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The Inner Smile Meditation

Because we all really should smile more.

By TestPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
Photo courtesy of Yoga Journal

I’m often told that I have a friendly and gentle appearance. I suppose I can see what others mean by that, as I always make it a point to smile at anybody who crosses my line of sight while I’m out and about.

I don’t do this for any sort of reward, but I was nevertheless given one on a particular day when I sat next to a teenage girl on the bus. She passed me a note with the message, “A smile is one of the greatest things one can give a stranger. Thank you,” written on it.

I was overjoyed to know that somebody appreciates the little things just as I do. Considering how increasingly devoid of affection this world is becoming, those little things are truly all we have.

And you know what? This is actually something that is talked about quite frequently nowadays. No one is smiling much anymore; if anything, a lot of people carry “mean” expressions on their faces wherever you go. Whatever happened to warm welcomes, hearty small talk, and charming gestures to show you care?

Well, I want to help bring back that mentality – with the power of meditation.

I think the act of smiling can be rediscovered if we reflect on why it’d make us feel so good in the first place. Perhaps we need a “happy” space, where we can feel relaxed and comfortable. Yes, and how about a sweetly scented candle we could place safely in front of us?

At least now we have something pleasant to smile at. Now, we smile. Smile, and breathe in. The deeper we breathe, the closer we may get to finding that familiar feeling again…

We may now start to feel a slightly rising energy. While keeping our focus on the candle, we should soften our gaze and look a little past the dancing flame. Has a vision that brings you happiness appeared before you yet? It must make you… smile, yes?

Gently close your eyes, but never lose sight of that vision, as you keep it steady in your mind – and heart.

Trust the candlelight, for it burns your negative thoughts to ashes and clears the way for a smile to draw itself in your mind. Breathe in, illuminating your pristine mind with joyful thoughts. Don’t forget to breathe out, letting go of those unwanted thoughts.

Pause, just for a moment, to get to know your smile. Breathe in, breathe out.

Smile confidently and breathe in again; you trust the candlelight will melt the negativity in your heart and bring it warmth once more. Breathe out, lifting heavy experiences your heart shouldn’t burden itself with no longer. Breathe in your loving smile, to radiate the heart.

Pause again, just for a moment, to experience your smile. Breathe in, breathe out – feel your smile and heart embrace each other tightly.

You are already smiling and breathing in; you know that the candlelight is releasing the negative energy from your body. You breathe out, banishing the tension that constricted your limbs.

When you breathe in once more, you allow your smile to course through your entire body. It now smiles on its own, fully and reassuringly.

You pause one last time, just for a moment, to become one with your smile. Breathing in, and breathing you, your smile transforms your entire being.

Your mind, heart, and body reward you with a smile in return. With the elixir of such harmony, you find peace in meditation. A cheerful and refreshing aura encapsulates your soul.

As if by instinct, your eyes gracefully flutter open, just as a butterfly’s wings do, to discover your new, awakened state.

Forever protect your inner smile, so that it may inspire and enlighten your outward smile – and the rest of your life.


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