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The Wake Up Call

Ear Aches, Colds and Managing Your Life

By Ryan CunninghamPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Nothing is worst than one if your children not feeling well. When you’re in a couple of some sorts there are steps you can take to make sure one of you is home with the sick child, or one wakes up and sits with them when they are up most of the night while the other can get rest. But when you’re a single parent there is no one to tag. I’ve probably mentioned before that I am a big Wrestling fan, so please excuse the metaphor. But when you’re single, it’s like you’ve been getting doubled teamed, and there is no one to tag. You can’t win.

Recently my youngest daughter was sick. In the times of Covid-19, that sentence can escalate quickly, and the seriousness of the situation can quickly get out of hand. It all started with a sneeze. I’ve heard sneezes before, said God Bless you, and moved on. But the sneeze was followed by another sneeze. Then a sniff. Then a cough...then the flood gates opened and the routine you’ve been trying to keep is now out the window.

Before the first sneeze, you get up, make lunches, coffee, shower, wake them up, feed them breakfast, get them dress and take them to school. Once there, you’re “free” to go to work, talk to adults and ultimately do your job. Routine, it changes for each individual family, but I assume this is basics life for most of us,

The first sneeze or cough changes everything. First, you add a little medicine to you’re routine, easy enough. If you’re lucky, a couple of days like this and you’re home free. I wasn’t so lucky. The cold turned in a slimy cold. You suck some boogers out of the nose with the tube and hose thingy. It’s gross, but it helps. If you’re lucky, a couple of days, home free. I wasn’t.

I’m sure you’re getting the point of where I’m going, so the step by step of sucking boogers, staying up late wiping tears and boogers...you get it. But there is something I was looking for and it happened. She’s not great at telling me what’s wrong, but the minute she grabbed at her ear. This is where their world goes from bad to worst. This is where my world went from, over the counter treatment to get your butt to the doctor.

I don’t like going to doctors. It’s not a fear thing, more of a tell me something I don’t know thing. When I was married, she always was ready to go to the doctor, where I was more nonchalant about it. When you’re on your own, you need to be more like my ex. In retrospect, she was right (a point she doesn’t need to hear that I wrote.)

I’m stepping away from the sickness part of the story to tell the part where my restaurant job comes into play. I need to work. I’m the boss and I need to be available to work most of the time. Somethings I can handle from home, while others need in person attention. I rarely call out, and have worked more times than I can count when I’ve been near death.

I decided one morning, after a night of tears and boogers, that sending her to school was a bad choice. Where I need to be more than concerned about how she feels, and put that first. It didn’t start that way. I got her lunch made and got her dressed for school. When I reached my car to load her in, I realized I couldn’t do it.

I brought her to my job, called my boss. Normally, my bosses in the past would’ve told me they empathize, but figure it out. It started that way, but ended with me not having to make up hours the same week, and me being able to go home with my baby. I can’t tell you his name or the company, but they won me over.

Finally got her to the doctor, diagnosis,ear infection. Painful as hell for her, but very treatable. There are medications that take cate of the situation rather quickly. All in all, everything will be fine.

Points of the story that I want to highlight. First, your family comes first. If they are suffering in any way, do everything you can to help them. It’s not easy. You’re never gonna get the tag out when you’re a single parent. You have to take the physical, emotional and mental beating until the sickness is gone. It’s your main job. On the same note, make sure your job knows your priorities. I think I’m the past I would’ve sent her to school and waited for the call. That’s not a smart choice. The job will understand. If you’re lucky, something I’ve said a lot in this blog, they will feel better in a matter of days, with one small caviat that you’re going to have to deal with...you’re probably next to get sick. It’s something I’ll remember in the next few days as my cold kicks in.


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    Ryan CunninghamWritten by Ryan Cunningham

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