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This Is How Forgiveness Makes You Feel and Look Younger

Treat yourself to an Emotional Botox.

By Katarzyna PortkaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
This Is How Forgiveness Makes You Feel and Look Younger
Photo by James Resly on Unsplash

Forgiveness is a difficult subject for many.

Holding grudges gives a sense of superiority and control.

Many people derive weird satisfaction from being a victim while other stays a villain.

The ego tricks us into staying small while thinking we are powerful.

Forgive and Forget Is the Best Advice.

When you dwell on the past and relive every lousy treatment, you reinfect the wound you are trying to heal.

Yes, somebody hurt you. But it is in your power to stitch the cut.

Too often we damp responsibility for our happiness on others. We expect to get love and appreciation in return. But relying on people for emotional nourishment is a sure path to misery.

Forgiveness is a form of surgery for your soul, not a gift to the other. You break free.

When you forgive, the other person doesn’t owe you anything. You break emotional ties that bind you.

Condemning somebody for being wrong is a downright form of manipulation. We want to be in charge because we feel hurt. By diminishing others we try elevating ourselves. The effort is pointless.

When you condemn, you never win.

When you judge, the ego takes charge.

This negative energy becomes a part of you, not the other person. After all, anger poisons your life.

Forgiveness Is Your Superpower.

Don’t feel weak for cancelling the debts of others. Forgiveness strengthens you. It liberates your soul and makes you feel and look younger.

Think about the youthful-looking people over the age of 40 that you know. What are they like?

Bitter and crabby? Or good-natured and optimistic with a spark in their soul?

There is a reason behind the saying “to carry a grudge”. Hard feelings weigh you down, emotionally and physically.

How would you describe young people? They do not hold on to the past but live in the present and make the most of it. Nostalgia is the feeling of the old and tired.

Resentment is a deadly poison that makes happiness impossible. It uses up tremendous energy that could go into creating the life you want.

Forgive Others but Don’t Forget to Forgive Yourself As Well.

Accept past mistakes. Accept that you got fooled. Living in the past holds you captive from moving forward.

Just because you failed once, it doesn’t make you a failure.

Just because somebody made you wrong doesn’t make them a sinner. It makes them human. So are you.

You make mistakes. But mistakes do not determine your future.

Everyone makes their choices based on their level of consciousness at that time. Everyone acts according to their beliefs. It does not mean their doings are right. But it helps to put things in perspective.

And isn’t that the goal? To heal and move on in peace.

Build Strong Self-Esteem.

People who are the easiest to offend have the lowest self-esteem.

People who know their value don’t get offended easily.

When you know your worth, you don’t allow the malice and trash of others to influence how you feel about yourself.

We don’t get hurt by people’s remarks but by our attitude and response towards them.

Self-esteem is your foundation for life. It dictates how you respond to everyone around you. Instead of stressing how people will react to you, start concentrating on how you respond to the world.

Commit to Self-Awareness.

Observe your thoughts and feelings.

Whenever you feel angry or jealous, instead of reacting and voicing your opinion, take a look at the emotion. Where is it coming from? Can you feel it in your body? Do you feel a tight stomach? Are your shoulders tense?

Accept the emotion. See it. But don’t feel bad about having it. Once you accept it, it won’t hold power over you. It will lessen its grip on your emotional reaction.

Suppressed emotions can result in bitterness, guilt, and low self-esteem.

— David R. Hawkins

Whenever you judge your emotions, you are feeding them, and they become stronger. Reacting is distracting yourself from feelings.

Emotional maturity means responding to life in alignment with your goals.

Anger does not go with happiness together. Revenge is not the hallmark of a mature relationship. Holding a grudge will not get you closer to peace of mind.

When you judge people, the ego controls you. But when you take a step back and become aware of your responses, you can see the bigger picture.

You talk less, and you listen more. You react less, and you observe more.

With observation comes self-awareness. That is how you take control of your thoughts and emotions. You stop seeing life as black or white. You start seeing the colours of the rainbow.

You Deserve Peace and Happiness.

Everyone is doing the best they can with where they are. This perspective helps you detach from dictating how others should live. You become at peace.

And when you stop judging others, you stop criticizing yourself as well.

You can improve your life by changing your attitude toward it.

Have great expectations for the future.

Forgive and forget. It is the best way to raise your vibrations.

Cultivate a burning nostalgia for the future instead of the past.


About the Creator

Katarzyna Portka

Mindset coach. Writer. Reader. Coffee enthusiast. Tolkien’s fan living in Harry Potter’s world.

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