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Creating Waves of Cosmic Love

By Quantum SamWisePublished 3 years ago 6 min read
We are Creations Created to Create.

Alchemy of Awareness

Self-awareness is key for opening the doors of change and love is a cosmic catalyst. In order to make conscious changes in one’s life, one must first become conscious of their tendencies, thoughts and choice patterns they have in order to accept them or refute them. If we do not love who we are or what we are doing, awareness can set our desires free and ignite in us, the alchemy of awareness.

We are all created with the potential to be sovereign, self-loving and self-aware. Throughout our lives, our human footprints ripple in the cosmic pool of consciousness. The degrees of self-awareness we each reach as individuals influence the conscious awareness for the cosmic collective. The more aware we are of our footprint, the more we can help decrease the footprint of the collective.

The Cosmic Canvas

By collective, I mean the thoughts, feelings and experiences of our collective consciousness as it is all interweaves into a cosmic tapestry. Each of us is at the center of our own universe and each person’s universe collides and coincides to create a cosmic canvas, a beautiful tapestry of colors, sounds and vibrant frequencies.

I believe our outside world reflects back to us our internal world, a mirror for us to see and reflect on. Sometimes we may see our canvas as messy, contradicting and chaotic. Sometimes we see things we need to do to change the vibrational frequency we are emitting.

As humans we are gifted awareness, we can perceive our reality with a conscious ability to change what we see reflected back to us. By changing what we are thinking and feeling, what we perceive evolves with us. If we do not like what we are seeing, it is time to change how we are feeling.

Our cosmic tapestry, made from love, wishes to exude this love and help each of us heal, grow and evolve. The Spirit of Creation which created us, desires to be born abundantly and indefinitely. This abundance of love is made for us each to tap into, to give and receive in waves. These waves are fueled by conscious attention and awareness. Before any aspect of our lives can change, we must first become self-aware. Aware of how our thoughts, feelings and emotions vibrate outward, inward and onward as waves of subconscious and conscious energy.

We are Earthlings

Self-awareness is a powerful tool used for healing, transcending and transmuting energies no longer serving you and your highest and most best good. As we bring awareness to ourselves, we can see the ability of our decisions to impact our lives and the lives of those touching ours. One way I practice self-awareness is by evaluating and reflecting on the ways and waves in which I consume Earth’s resources and interact with Her as a conscious spirit and entity.

For us to be made of Earth, we are also made to connect to Her. By bringing conscious attention to patterns of behavior, we empower ourselves to create the potential for more love to spread across the face of our Earth, through our Earth and for our Earth.

I ask myself these questions regularly;

  • Do I feel grounded in Grandmother Earth today?
  • Do I feel connected with the Mother Nature today?
  • How do I feel when I consume resources?
  • How do I feel when I spend money?
  • When I use from the Earth do I feel empathy for her?
  • When I take from her what I need to survive, am I taking more than what is necessary?
  • Am I offering Earth gratitude for her bountiful support?

One simple and quick way I ground and connect with Earth is through a process called Earthing. We are polar beings on an Earth with poles and have the potential to ground ourselves anytime we feel “ungrounded” by using Earth’s energy and connecting her to our body.

When I go hiking and trail running in Nature, many times I am given gifts of feathers, crystals or pine cones which call to me to remind me I am in my sovereignty.

Quick and Easy Tips for Random Acts of Love

Life is about creativity and Love heals all. My motto has always been “smarter not harder,” so here are a few simple ways of reducing your carbon footprint. By showing our Earth and Oceans Random Acts of Love, we are also opening up our hearts to let more Love in.

Here are a few quick and easy tips I have practiced for years to decrease my carbon footprint and bring more self-awareness to mindful consumption.

Say no to straws — straws kill wildlife in our oceans, especially turtles. Say no to straws by using reusable cups, reusable straws or just saying “No thank you.” Here’s a link to an article that discusses this topic in more depth.

Say Yes to Reusable Cups — There are some creative tumblers you can buy at local coffee shops. As a red bubble artist I have some mug and travel cup designs listed on my online shop you can find HERE. Another way I say yes to reusable cups is to take plastic electrolyte drink bottles I have drank out of and repurpose them for my acrylic pours. I will pre-thin out the paint I want to flow with and that way I am wasting less mixing it as I need it.

In the plastic bottles is acrylic paint I have mixed flotrol and water with to have them prepped and ready for acrylic pours. By using these repeatedly I am able to avoid using other cups, decreasing waste.

Don’t use it? Lose it — The less electricity, the better.

  • Turning lights off when you’re not in the room.
  • Turning off heat when you’re not home or use a space heater.
  • Turn up AC to a higher degree if you will be gone all day.
  • Less is more — The less we use, the more there is to go around.

  • Become the dishwasher by using a hand-washing bin for dishes.
  • Do you leave the water running while brushing your teeth or do you turn it off when you’re not using it?
  • Did you know washing clothes in cold water saves energy?
  • Do you drink a lot of water bottled water?
  • Did you know you can filter water in simple ways to save the plastic bottles for someone else? I use a NIKKEN PiMag Waterfall artificial drinking well and absolutely love it.
  • Paper Mache — Do you get newspapers or magazines mailed to your house and don’t read them? A really fun arts and crafts papier-mâché project can put those to good use. Here is a simple one I use from Pinterest.

    Thrifting — A creative way to add more spice to your wardrobe which will also feel much better on your wallet is to buy hand-me-downs. Especially if you are in college, thrifting at places like Goodwill, Value Village, Plato’s Closet and even facebook marketplace instead can be really eclectic and fun.

    If there is a piece of clothing you have not worn in over a year, donate it. You’ll make space for swag that suits your new personality and make space for someone who will love it.

    Transmuting Garbage to Gold. This “Galactic Goo” Canvas is one of my many creations as Soul Ocean Alchemy and is available on my Etsy shop.

    Garbage into Gold — As an Etsy heARTist and someone who makes and sells a wide variety of art, I am always seeking ways of using less to create more. One way I have found that I can decrease my footprint is by repurposing other people’s old possessions. I will go around to various stores to find old stretched canvases to repaint over them and recreate them.

    A repurposed creation I gifted to a friend for an energetic trade of Rapid Transformational Therapy.

    Gifting — For birthdays, holidays and celebrations in between I have always been inspired by DIY crafts. Rather than buying someone something off a shelf, I will regift something I love or create something artistic and sentimental. A great resource for DIY gifts is Pinterest.

    All drains lead to the ocean and all human beings are connected. As human beings our consciousness streams and pools together as One Collective. By allowing more small acts of love, we are able to take conscious steps to ignite our creativity, to give back to our home and make changes in our lives that will ripple in the cosmic canvas. We are all created to create. Our collective consciousness is shifting and as we allow more shifts to happen we Create Waves of Cosmic Love and move with , The Tides of Change.

    “Ethereal;” A repurposed canvas adopted from Goodwill available on my Etsy shop Soul Ocean Alchemy.


    About the Creator

    Quantum SamWise

    I have always been a creative. Words cast spells, that’s why it is called “spelling” and with my magick I seek help others re-member their divine magnificence.

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