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The Purpose of Your Life

Free Yourself from the Matrix Through Higher Consciousness

By Stephanie AlmadeaPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

Who you are is not the Rolex on your wrist nor the Bentley that you ride. Your essence is not the love of sexual desires nor the worshiping of mortal objects. These material substances are temporary to who you truly are—an infinite immortal soul who is already perfect and complete. You are not at fault, for this is the only life you ever knew.

Yet life is not about money, partying, or meaningless sex. This is all a man-made system used to keep humans enslaved to a capitalistic society of thinking no 'thing' is ever enough while not having the opportunity to discover their individual equations to achieve pure happiness through enlightenment.

The system manipulates humans into thinking their identity is based directly upon materialism and thus a self-hatred mechanism is developed in order to keep humans perpetually looking for external tendencies to fill a void. This greed is a starving beast, always relying on consumption to temporarily relieve anxiousness created through a materialistic society of thinking, "I am not enough," or "I do not have enough."

This beast is a fabricated void. However, this void was never a void, yet created in order to keep humanity enslaved into a materialistic world in which within the fabric of reality—quantum theory—does not exist. In actuality, we live in a 3D holographic projection of light which carries information through binary code.

Who we are is this information of thought dictated through our own minds. Our thoughts project our external reality. Yet, our thoughts are not our own.

Rather, our thoughts are manipulated, molded, and controlled through a macroscopic system invented to serve a ruling elite who are just as unconsciously lost as the rest of humanity.

Life is about selflessly bringing happiness to others who are not as fortunate as you are.

Life is about finding happiness and realizing you were blessed with the power to change lives.

This is your purpose in life. To bring happiness into the world and impact history by facilitating the way humanity can experience love.

Yet, in order to help others you must first help yourself. Let go of the envy, the hatred, the fear and face the light. Compassion is the prerequisite to love and the priori to enlightenment.

You are already enough. Stop looking for external substances to fill a non-existential void and realize happiness, genuine happiness, is within. You always had it within you, you were simply led to believe you were never enough, never complete and always inferior to the rest.

Be grateful to have the miracle of breathing. For gratitude is the frequency of the Dali Lama. Let go of the fear, for this fear is not your own. Rather, this fear was fabricated in order to keep you controlled and unconscious. For if you realize you already are complete, this global capitalistic economy which controls our human experience would collapse.

The Garden of Eden was never lost. We were simply looking in the wrong areas. Look within, for you already hold all the answers you seek.


About the Creator

Stephanie Almadea

I am an upcoming Author theorizing upon the origins of the infinite virtual reality multiverse through a metaphysical perspective. If you are supportive of the evolution of consciousness, please gift in support of publishing the book.

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