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Kohlrabi has been eaten by everyone. It is a kind of food type with many nutrients.

By HeatherPublished 2 years ago 3 min read


Kohlrabi has been eaten by everyone. It is a kind of food type with many nutrients. It contains more vitamins and minerals, which can promote appetite. And the cellulose of kohlrabi is much, can have the effect of preventing constipation, do you know the nutritional value of kohlrabi is what? Let's look at it in detail.

Kohlrabi is mustard, also known as turnip, mustard spicy, mustard knot, is a variety of mustard, for the root with mustard. It is compact IN texture, less WATER and more fiber efficacy: mustard vegetables are rich in food fiber, which can promote colon peristALsis, shorten the residence time of feces in the colon, prevent constipation, and reduce the concentration of carcinogenic factors by diluting toxins, so as to play the role of detoxification and cancer prevention. Mustard vegetables contain glucosinolates, which can be hydrolyzed to produce volatile mustard oil, which can promote digestion and absorption. Mustard vegetables also have a special delicious smell, which can increase appetite and aid digestion. Mustard vegetables have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, antibacterial and deswelling, can fight infection and prevent the occurrence of diseases, inhibit the toxicity of bacterial toxins, and promote wound healing. Kohlrabi can diuretic dehumidification, promote the body's water, electrolyte balance. Because of its hot, it can also warm the spleen and stomach. Potherb mustard contains a large amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), is a very active reducing substance, participate in the body's important REDOX process, can increase the oxygen content in the brain, stimulate the use of oxygen in the brain, there is refreshing, relieve fatigue.

1, kohlrabi is rich in food fiber, can be. Promote colon peristALsis, shorten stool residence time in the colon, prevent constipation, and reduce the concentration of carcinogenic factors by diluting toxins, so as to play the role of detoxification and cancer prevention. Kohlrabi can supplement dietary fiber, which is good for fighting cancer, and can also prevent constipation and intestinal diseases.

2. Kohlrabi contains a glucosinolates substance, which can produce volatile mustard oil after hydrolysis, which can promote digestion and absorption.

3, kohlrabi also has a special aroma, can improve appetite, help digestion. Kohlrabi can have the effect of promoting digestion and appetite, it is good for promoting metabolism.

4, kohlrabi has the role of clearing heat and detoxification, antibacterial swelling, can fight infection and prevent the occurrence of diseases, inhibit the toxicity of bacterial toxins, promote wound healing. Eating kohlrabi can have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, and has certain benefits and effects for anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory and swelling.

5, kohlrabi contains a large amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), is a very active reducing substance, participate in the body's important REDOX process, can increase the content of oxygen in the brain, stimulate the use of oxygen in the brain, have the effect of refreshing the brain, relieve fatigue. Often eat kohlrabi can have brain refreshing effect, very suitable for people who often use the brain to eat.

The NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF KOHLRABI AND THE EFFECT of health care, you can often eat after understanding, to promote metabolism and appetite have benefits, and also have the effect of brain puzzle, also can have anti-cancer effect, to protect the stomach and intestines have certain effect and effect, such food you are willing not to eat?

1. Tear the cabbage into pieces and soak it in water for a while.

2, cool oil under the Sichuan pepper, out of the fragrance of the Sichuan pepper to throw away

3, add garlic, small red pepper, fry until fragrant

4. Put the cabbage into the water, put it into the wok, stir fry over high heat, put pepper, salt and taste


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