store our experiences in our bodies on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally (energetically), and spiritually. In separation consciousness, we were taught to suppress our emotions as a survival mechanism. Making yourself vulnerable in the wrong environment could lead to death. Therefore, over generations and generations of human evolution in this level of consciousness, we labeled experiences that we associate with negative emotions as bad or wrong, and labeled experiences that we associate with positive emotions as good. We typically would then stuff down the ‘bad’ emotional experiences and showcase the ‘good’ ones. Human beings serve as vessels, and when we suppress experiences that are too painful to process we become fragmented, blocked, and diseased on all levels of our existence. We usually do not pay attention to these blockages until we are experiencing physical manifestations of them. In order for us to heal, we must first reveal these traumas, by allowing them to come up to the surface. Some people call this part of the process ‘purging’. In order for us to process these traumatic emotional experiences through our energetic channel, we must then integrate them into our conscious awareness by actually experiencing them. Yes, that means being present with yourself while you experience your emotions from a neutral stance. Again neutrality refers to being present in your ‘now moment’ and experiencing your reality without attachment or judgement. This allows these dense consciousnesses to dissipate and process out of your vessel. Some may refer to this sacred practice as ‘holding space’.

The Emotional Guidance Scale

As we discussed at the beginning of this thought experiment, co-creation is an energetic feedback loop that generates from our internal reality. Thus, our external reality reflects our internal reality. The foundational element of this process is our identity.

Co-creation Feedback Loop

Our identities change and shift throughout the course of our human experience, however there is a unique essence that each of us possess that never dies. Some may call this our ‘spirit’. This unique essence dwells in the core of each and every human being. It is the true authentic self. When we remain connected to that self, we are in Union. Union is alignment with our purpose and our true, abundant nature. Sometimes, life throws us curveballs, and we get knocked down. If we are able to get back up, usually we have sustained some type of injury, whether it be minor or severe. The physical body is designed to heal itself as long as we allow it. Our emotional body is no different. Suppressing our traumatic emotional experiences can fragment our identities. The more we suppress experiences over time, the more fragmented we become, and our identities become skewed. We still have our true, authentic essence at our core, but we create all this armor around it in order to protect ourselves. Disowned aspects of our true identity fragment or stray away from our internal existence. This creates holes in our energetic aura, and these voids attract the complimentary people, places, things, and experiences that reflect our inner state back to us. This is the way the Universe creates equilibrium and opportunities for growth and self-actualization through relationship.

Emotionally Suppressed Human Being: Energetic Fragmentation

How does fragmentation play into co-creation you ask? As we have discussed, we project our intentions from our internal state of being. The more fragmented we are, the less consciously aware of ourselves, we are. Therefore, we are still co-creating our realities, however, we are out of alignment, so we are creating from an inauthentic place. This is what many people call ‘projection’. The truth is we are all projecting, all the time, however when we project from a fragmented place, we typically end up engaging in ‘toxic’ energetic feedback loops. We tend to project these unhealed aspects of ourselves onto others, when triggered, and the place judgement on them. The reason we are able to see these familiar ‘faults’ so clearly in others but not within ourselves, is because we are out of touch with our inner reality. So we rely on our external experience for validation. We become more and more separated from the self and thus, more and more separated from the other.

Example of Inauthentic Projection

This is one theory on how we develop personality disorders or become ‘Toxic’. To clarify, in this thought experiment, we will define the term ‘toxic’ as extreme imbalance or leaning towards the pathological extremity of the spectrum.

The Continuum of Self from Human Magnet Syndrome by Dr. Ross Rosenberg

How does this play out in relationship? Typically when we are fragmented, we engage in relationship dynamics that vacillate between the extreme ranges of polarity, as they are imbalanced in nature. Both parties tend to shift between independence & dependence. We often see this play out in relationships between narcissists and codependents. They exist on the same spectrum, just opposite, complimentary polarities. Equilibrium at its finest. When we engage in these type of relationship dynamics, we attempt to control the other person or our external reality through manipulation and force. We cycle between putting the other person on a pedestal and devaluing them. Typically these types of ‘toxic’ relationship dynamics involve enmeshment due to poor boundaries, ineffective communication patterns, neglect and abuse on varying levels, and other aspects of extreme imbalance and unconscious projection. Interestingly enough, both sides feel victimized by the other. Society typically tends to cast the co-dependent as the victim and the narcissist as the villain, but the truth is, they both vacillate between the victim and villain roles depending on the scenario.

