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Soul Ocean Academy

By Quantum SamWisePublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Life is a dream with which our minds create streams all pooling into one Soul Ocean.


All drains lead to the ocean. Our minds connecting together through an immaterial pipeline leading to a pool of collective consciousness. Our thoughts bridge our minds together into one soul potion and one day we will all realize we are from the same Soul Ocean.

We are hue-mans of a wide array of colors. Like light reflecting off of water, we are each magnificent in our own waves. Through some of life’s tribulations our light may dim and sometimes all it takes is to re-member our power within. Life is built around what we perceive and we are here to do more than just merely live to leave.

Life is cyclical and healing is non-linear. With our critical thinking minds we built the construct of time. We live in a world ran by time as a means to better understand the way the wheel works. Yet time is a wheel of illusion and beyond our hue-man experience, time is non-linear.

Did you know you can use your mind to travel back and forth through time? Did you know you can send healing energy to a memory of the past and impact the future? Is future nothing but a predictable past? In seeing the world beyond linear time, tremendous healing takes place and we may begin to see ourselves outside the wheel of illusion as vast magnificent beings.


What do you believe in?

What differentiates between a “right” and “wrong” belief?

Are beliefs real or illusions created by the ego to create separateness?

Does the Ego even exist?

Beliefs are created in order to hold onto something, to feel safe in a world built upon fear. Yet, beliefs are immaterial forces propelling us forward while also holding us back. Beliefs are binary, they may create separateness and also bring people together. They are figments of our imagination and something unreal which motivates us towards our destinations. Yet, what if we let go of our beliefs? What then?

Regardless of what we all subjectively believe or do not believe, what matters most is beyond matter at all. Faith is what helps us rise from the ashes of our attachments to a mundane material reality. Faith is born during the act of letting go, of freeing our minds from the wheel of illusion that life is anything but a free fall. Faith sets our spirit free from fear and allows us to dive deeper into ourselves.

Full Moon Fear Releasing and New Moon Manifesting Ceremonies have the potential to increase the likelihood of receiving that which you are calling in.


The need for attachment is fear driven. We attach because we are afraid of what happens when we have nothing to hold onto. Yet gravity shows us we are always falling, whereas faith teaches us we will always have our earth at our feet to catch us and our soul to guide us.

Our connection to our soul is brought to light in many practices, disciplines and deep dives. By letting go of the need to hold on, we accept change with fluidity and flexibility. We are set free from the ego’s wheel of illusion.

An approach I use ascend through alchemy in order to transmute fears is...

1) Bring awareness to moments when you feel anxious, ungrounded and in fight or flight mode — filled with fear.

2) Sit with your fear(s), where do you feel it in your body? Once you find it and feel it, accept it and thank it for it’s lessons it teaches you.

3) Use Fire Alchemy to transmute and release it from your body. A few techniques for this would be...

  • Usui Holy Fire Reiki
  • Karuna Fire Reiki
  • Violet Flame Reiki
  • Violet Flame Meditation
  • Full Moon Fire Ceremony of Burning Fears
There cannot be light without shadows and there cannot be shadows without light.


The ego is a piece of our personality we create to identify ourselves with the outside world. Our ego lives in a 3-dimensional reality known as The Material World of Fear. We attach ourselves to our material world and thus, an illusion is born. These attachments potentiate into clouds within our mind blinding us from the truth, there is no-thing to hold onto.

Sometimes our ego hides behind our Shadow Self, a psychoanalytical term coined by Carl Jung to define the pieces of ourselves we have hidden from our conscious attention. These pieces come to the surface when we are triggered by others.

When ignorant of our shadow, we may forget how to re-member the mirror of ourselves reflected back to us by another. Being lost or found in a world of illusion depends on our level of self-awareness. When pieces of our shadow archetype is brought to light, we have the ability to accept our shadow and use alchemy to transmute any unhealed pieces of our ego it hides behind.


