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Carrot has the effect of enhancing resistance, lowering blood glucose and fat, brightening eyes, benefiting diaphragm and wide intestine, and can be eaten by the general population.

By HeatherPublished 2 years ago 3 min read


Carrot has the effect of enhancing resistance, lowering blood glucose and fat, brightening eyes, benefiting diaphragm and wide intestine, and can be eaten by the general population. More suitable for cancer, hypertension, night blindness, dry eye patients, malnutrition, loss of appetite, rough skin. Contraindicated people: those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should not eat.

Efficacy details:

1. Enhance resistance: carrot lignin can also improve, indirectly eliminate cancer cells.

2. Hypoglycemic and lipid lowering: reduce blood lipids, promote the synthesis of epinephrine, as well as antihypertensive, cardiac effect, is the best food therapy for patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease.

3. Bright vision: carrot contains A large amount of carotene, after entering the body, in the liver and small intestinal mucosa through the action of enzymes, 50% of which into vitamin A, has the role of nourishing liver and bright vision, can treat night blindness.

4. Benefit diaphragmatic wide intestine: plant fiber increases gastrointestinal peristalsis, promotes metabolism, defecation and cancer prevention.

The nutritional value of carrots

1. Carotene is converted into vitamin A, which plays an important role in the prevention of epithelial carcinogenesis, and lignin in carrots can also be improved. As an antioxidant, it can inhibit oxidation and protect normal cells from oxidative damage.

2. Carotene has both hematopoietic function to supplement the blood needed by the human body, so as to improve anemia or cold blood, and contains rich potassium.

3. Carrot contains plant fiber with strong water absorption and easy volume expansion in the intestine, which is the "filling material" in the intestine.

4. Vitamin A in carrots is essential for the normal development of bones, which is conducive to the reproduction and growth of cells.

Eat carrots to add the following:

1, carotene, carotene constitutes an important raw material of the retina, appropriate eating carrots to supplement carotene, has a good relief of visual fatigue, improve the level of vision, especially the level of dark vision.

2, dietary fiber, dietary fiber can absorb water and expand, promote the formation of feces, and can mechanically stimulate intestinal peristalsis and promote defecation, eating carrots to supplement dietary fiber has a good role in preventing constipation.

3. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine diet therapy, it can fill the spleen and stomach. For people with poor appetite and dyspepsia caused by the weakness of the spleen and stomach, eating carrots properly has a good role in filling the spleen and stomach.

Before say carrot nutritional, I want to tell a true thing, when I was child a few months old found a big problem, when the child still small, the doctor suggested that only regular follow-up observations, but this advice for parents is very anxiety, is a nephew of my brother-in-law's home at this time is to study medicine, At that time, he suggested that we let the child eat more carrots, so I basically had a different pattern of cooking carrots for the child to eat every day, insisted on for half a year, to the child more than one year old review, the child was completely fine. I don't know if carrots play a key role or an auxiliary role, but I honestly believe carrots are a good ingredient.

Carrots are great, but there are a lot of dietary restrictions!

1. Don't eat too much

In fact, all things need to grasp a degree, not too much, not too little, just the right amount.

Although carrots are good for you, they are also very nutritious.

But eat carrots every day can not be too much, need to be moderate, vitamin A content in carrots is rich.

But this trace element is very fat soluble, if consumed too much, it is harmful to the human body.

2. Don't eat carrots with wine

Because there is more carotene in carrots when they enter the human body with alcohol after being eaten.

They will produce a toxin that damages human health by acting through chemical reactions related to enzymes in the liver, aggravating the burden on the liver and inducing liver disease to harm human health.


3. Carrots should not be eaten with foods containing vitamin C

Because carrots contain an enzyme that breaks down vitamin C.

Therefore, if the radish, pepper, apple, strawberry and other foods containing vitamin C are eaten together, the vitamin C in fruits and vegetables will be seriously damaged, reducing the nutritional value of pepper.

If you want to eat these foods with carrots, you don't have to worry about their nutritional value being reduced, as long as you cook them at a high temperature.


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