The Human Magnet Syndrome: Qualities and Characteristics

The Cycle of Narcissistic Abuse
The Cycle of Codependency and Anger

Separation Consciousness has also affected gender roles. We hear the terms toxic masculinity and femininity frequently within the social media landscape. To clarify, in this thought experiment, when I say masculine and feminine, I am referring to the 'opposing yet complimentary' qualitative aspects of the Divine Source energy, not physical embodiments. Every human being possesses both masculine and feminine qualities of the Divine Source, therefore, the physical embodiments of ‘man’ and ‘woman’, are not indicative of gender role. Energetic gender roles apply across all humans, whether they be heterosexual, transgender, homosexual, non-binary, etc. Some of the traditional qualities of these two genders are:

Masculine aspects of Source energy: logical, projective, external, day, active, positive, competition, output

Feminine aspects of Source energy: intuitive, receptive, internal, night, passive, negative, community, input

Qualitative Aspects of Yin and Yang

In the United States, hyper-masculinity has pulled us all out of alignment and authenticity for generations, by suppressing certain parts of the Divine Feminine aspects of Source energy. It has positioned the Divine Masculine aspects of Source energy in a tyrannical, domineering, divisive, exploitative, materialistic, oppressive and independent state. The feminine aspects of Source energy have been in a state of victimhood, submission, weakness, timidness, and dependence. Through the process of spiral dynamics, the pendulum is swinging back towards the Divine Feminine polarity. This enables us to step into empowered and evolved versions of our traditional gender roles, that are interdependent and functional within a modern society. The core essence of the traditional gender roles remains while the outdated & inauthentic aspects fall away.

The Scale of Sexual Polarity
Unhealthy or "Toxic" Masculinity & Feminity
Healthy & Authentic Masculinity & Femininity

We have seen gender roles flip flopping, morphing and transforming for a while now, and I feel that will continue, however in Unity Consciousness, we may see an increase in people stepping into evolved versions of the traditional gender roles as well, for example; feminine embodiments who serve their purposes and feel fulfilled and experience abundance without having to sacrifice their femininity, family life or relationships. They will be able to flourish and be empowered in all areas of life. In turn masculine embodiments will be able to serve their purposes and provide and protect, yet can also embrace their emotional experiences and be home with their families. Both of these are empowered stances where neither is attempting to manipulate or control the other, due to extreme imbalance. When each polarity is in a balanced state, they dance together in perfect rhythm.

The Caduceus - Figure 1.11 in Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith, Ph.D.

Naturally, this will affect relationship. As each gender shifts into an evolved version of its authentic essence, human beings in Unity Consciousness are naturally in a state of internal autonomy. Since we know that our internal reality creates our external reality, we will then organically enter into interdependent and equitable relationships, that reflect our internal state. Some qualities of relationships in Unity Consciousness are:

  • Taking responsibility without blame
  • Caring for the other without self-sacrifice or martyrdom
  • Effective communication
  • Making yourself happy
  • Balanced giving and receiving
  • Gratitude

So how do we get from here to there? What will it take to bridge the gap? What will it take to get people to wake up from Separation Consciousness and recognize their true sovereignty as powerful co-creators of their individual and collective realities? Some type of catalyst or catastrophic event, maybe? Enter Corona Virus. Corona virus kicks off this new planetary cycle by making us aware of the individual within the collective.  The Covid_19 Program is increasing our awareness of both our individual and collective responsibilities, and urges us to find balance.  This is our first global lesson on interdependence in this new planetary cycle.