We each hold within us, the vastness of the cosmos. We are each our own healers. When a cut on your finger breaks the skin, what heals your cut? It is not neosporin or another person, it is the divine intelligence within each cell and strand of DNA that orchestrates order from the chaos. The same intelligence mends and bends all aspects of our reality and threads us all together.

In the Westernized world there are pulls for us to seek answers outside of ourselves, to give our power away and externalize our locus of control. However, when we begin to see the outside world as a mirrored reflection of our inside world, huge shifts in our reality begin to unfold. I call this seeing a world of sacred mirrors.


When you look into a mirror what do you see? Do I like seeing the person staring back at me? In a world of sacred mirrors it may be challenging to accept what we see right in front of us. As an extension of each other, what reflects back is actually how we are feeling about ourselves.

What happens when we do this we find our minds stuck in a rat race of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and yet expecting different results? How do we break cycles of insanity? By inserting new information.

What’s the smartest and easiest way to insert new information? Education of course because knowledge is power. Education teaches the mind how to empower the soul and it is my soul purpose to deep dive inside. In my deep dive I also find, I am here to help guide other’s on their way to find their path back to their dreams, goals, aspirations and destiny.

I AM One with All That Is and I reflect back to you your Magnificence.


For years I have dreamed of creating a podcast to empower people break cycles of insanity, bring more levels of self-awareness to themselves and their connectedness to others. The ultimate dream is to bring to light the reflections of collective consciousness, the ways in which we are all connected to Source and All That Is and re-member our divine magnificence.

I dream of...

  • Hosting a Podcast called Soul Ocean Academy where we Deep Dive into ourselves, the reflection we may see in others and our streams of dreams.
  • Offering guided meditations and mindfulness tips and tricks to living happier, healthier and more enriched lives.
  • Offering tools and resources for Ascension and dealing with Ascension symptoms.
  • Teaching people ways of connecting to the Elements and Mother Nature through practicing intentional Alchemy.
  • New Moon Manifesting and Full Moon Releasing ceremonial practices.
  • Providing DIY Art Therapy at home for all ages.
  • Spreading a custom collection for my Soul Ocean Alchemy brand.

I dream of helping others achieve their dreams through teaching people how to become their own spiritual leader in leading their own lives and a safe space to practice trusting the heart bridge of being connected to commUNITY.


Life is a dream and we live in a pool of emotions. This pool of emotions are filled with energies in motion and what I like to call a Soul Ocean. As hue-mans we feel a broad spectrum of emotions, colors and frequencies and sometimes we have fears blocking us from receiving, feeling and being. When fears arise they can dig deep into the depths of our Soul Ocean and affect our ability to perceive our reality. They can cloud our mind, feeding it toxic or damaging thoughts that may put us into a state of fight or flight, anxiety, depression and feeling like the trough of a wave.

When we feel as if we are in the downside of the wave, we can continue downward or we can find it in ourselves to move onward and upward. The downside may be comforting for a time, feeding into the dark night of our soul. We may even forget what it is like to dream, to have goals, to feel empowered. I have a dream of bringing people together in commUNITY as a collective consciousness.

My dream has layers. At the foundation is the notion that Nature is Nurture and that it is our birthright to live alongside grandmother earth and Mother Nature in harmony and synergy. To educate people on their own magnificence through practices I have used to remember my own.

As colorful hue-mans, we were born with free will with imaginations to create. I often say, we are creations created to create. To live in a world where we work to live and live to work brings us further away from our Inner Child’s play of hide and seek with ourselves. To re-member we are completely whole just as we are and we are here to play with all the stars.

Please Guide and Heal me so that I may be of better service to myself and others.


About the Creator

Quantum SamWise

I have always been a creative. Words cast spells, that’s why it is called “spelling” and with my magick I seek help others re-member their divine magnificence.

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    Quantum SamWiseWritten by Quantum SamWise

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