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The BEST FOODS to clean your FATTY LIVER


By Alexandre FreirePublished 10 months ago 12 min read

Content index:


- Overview of fatty liver disease

- Prevalence and causes

- Health risks


- Common symptoms

- Asymptomatic early stages

- Advanced disease symptoms


- Testing methods (ultrasound, CT, MRI)

- Blood tests

- Assessing severity/stage


- Lifestyle changes

- Exercise

- Weight loss

- Stress reduction

- Dietary changes

- Foods to avoid

- Refined carbs

- Saturated fats

- Sugar

- High fructose corn syrup

- Ultra-processed foods

- Foods to eat

- Coffee

- Green tea

- Milk thistle tea

- Whole grains

- Avocado

- Citrus fruits

- Nuts and seeds

- Cruciferous vegetables

- Lean meats

- Artichoke

- Alcohol avoidance

- Managing associated conditions


- Summary of key points

- Call to action

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Do you have fat in your liver? Or are you suspecting you have it?

What are the things that inflame your liver, that form this accumulation of fat, hepatic steatosis?

What are the symptoms of this silent disease, that only grows in the world?

Today more than 1 billion people have hepatic steatosis.

And can this fat in the liver be reversed?

What to do to clean your liver once and for all?

Well, that's our book's topic.

What are the 10 best foods for fat in the liver, and the 5 foods and drinks that you should avoid, avoid as much as possible.

This content will be very complete and you will learn how to make your liver as healthy as possible and get rid of this fat, which can really be dangerous.

So read everything until the end!

And also don't miss the opportunity to spread this knowledge with your friends and family.

Because when it comes to your health,our health is worth sharing!

So share it!

And tell me: do you have fat in your liver?

What degree is it?

Do you feel anything?

Where are you from?

Let's go!

The liver is an amazing organ - it is the largest internal organ in our body and it endures a lot throughout life.

Imagine that extra beer you drank... it's the liver that metabolizes it.

And last month's antibiotics? Also.

The liver is unique in its ability to regenerate and repair, even after serious damage.!

So not everything is lost. But look, up to a point.

The liver is called a "factory" because it is responsible for producing a lot of

important substances. It produces bile, which is essential for

digesting fats, in addition to being responsible

for the production of proteins such as albumin,

which helps transport nutrients through the body.

and prevent swelling.

It also produces hormones and enzymes that

regulate many body functions from adjusting

your blood pressure, producing red blood cells

and blood clotting factors, to the production of vitamin D...

Not to mention that it regulates blood

glucose levels, producing and storing glycogen

that can be converted into glucose when we need energy.

That's why when you drink you can get hypoglycemia—

because it will affect this balance.

But that's not all!

The liver is also responsible for detoxifying

our body, processing the toxins

and harmful substances that we come into contact with,

in the air we breathe and in everything we drink,

eat and put on our body.

And in addition it is an organ of deposit,

storing vitamins A, D, E, K, b12 and minerals— iron, copper.

You may wonder: what causes hepatic steatosis:

Everything that harms your liver can cause steatosis—medicines, alcohol,

viruses such as hepatitis viruses a, b, c, d, e...

but also if you eat too much and don't burn excess

calories, the hepatocytes that are liver cells, will begin to accumulate

fat inside them.

Why are cases of hepatic

steatosis increasing so much in the world?

Mainly for 3 reasons!

Let's see if you fit into one of them:

The highly processed diet, rich in sugar,

saturated fats and refined carbohydrates,

dyes, flavorings and a lot of ingredients

that you can't even read right...

This ultra-processed diet has contributed

to the increase in obesity, metabolic syndrome,

diabetes, cancer.

In addition, people no longer exercise

as much as before—everything is by car,

children stay on video games instead

of going out to play ball.

And the third factor is chronic stress,

our hurried life, bills to pay, all

this increases cortisol which interferes with insulin

production, and leads to abdominal fat and hepatic steatosis.

So we have to attack these 3 fronts.

Eat better, exercise more and reduce stress.

If you have fat in your liver, you can't leave it alone.

Because if you don't try to reverse this accumulation of fat in the liver it can

affect the functions of the organ.

Over time, excess fat can lead to chronic liver inflammation, known

as steatohepatitis, which can damage hepatocytes

and become fibrosis, cirrhosis and even liver cancer.

I'll open a parenthesis here- Liver cancer

is the sixth most common type of cancer and

the 4th most deadly.

So it's no joke!

Hepatic steatosis can also affect the liver's ability to metabolize

hormones and toxins, which can lead to a series of

health problems, such as hormonal imbalances.

For example, insulin, which is key in controlling

blood sugar levels, can get out of control when the liver is full

fat, which can lead to insulin resistance and, in turn, to type 2 diabetes.

