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The Body Heals Itself

Help your body to heal

By Susannah LeamingPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

We were not taught that our body can heal itself. We have been brainwashed into thinking we need medicine when we are not sick, doctors when we feel great and dead animals as food.

When we treat our bodies as the temples that they are, our bodies love us back by healing. Our bodies are our home for our earthly lives. Would we fill our houses full of trash? Would we willingly fill our minds with negative words over and over again if we knew the toxicity surrounding it? Why, then, do we fill our bodies with such harmful substances, yet, complain and wonder why we are so ill?

Our bodies were made by our creator to heal itself. When they are nourished by the absolute healthiest foods on the planet, from which we came, we can do things beyond our comprehension. We only use a small percentage of our brains; we now, also, only use a small percentage of our body's strength. Humans can run the longest and have the most viability of any animal. We were made to last; to out-perform.

Somewhere along the way, we lost our spark. We became lazy, tired and doing the minimal amount of work needed. Why have we become so lazy? Why don't we trust in our bodies given to us by our Creator. Would the energy focused on making the best creation known to the Universe lack something so important?

Let's wake up. If you need to cook it, it should not be eaten. If you do cook it, you have now entered the acidic zone. Now, your body must fight even harder to keep going, keep pushing to stay alive.

Fruit is one of those foods that nourishes beyond just vitamins and antioxidants. Fruit has a magnetic power like no other.

Fruits are the most hydrating food available. They are alkaline, full of amino acids and antioxidants. Fruits are energetically magnetized due to the live properties inside of them. They pulse with the very veins of life.

People who are fruitarians are healthy people. There are athletes and body builders who sustain long periods of amazing workouts by eating fruit. Eventually they may go on to a vegan lifestyle but the fruit, itself, is extremely filling and powerful.

We fast through the night when we sleep. For Break-fast, try fruit. It is the easiest to digest, the most satisfying and energy producing food on the planet.

We are not meant to maliciously kill and make animals suffer to the point we have come to. There is no more dignity in this world of pain. We must feel again, when we do this, we know the answer; and it is not dead animals.

As we gain strength in this movement that positively impacts the world, we can live stronger and more vibrant lives. We can also effect change that is long overdue in the food industry. We can encourage major food sources, hospitals, and schools to offer and to produce REAL whole, healthy foods and meals. We can influence them by our individual selections and purchases. As a mass group, if we elect to put in our shopping carts plant-based foods and, if we request at restaurants, pure, whole, fresh plant-based options, this will cause these food source leaders to take note and make healthier changes.

Help us create a healthy living movement and community. Make a decision to living healthier by making better eating choices, exercising, taking control of your thoughts, and serving others and the world through sustainable and charitable contributions.


About the Creator

Susannah Leaming

I am a dreamer, a doer and on a journey to fill my spirit with all the peace it can hold. I practice mindfulness daily. I prioritize that which makes me stronger and healthier.

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