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The one cause of individual and international problems and the one solution.

It may look simple: It's like "We know and at the same time, we don't know".

By Jawahar GovindanPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The one cause of individual and international problems and the one solution.
Photo by Faizan Rao on Unsplash

Summary: Article about the nature of a human mind trying for achievement by doing more leading to conflict in personal, professional and social lives. Overlooked topic and recognising it enables a person to live in real terms and contentment.

The argument for more whether it is money, relationships, promotions name or fame or anything of that sort and what type of problem it creates in our lives should be studied. Doing more, thinking more, working more earning more or trying to achieve more, will they solve the human problem, the analysis of this helps a lot.

The cause of doing more

What makes a person to do more whether it is thinking or working more. The cause seems to be the lack of inner contentment, the lack of inner peace, the lack of inner happiness. By thinking more, working more and trying to achieve more, a person tries to get inner satisfaction or happiness but does it happen. Thinking more result in talking more, working more and trying to achieve more but this more leads to more problems physically psychologically.

If a person is happy with himself or herself then why the person thinks more, why the person works more, why the person tries to achieve more, the cause is lack of self-acceptance or lack of self-love. If a person loves himself enough then the love for something external declines.

Scientific research on multitasking

Multitasking appears to be more productive but the person having multitasked has a distracted and disturbed mind. Multitasking leads to a lack of attention to the essential topic which is the important duty of a person. Research says a person multitasking is like a person smoking marijuana. (Vanessa Loder, forbes.com).

By The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

The tragic end of popular personalities

The recent suicide of a Bollywood actor and the unnatural death of some musicians from the Western countries like Michael Jackson, and comedians like Robin Williams are examples of this doing more. Doing more in their professions made them stressful and even leading to depression in the long run. They had no time to look for peace and happiness from within.

A poster of Michael Jackson is signed by fans near his star on Hollywood Boulevard on June 29, 2009.(Gabriel Bouys / AFP/Getty Images)

Popular personalities like Michael Jackson*, Robin Williams** and some movie stars from South India were talking about their distressed painful-personal lives. Some of them were talking about ending their lives. These are professional pressure resulting in doing more, working more in the process ignoring their health, peace of mind and wellbeing. (*Shelby Grad, La times June 25, 2019)

(**http://www.scielo.br/ Hassaan Tohid1 1Center for Mind & Brain, University of California, Davis (UC Davis), CA, USA)

Mother's over affection

Mother's affection for her children is extraordinary and great. Even some people compare the mother's affection next to God's love. When the mother is more affectionate, she ignores finding fault with children doing something wrong. Due to this over affection, the impact in future or when they are grown-up is to be discussed. There are situations when children become not serious enough apart from not taking up enough responsibility in their own life. This tendency leads to more problems than a common man in their married life and even in professional life.

By ketan rajput on Unsplash

The cause of over affection

Why some mothers are over-affectionate to children, the cause may vary but psychology says it is the self lacking mother as a child not being loved by her parents. This is one cause which she expresses through over affection to her children. So by doing more by over affection, she seeks inner gratification for inner contentment. It may be. It is true that over affection is not good in many cases. Even highly risky.

Professional burdens leading to personal loss

We come across stories by various professionals like actors, musicians, Government administrators or politicians overworking in their profession and department. In the process, they complain about not having enough time for their own families. This is a problem which is felt by the person's children when they are grown up as an adult. They were deprived of their father's affection, father's care and guidance leading to void and certain abnormal attitudes, behavioural patterns, and excessive emotions at home and also in their workplace. (GuyWinch PhD, Psychology Today magazine)

By Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Overworking and procrastination.

Moreover, overworking by the professionals themselves in their respective field itself might have caused some problems for them because when they were overworking, were they able to focus enough on their essential duties. where they focusing on other less important tasks leading to a kind of procrastination in their important tasks. These are the topics to be discussed and discovered.

Social impact of doing more

More meat-eating has resulted in global warming says scientific research. Due to excessive meat-eating, more number of cattle are to be grown up. They need to graze grass for which the existing forest have to be destroyed. In this process, global warming takes place. Moreover, the gas released by the cattles warm the atmosphere more than the environmental pollution done by the automobiles in the world says research. This is a startling revelation. This overexploitation of nature by the modern man is also a cause of environmental pollution* The meat industry is directly responsible for the 85% of all soil erosion in the USA**.(https://www.peta.org/about-peta/faq/how-does-eating-meat-harm-the-environment)

. Pangolin and her pup ... | Shukran888 | CC BY-SA 4.0

The present pandemic Covid-19

Coronavirus worldwide as everybody knows is due to excessive meat-eating. All types of animals are killed for meat in China. Movements like People for ethical treatment of animals say coronavirus originated from the live meat markets of China. Even Pangolins are taken to the meat markets in china says PETA (www.peta.org/blog/pangolins.)

Doing more or excessive indulgence in any aspect of human life results in crisis after crisis both in personal, professional lives and also in social life. Let us focus on the essentials of life's important aspects and not doing more than what is needed personally, professionally and internationally also.

The Success formula

By Chelsea Gates on Unsplash

Bhagavad Gita says Samathvam Yogamutchathe -“Sameness of mind is yoga,” says Lord Krishna in the Bhagwad Gita. When we have Sameness of mind, we would not do anything more or anything less. We will do what is important and in the correct measure so let us have the sameness of mind in our life.

Successful people and Yoga and spiritual masters like Sri Ravi Shankar of Art of Living Foundation, Bangalore, India, and Self help teachers like Tony Robbins of USA have revealed focusing on the main topic enabled them to achieve success in their pursuit.

Sri Sri Ravishankar''Be centred”

Tony Robbins''Live in the beautiful state”

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About the Creator

Jawahar Govindan

Namaste. I am a stressfree living and spiritual coach 50+ years old and am still young at heart. I have done Post grad diploma in yoga. Certified in Vedanta I live in South India. Donations are appreciated always while reading my stories.

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