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The Top 3 Easiest Ways To Lose Weight.

Follow each of these three easy steps, and I promise you, the weight will fall off.

By Annarenee SpeakerPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
The Top 3 Easiest Ways To Lose Weight.
Photo by Vitalii Pavlyshynets on Unsplash

Lets talk about health. I'm sure you clicked on this article because you are looking for ways to either lose weight or to just get healthier overall. I, as well as others, have packed on more than a few pounds during quarantine. My pants are tighter, I feel sluggish, and I overall feel like a significantly less healthy version of myself than pre COVID me. I'm going to give you a list of the top 3 ways that will help you lose weight or just simply make you get your health get back on track & start to feel better again. I'm not going to recommend a stupid pill, shake, or fad diet either. Those do not work long term. This is about our longevity and physical/mental health.

1. The number one way to lose weight or improve your overall health is of course... OUR DIET. No matter what your goals are, I'm sure you've fallen into some sort of fad diet or weight loss shake trap and have failed miserably. That is because these "quick" fixes cannot be done long term. You have to find a diet that can fit into your lifestyle and it be something that you can do the rest of your life. Is cutting out carbs something you can do for years? Because you will more than likely gain the weight back once you eat carbs again. My advice to everyone is to just eat healthier. It is really that simple. Do not cut out certain food groups because restricting yourself leads to a feeling of deprivation which could result in you falling off the rails and binging on junk food. Make sure you are getting adequate amounts of protein every meal whether that's a protein shake, meat, or a vegan meat source. Also make it a point to have some sort of vegetable with every meal as well (preferably leafy greens). Add a healthy grain/ starch (rice, potatoes, corn, whole wheat pasta), and a healthy fat, and you are good to go. At the end of the day make sure you have your favorite snack. Do you like oreos? Have two. Do you like ice-cream? Have a serving. Stop trying to restrict yourself from foods you enjoy and just enjoy them in a reasonable serving size once a day. Going out with friends? Order what you want but only eat half and take the rest home for the next day. Life is too short to have a miserable diet. Make healthier choices and enjoy your favorites in moderation. Trust me.

2. Exercise. Exercise is not only good for weight loss, but overall physical AND mental health. Exercise should be fun and stress relieving. If you hate running, don't. Exercise should NOT be a chore to you. Find some type of physical activity that lets you relax and get out of your head for an hour or so. Dance, bike, swim, lift weights, walk, do yoga, etc. Whatever it is, you better enjoy it and look forward to it. Stop running miles everyday to lose weight if you dread it everyday. LIFE IS TOO SHORT FOR THAT. You will stick to something you enjoy in the long run anyway. And please, stop expecting yourself to workout 7 days a week. That isn't realistic. Aim for 3-5 please.

3. SLEEEEEP. Sleep is so incredibly important for you. Stop staying up until midnight to watch Netflix. Go to bed at a reasonable hour. Get 6-8 hours of solid sleep a night and take a nap once a day if you need to. Not only does sleeping allow your brain to reset and get its job done, sleep allows our muscles to relax and repair from a hard workout or day at work. Sleeping also reduces our stress levels which will make losing weight much easier.

Losing weight or getting healthier doesn't need to be expensive or that complicated. Just make healthier choices, eat fruits and veggies, eat more protein, enjoy treats in moderation daily, find an exercise you enjoy, and just get some zzz's.

weight loss

About the Creator

Annarenee Speaker

Hello! I’m a 20 year old mental health and fitness advocate! I am a CrossFit coach & I’m taking classes to become an EMT! My goal is to Inspire others through my writing by being someone that others can relate or look up to.

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    Annarenee SpeakerWritten by Annarenee Speaker

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