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These 3 Changes can Help you Improve your Life

Little by little you will get there

By Nicholas McKennaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Radu Florin: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-holding-her-head-2536579/

Who says one night they are going to start living healthier or going to the gym and the next morning falls back into their old routines?

Don’t feel bad, it happens to everyone.

You have to start small and set up systems to make changes stick in your new routine and don’t expect these changes to happen overnight.

They take time, just like the best things in life. They are not easy but worth it in the end.

Here are three things you can do to start living a better life.

They may seem simple but if you implement them into your daily life you will be amazed at how much better you feel.

Drink more water

This helps in more ways than one.

Only 22% of Americans drink enough water each day. A little surprising since we need it to survive. It may not have any flavor to it but you still need to drink it.

Water helps flush out the body and can help improve your skin. It also helps you feel full throughout the day.

Big tip for anyone looking to lose weight.

If you’re a gym goer, you may carry a gallon jug with you but if you’re no that’s ok.

Having tall glass of water with every meal can get you close to this goal.

A good tip is to have a glass of water and your favorite flavored drink right next to it. Now you’re not missing out on something flavorful and getting enough water.

You may need to pee more but so what? You were going to do that anyway.

No screens

Try talking to people you like, it makes for a better time.

Screens are a distraction. Whether you’re on Instagram, watching Netflix, or checking your email, your attention is being taken by the screen.

Some moments are meant for conversation. Dinner for instance is one of those times.

Catch up with your family on how their day was or with friends on what happened in their lives and they will ask you how you’re doing.

Try getting your entertainment from the others at the table. This may be more enjoyable than staring at a screen and reduce your anxiety.

There’s no FOMO because you’re in the moment.

No screens while eating helps nourish the brain by allowing it to taste different kinds of food. It can also help you avoid overeating.

Parents are setting timers on phones and tablets so their kids have to stop after a certain amount of time.

Setting a good example for how long you should be on these devices at young ages.

Stop Drinking Caffeine Before Bed

As much as we don’t want to admit it, there is such a thing as an addiction to caffeine.

Kids are now going to Starbucks to get iced coffee. How much does a teenager really need caffeine?

It may seem acceptable, but it can prevent you from falling asleep and damage your health.

It’s best to stop drinking caffeine 6 hours before you plan on going to bed to make sure you fall asleep.

A good night’s sleep is taken for granted at times because the world moves so fast and we do all we can to keep up with it.

It’s more important than you think and drinking too much coffee before bed could disrupt your sleep schedule.

Some use exercise and proper diet to give them the energy to make it through the day. if that’s not for you, set a time to stop drinking caffeine.

Final Thoughts

I told you they would seem simple but the hard part isn’t reading about them, it’s putting them into action.

There’s a lot of talk about addiction today and coffee and technology are a part of the conversation.

If you have an addiction to anything, making a change to live with out or less of it will be difficult. You had that vice in your life for a reason.

The key is to slowly take those habits out of your daily routine and replace them with better options.

Only them will you be able to make the change you want in your life.

Keep moving forward with your goals and little by little you will see the person you want to see when you look in the mirror.


About the Creator

Nicholas McKenna

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