We have been forced to physically separate ourselves from each other and stay home.  Though we have experiencing physical separation through ‘social distancing’ & and mandatory ‘Stay at Home’ policies, we are all connecting on the internet, now more than ever.  This not only shows how interconnected we truly are, but how much we rely on this interconnectedness as human beings.  What is even more interesting is how we use the internet.  The internet could be considered a communication system of a ‘Type 1 Planetary Civilization’.  Physicist and Futurist Michio Kaku has stated that he believes that at this current time, we are transitioning from a Type 0 Planetary Civilization to a Type 1 Planetary Civilization.

Type 1-3 Planetary Civilizations

The internet was originally developed by the CIA as a war tool (masculine), and in the past few decades has evolved into a communication & networking system (feminine).  Amongst other things, we have mainly been using it as a projection of the collective human limbic system, where we individually and collectively purge dense consciousnesses through a call and response format: someone posts something (call), someone is triggered and reacts (response). The energetic exchange either ends there, or sets off a chain reaction of sub-call & responses which have limitless potential to expand or dissolve. 

Social Media Call and Response Tree

Once we are able to truly grasp what is unfolding, and purge enough of this outdated, scarcity based programming, both individually & collectively, we will recognize that the ball is in our court to co-create a planet in which we are able to live and thrive as our authentic selves.  Covid_19 is a catalyst with destructive and creative properties, and could not be a better representation of unity consciousness.  

This program is ushering us into being able to see the transformational potential in both negative and positive aspects of Source energy, and integrate them into one complete experience by embodying neutrality.  This allows us to stand at the center of the energetic circuit, which needs both a positive and negative charge to be complete. Like the tower card, death is just another form of transformation.  Corona virus swept through our planet to destroy the outdated, fear based paradigm, by clearing out lack based programs, and belief systems.  This demolition process clears space for us to step into our power, both individually and collectively.  Rebuilding will require integration and collaboration and we are learning how to perceive things holistically as we navigate this experience together and alone.  We need the powerful mixture of diverse perspectives, understandings, skillsets, resources, network, and more to develop creative solutions to the world problems that we have created.  That is the secret sauce.  

How do we know the Covid_19 program is working? In order to clear dense consciousness, we must first become aware of it. One example of this is, how toilet paper made headlines across the country at the initial outbreak of the pandemic. Hoarding resources is a perfect example of scarcity consciousness. An internal or external event triggers people, and they become fearful that they will not have enough, so they over consume in order to prevent the pain of lack. This is an example of independence, and goes back to the survival state of providing for you and yours, without concern of how it affects the collective.

Toilet Paper Frenzy: Scarcity Mindset Creates Scarcity Reality

What action steps can we take to become more integrated on a daily basis?

Here are a few tools that can help facilitate our collective and individual transitions into Unity Consciousness

1. Integration on any level is an excellent starting point. Start by marrying two aspects of your life into one, for example:

  • Standing desk - allows you to prioritize your postural health with serving your purpose.
  • Monetizing aspects of your lifestyle
  • Receiving creative ideas while you are exercising and putting them into effect later
  • Performing everyday movements with healthy postural alignment through increased awareness
  • Reducing waste by reusing items that you would typically discard for a new purpose

2. Emotional integration: This concept may seem very large or daunting to approach. I will offer some simple steps:

When you are triggered, or experiencing an intense emotional state:

  1. Connect to your body by engaging in diaphragmatic breathing.
  2. Identify the emotion (I feel __________) you don’t need to necessarily identify why you feel this way, but if you want to you can (I feel _____________, because _______________).
  3. Practice compassion. Create space for yourself to process the emotion through your energetic channel. Listen to yourself and allow yourself to be you.
  4. Experience your emotion from a detached stance, (I am experiencing ______________ right now). Wow that is what _______________ feels like. This is intense.
  5. Notice what sensations you feel in your body while you allow this density to pass through you.
  6. Consciously engage in a healthy behavioral response to this emotion, instead of an unconscious reactive behavior, so that you can release this emotional charge from your body without inflicting harm to yourself or another (I am experiencing anger right now, I am going to scream into my pillow).
The Cycle of Anger

This is a great way to get connected with yourself and step into your natural ability to heal yourself. I would also like to reiterate that living life through the lens of Unity Consciousness is not a hedonistic existence, we will still experience duality, however, we are able to process it through the lens of neutrality, or without attachment. Releasing judgement and attachment of our self worth to specific outcomes allows us to move these densities through our beings more efficiently, because we are not attaching the emotions to our identities or self worth we are just experiencing the emotions as moments.

