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Transform Your Life with the Millionaire Morning Routine,


By Kumar babuPublished 8 months ago 3 min read


*Waking up, rushing to the bathroom, grabbing a snack on my way out, and hurrying to work because I was already late – that was my typical morning for as long as I can remember. But one day, I decided to adopt the millionaire morning routine, and it truly changed my life. Want to know all the details? Then let's go back to the start.

1. Chaotic Mornings:

You know how they say that the morning is the most important part of the day? Well, my mornings were always chaotic. I had trouble organizing myself, so instead of getting the most out of these early hours, I was running to work half-asleep. Needless to say, my chaotic morning messed up the rest of my day, and I went home exhausted and angry at myself.

2. Discovering the Millionaire Morning Routine:

One day, my messy morning routine ruined my work presentation, and I decided enough was enough. After all, there has to be a better way to do this, right? After spending some time on the internet, I found exactly what I was looking for – the millionaire morning routine.

3. The Millionaire Morning Routine Steps:

Here's what I had to do every morning during my little experiment:

- Wake Up Earlier:

Tim Cook, Richard Branson, and tons of other successful people are early birds, so I set my alarm for 5:30 in the morning.

- Meditation:

Starting the day with meditation allows you to connect with yourself and kickstart your day with positive energy.*

- Quick Workout:

A short 2 to 3-minute workout gets your body going and shakes off some of the tiredness from a night's rest.

- Typical Morning Routine: shower, wash your face, brush your teeth – the essentials.

- Morning Coffee and To-Do List: I headed straight to the kitchen, made a cup of coffee, and wrote down my to-do list for the day, including personal goals and work tasks.

4. The Early Struggles:

The first couple of days of my experiment were a total nightmare. I'm a night owl, so waking up early was a challenge. But I finally pulled myself together on day four and figured out my sleeping schedule.

5. Meditation and Inner Harmony:

Meditation didn't go smoothly at first, but I found simple breathing exercises that worked for me. It helped me reach a new level of inner harmony and understanding of my perfect life.

6. The Power of Cold Showers:

*I tried having cold showers, and despite the initial horror, they increased my heart rate and woke up my body and mind. Highly recommended!*

7. To-Do Lists and Beyond:

*Making to-do lists became fulfilling and motivating, and I even added a "to-feel" and "to-be" list to my morning routine.

8. Weekends for Personal Growth:

*Weekends were not for slacking off but for brain training, reading, and brainstorming for new projects and ideas.*

9. Embracing Time Management:

I got into time management, which changed my routine slightly. Instead of to-do lists, I organized my day using time management methods, pushing me to new heights in my career.

10. Writing Morning Pages:

I added another habit to my routine – writing morning pages, a stream of consciousness that revealed personal problems I hadn't noticed before.

11. The End of the Experiment:

*One month of this experiment came to an end, but I didn't stop. I still enjoy my morning routine and have created some additional rules along the way.

12. Bonus Morning Routine Rules:

- Keep a Gratitude Journal: Write down things you're grateful for every evening.

- Stay Hydrated: Start your day with a glass of water to wake up your digestive system.

- Opt for a Morning Smoothie: Replace coffee with a natural smoothie for a nutrient-packed start.


These are my morning routine rules, but it's up to you to create yours. Just ensure that your morning hours make you a better person every single day. Go for it – you've got this!

Closing Note:

Do you know any other effective habits that I can incorporate into my morning routine? Tell me in the comment section below. Don't forget to give this article a like, share it with your friends, and click Subscribe. Stay on the bright side.* writing...


About the Creator

Kumar babu

My self kumar. my hoppies, passion, interest about articles writing.

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  • Priya8 months ago

    Nice article!

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