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Top 10 Tips For Fast Recovery From Flu

In these dangerous times of pandemic, battling the common flu is akin to a nightmare. When you get sick, you want to recover fast because you don’t want to be a suspected coronavirus case. If you are feeling the usual symptoms of the flu, like body malaise, high temperature, and sniffles, you need to do quick remedies to recover ASAP. As long as you don’t experience any severe breathing difficulties, you can safely recover in the comforts of your home. Consider these top ten tips for speedy healing:

By Emma WilliamsPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

1. Get Loads of Rest

When your body is feeling icky, you need plenty of rest to fight off that virus. Take a break from your usual routine and stay in bed. Sleep is an excellent remedy, and it will also prevent exacerbation. You’ve got a license to be lazy so your organ system can recuperate. Staying home also means you don’t spread your illness to others. Be a good citizen and stay put when you are unwell.

2. Stay Hydrated

High fever is a common symptom of flu, which results in excessive sweating. You could also face loose stools or vomiting. All of these means you lose the body fluids, so you need to double your water intake to replace what is you expend. Loading up on water will help you fight infection. You can also try electrolytes which replenish your lost nutrients.

3. Ease Breathing

You could be dealing with a stuffy nose or a cough. To help you breathe with ease, prop your head with a pillow when you’re laying down. You could also try a vaporizer to soften your mucus. Spreading a eucalyptus or mint oil on your chest will also work wonders as the unique scent will clear your nasal passages.

4. Eat Healthily

When you feel sick, stay away from junk food. Though you may be tempted to gorge on chips or chocolate to ease your pain, they will only make you feel worse after eating all those empty calories. So you can be on the mend at a faster rate, you need to increase your intake of fruits and veggies. They are the best as they contain essential vitamins and nutrients which your cells need to boost your immunity, allowing your body to fight the virus efficiently.

5. Take OTC Meds

When you’re feeling down in the dumps, OTC meds will make you feel better. If you feel body aches, run a fever, or have a headache, you can try acetaminophen or ibuprofen. If your nasal passages feel weird, a decongestant or cough suppressant will help. Make sure read the packaging to get the right dose at the proper intervals. If you don’t like any kind of medicines and pills try using essential oils for cold and flu to recover fast.

6. Keep Positive

There’s a saying that laughter is the best medicine! When you are feeling under the weather, staying positive will help you get your mojo back at a speedier pace. Engage in things that relax you. Watch your favorite shows, put on an aromatherapy face mask, or get a massage. Doing all these will keep your spirits up, helping your body get back its normal momentum.

7. Use Saline Sprays

Saline nasal sprays are readily available in your grocery or drug store. Blasting your nostrils with 2-3 puffs four times a day will do wonders in clearing congestion. The saline contains salt, which is a great cleansing and healing agent for inflamed nasal passages. This method will help you blow your mucus out and aid in easier breathing.

8. Try Honey

Honey is a wonderful gift of nature that has natural antimicrobial properties. A lot of studies show that a tablespoon will ease your sore throat and cough. If ingesting honey directly with a spoon feels weird, you can mix it with green tea or lemon juice. This method also helps you stay hydrated. Do note, however, that honey must never be given to kids less than a year old as it may result in botulism. Their young bodies cannot tolerate the live spores in honey.

9. Try Coffee

The verdict is in, and medical practitioners say you can continue your “reasonable” java routine even if you have the flu. Reasonable means a cup or two a day. This brew will help restore your system as it contains caffeine which stimulates your organs to perform optimally. Coffee statistics also indicate that caffeine and its metabolites have antioxidant properties which boost your immunity. The caffeine also acts as an adenosine-receptor antagonist which promotes healing.

10. Get an Antiviral Shot

Finally, this suggestion is the last resort. If you feel uncomfy, ask your doctor for an antiviral shot within 48 hours of feeling flu-like symptoms. Since this a prescription mediation, you need doctor’s orders to avail of this treatment. This shot is often suggested for those people who are at high risk of developing severe complications from this common virus. Examples are those who have chronic diseases like asthma or cystic fibrosis, or the the elderly. This injection works by preventing the growth and replication of the flu virus in your system, which also means you minimize spreading to others.


About the Creator

Emma Williams

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