Emotional integration requires individual and collective purging. This process is similar to when we “fail” or experience “loss” or “pain” and then later deem it a “blessing in disguise”.  Truthfully, all experiences are blessings and opportunities for evolution. We serve by offering our true value to others. When initially making this transition, we often will still attempt to experience this linearly because that is what we are used to. This can look like today’s entrepreneur listening to a bunch of people’s advice on entrepreneurship and then saying “Okay, I need to provide value, I need to be authentic, I need to be in alignment, I need to...” STOP! It is not an experience of thought, or needing to do anything, it is an experience of being. Truly, just be the real you, and serve your purpose daily by being yourself, and you will be abundant.

3. Compassion: A feeling or state of being that allows us to reach understanding by connecting with the self or other, and being present with their experience of reality. Compassion is linked to empathy and allows us to reach understanding.

4. Empathy: The ability to relate to another’s experience as if you were experiencing it yourself. Empathy allows us to feel compassion.

5. Holding Space: One way to practice empathy is by holding space, a scared practice in which you hold energetic space for yourself or another to be and express their self authentically. Even if you do not agree with what, how or why they are doing it, you accept them as they are.  This does not mean that you enmesh yourself with them, you still hold healthy boundaries, however you offer a loving space that allows them to be them.  

6. Practice Gratitude in each moment. Be grateful for what you are and what you have right now in this moment. I guarantee there are other humans in the world that are satisfied with much less.

7. Be accountable for how you use your daily energy bank. How we direct our attention is not only our choice, but it is actually our responsibility. Remember, where attention goes, energy flows. Therefore, peace and balance are a choice. We can choose to focus on peace and balance every day. The more you play in a fear or lack based consciousness, the more you will behave and co-create from that space. The national toilet paper frenzy exemplifies how scarcity mindset creates scarcity reality. People being scared there will not be enough is causing them to consume in an extremely imbalanced way. This fear actually creates a collective reality of scarcity because there is not enough left for other people.

8. Interdependence: We all have individual responsibility and collective responsibility. Keep this in the forefront of your mind when making your daily decisions.  

The Maturity Continuum: Dependence, Independence and Interdependence

What innovations can we expect to see in this new planetary cycle? The sky is truly the limit. Systems will need to be approached from a cyclical approach and not a linear one.

Cyclical Systems Thinking

I have been toying with the idea of Conscious Capitalism. Realistically, I do not think that we will swing directly from Capitalism to Socialism, however, as the pendulum begins to swing back the other way, I feel we will experience some form of Conscious Capitalism, where the individual and in turn, the collective, will begin to be more aware of their individual and collective power as consumers and producers of goods and services, and the effect that it has on All.

Current State of Capitalism
Pendulum Swinging Towards Conscious Capitalism

What could conscious capitalism look like?

  • Awareness of social, environmental & effects on our planet as a whole
  • Sustainable and cyclical systems thinking
  • Building an estimated carbon footprint into your business model
  • WE the People will have a lot of effect on how this plays out, so it is important to courageously step into your purpose and serve
  • More purpose work that serves humanity & aligns us with abundance, less working monotonous jobs just to survive. Shifting from surviving to living.
  • Appreciating and honoring our unique differences and values across cultures

This is the Wake Up. More people have been waking up to and becoming aware of their power and ability to consciously co-create their realities with the Universe. We have been wanting change for a while now. We have been sending out intentions to change our lives, whether it be conscious or unconscious, now the opportunity is here, so it’s time to step up. It’s time for all of us to work together. The oldest generation has the most Worldly understanding, and the youngest generation has the most Divine understanding, so the more we can all come together to offer up our strengths and support each other’s weaknesses through collaboration, the better.

For more on abundance:


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On my way home

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