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The Placebo Path

go your own way...

By Life of MelissaaPublished 4 years ago 9 min read
the color blue is nice

As I gather my thoughts upon typing this, I would hope that this makes sense, or somewhat makes some kind of sense… I am still feeling quite unwell from yesterday when I ate the soft serve from the shop. I am not sure if it was the food they had sold or if it was the energy of the place that had made me turn off from ever going back to this shop ever again. I literally came back home in such a rush because I had this feeling that my food was laced with something that had made me have extraordinarily little control of my own body. It was as though I could have soiled my pants and not even know I had done so. I had to pull out a night pad just to wear for on my way home so that I would have something to catch my potential bowl moments which may or may not empty from my insides along my way home.

I was so scared that I was walking very quickly to just make it home safely knowing that whatever had happened between the moment I ate the food, until the moment I got home would simply disappear and for me to let everything go back to how it was before I even left.

I quickly jumped into the shower to wash my whole entire body; I even washed my hair. I felt so dirty and disgusting. Whatever happened after I walked out of this shop, be it the energy or the food, I will not be recommending this place to anyone. This man has lost himself a future customer and has begun his cycle of not gaining any good momentum for the future from me.

I should have read the uncomfortable signs from the stupid looking gentlemen that were sitting out the from of the café. I should have noticed how stupid they looked at me when I walked past and walked in. The place was crying in disaster and chaos, whatever happened to this place since when I first arrived to the area when I first purchased a coffee from them, to now, I do not wish to know. I feel so sick even thinking about the idea of what could have happened had I not listened to my body and came straight home. I am grateful that I was able to have access to a restroom where I was able to compose myself before heading back after my quick purchase of what I needed to buy before anything happened. This panic moment between what was happening and what could have happened really is not something I wish upon anyone.

Everyone has a choice, though when you are illegally forced into a situation where you had no idea you were being trapped into, the choices you thought were real are obviously diminished from you. The idea of living in a country that was made for equality, human rights, and for anything else that allows for freedom was all a lie, especially when your entire family become brainwashed by a system that only services for money, and not for faith and beliefs.

For those who are freedom thinkers, for those who are filled with love from the heart, this is something I relate too. For some people who live in other parts of the world, they have no choice, for some people who wish to make life better for themselves they cannot do so without the consent of others, in most situations they are always continuously up against a battle and have no opportunity to make a choice of their own because they are pushed and falsely led into a direction that causes them to become trapped.

My biggest concern was making such a fool out of myself in front of so many people. I understand that many people would just ignore me especially if I was not causing any harm, however it was embarrassing nonetheless to be in a country where you are still unfamiliar within, to know that something had happened to you and your body, to feel like your spirit has been tampered with, and to intuitively know that you must stay strong and head home as soon as possible. I have no words to describe this emotional rollercoaster ride I am in right now; I am still needing to recover, and I know it will take another good couple of days for this. I am so upset; you have no idea how upset and disgusted I am in the filthiness of this situation. I am so upset that I now know how my own Yaiyia felt towards the end of her dying years; she did not like taking medication, she hated it. Her spirit was not interested in them, the doctors and the drug companies made life so difficult for many within the country I was born in. Sometimes you have no choice but to to run away and leave everything behind.

You would be cornered no matter what, even when you believe you have found your group, or tribe of people. There is literally no going back when you realise how dangerous the country you live in is laced with horrible nasty evil people who their only concerns were to make money for their lives. Most of these people making money have so much money in their bank accounts they actually forget what bank accounts they have, which then they forget how much money they have and continue to work in evil thoughts just to keep making more and more. It makes no sense when they stand there and say they have no money, yet they have two other bank accounts with millions!

I know people that have stacks of money and have forgotten how much they have and still want to work for more. They keep making plans for their futures, such as go on holidays. How can you go on a holiday when your entire country and borders are closed? The only way out is to apply for exemption which in most cases will be difficult for you because you have closed your hearts off to the rest of the nations around you!!! As time goes on, it truly becomes difficult where the lies start to build up. You start to believe that certain cultures, nationalities from other parts of the world are doing wrong. This then makes you believe in the idea of racism. It is a shame because your only children then notice this and learn these ways.

The more you trap yourself in this illusion that life is meant to be about working hard to make a life for yourself and your future, rather than living life and enjoying the blessed day you have been granted with right in front of you, it become even harder for you to exit. Your entire life becomes this massive responsibility of what you need to do to make ends meet for you and your children, it then becomes a disaster of all these programmed ideas and thoughts that are not yours and are everyone else’s. Take for example the idea that I had to withstand; I was mostly made to believe that the best career paths are created from me attending university and making good choices through my university degree. Now, whilst I do not disagree on the idea of attending a higher education and learning about topics that do interest me, which is exactly what I had completed and achieved. What I did not agree upon was the idea that I had to surrender my entire soul and life to a company that was doing the dirty towards every person they met. Each person you came across had a personal agenda to make more money for themselves and the people they work for. Nobody cared if you ended up in the streets with no money and no food, they would donate money to a charity knowing they would get a refund come tax time. Therefore, in essence, you are not donating, instead you are receiving.

Ok, I am getting off track here and I am probably needing to get back onto the right path again with this story. I was wanting to explain my meaning of this placebo effect. Some people have good intentions to do better and to be a better person, unfortunately when it comes to the placebo affect we find ourselves believing in the stories and the “truth” of another person’s advice, rather than the truth of what truly matters within our hearts and within our minds. It is true when they say to follow your heart. Do not under and circumstances follow your mind or the advice of others. Your feelings and your intentions to believe what is true for you is all that matters.

There are some companies who make fake items and products because they know they do not wish to harm others for greed or for unwanted fame or money, however, they also understand that in order to survive in the game one must make money to buy what they need for food, water and shelter. Therefore, they will continue to play the game using strategic tactic, items and services which are not real and have no intentions to harm anyone physically. Unfortunately the issue with this placebo affect is that some people have problems with their minds, they will take a substance which is not in fact real; it is a fake and more or less an unflavoured lolly of some description, and start to believe in the truth they have been advised upon. When you and I both know it is not true.

You then have the other side where the chemicals laced within the substances is 100% real. They have real chemicals which will cause the human body to react in such ways which are unhealthy and very responsive towards making a person react towards. This is where the placebo affect takes place; the study where you have one side who believes in the lies and makes it to be true in their heads that the medication they have been advised to take is in fact working and doing what they have been advised it would do, as to the other party who is in fact taking the chemical induced pills that is doing a lot more harm to the body and is hurting the body each time they take it, despite their hearts and minds still being truthful and honest to believing in God, the so called man who claims to be treating them is actually killing off their insides one pill at a time.

Therefore, the placebo affects which we all probably have heard of or know about are both just as harmful as each other depending which way you look at it.

If you are lucky enough to escape the craziness of the money focused world, I hope that you find yourself in a better position than where you were before.

May love guide you towards a better future.

With love always from Greece. 💙🙏🏼🧿


About the Creator

Life of Melissaa

You can follow me here, you can find me over there; I can be found everywhere. 💙🙏🏼🧿

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