Also fat in the liver can have a

direct impact on the production of sex hormones,

such as estrogen and testosterone.

In men, fat in the liver can cause a reduction in testosterone levels,

falling libido, and falling... erectile dysfunction and reduced muscle

mass and strength.

In women, fat in the liver can lead to an

increase in estrogen levels, resulting in menstrual

irregularities, polycystic ovary syndrome and even breast cancer.

See how it's a cascade, one thing worsens

the other, which worsens another...

You have to brake and reverse!

Hepatic steatosis does not choose age,

many children have fatty liver,

but it is more common in middle-aged

adults and the elderly, especially those with diabetes,

obesity or metabolic syndrome.

You might be thinking: I don't feel anything,

so I shouldn't have fat in my liver.

Well, fat in the liver is a condition

that may have no symptoms!

(Especially early on). but as the disease progresses, it can cause

abdominal discomfort, then a dull pain here above the ribs,

more gas, slow digestion, tiredness, chronic fatigue,

joint pain, nausea and even unexplained weight loss.

In more severe cases, symptoms may appear

such as jaundice yellowed skin, yellowed eyes,,

frequent bruising and fluid retention.

In addition, hormonal changes may

lead to problems such as increased breasts

in men - gynecomastia - that man

who will be ashamed to take off his shirt at

the beach - and also redness on the palms of the hands.

Since the disease is asymptomatic

early on, it is important not to rely solely on symptoms.

If you fit the profile: you are chubby,

sedentary, diabetic, drink a little more, look for it!

Go after it to find out if you have fat

in the liver and what your degree is.

Grade 1 is mild steatosis and grade 3 is severe steatosis.

You can identify that you have the disease through

an ultrasound, a tomography, an MRI.

If your liver has a lot of fat, the

doctor may order a FibroScan that measures the

elasticity of the liver and estimates the amount

of fat present in the organ, helping to

assess the degree of fibrosis, being a safer alternative

to liver biopsy.

In addition, he may order blood tests to see if your

liver enzymes are altered - elevated TGO and TGP may indicate

steatohepatitis.. which as I said, is already damaging the cells of your liver.

Want to know how to take good care of your liver?

It's not too late to change habits and start reversing fat in the liver.

Small changes can have a big impact.

So let's go!

1st - first of all: You can't stand still.

You have to exercise

A study just came out, in February

2023, which showed that physical training

reduces hepatic fat, even in those

who did not lose weight with exercise.

And the success was 350% greater than in the control group.

150 minutes per week - can be walking,

as long as it's a stronger walk, the

brisk walking.

Do the physical activity that gives you pleasure.

Exercise improves, in addition to fat in

the liver, your physical conditioning, improves

your arteries and veins, changes body

composition and you will feel more willing,

happier and more mobile.

2nd tip- Avoid alcohol- Alcohol damages hepatocytes,

inflames your liver, leads tomfatty liver.

Weekends ok?

If you want to improve your liver, you can't,

you have to abolish it.mAfter it's already clean, no fat,

in moderation, you can.

3rd tip- You have to lose weight if you are moverweight or obese.

Weight loss is the key to preventing complications

of the fatty liver in addition to reducing the burden

of fat in the liver.

When you consume more calories than

you need, the excess energy is stored

in the liver depositing in the form of fat.

Weight loss can also help improve

insulin sensitivity, which can prevent

fat buildup in the liver.

For obese people, the best treatment is weight loss.

How much weight should you lose?

A study showed that losing 10% of body weight

can reduce liver fat, resolve

inflammation and potentially improvemfibrosis.

But important!

I must emphasize here that weight loss should

be done gradually and healthily, nothing

crazy diets that lose a lot and then gain twice as much.

Rapid and unhealthy weight loss can be a

shot in the foot as it can worsen steatosis,

inflammation and fibrosis.

4th tip- Control your illnesses: If you

have diabetes, high cholesterol, high

triglycerides and high blood pressure you have to treat

these conditions properly.

This is because they can all increase the risk

of developing hepatic steatosis and, when

uncontrolled, can lead to even greater damage to the liver.

And the 5th tip is diet:

Let's go!

What are the 5 foods that you should avoid?

5th food- Refined wheat

A diet rich in refined carbohydrates,

so French bread, pasta, pizza,

cake, pies, can contribute to the development

of fat in the liver, especially when

consumed in excess.

So if you can't live without your

bread in the morning, eat less, moderate!

The carbohydrates in this type of food are

quickly absorbed by the body, leading

to spikes in blood sugar and increased

insulin levels, which will lead to fat

accumulation in the liver.

4th saturated fats

Saturated fats are those from foods

of animal origin, such as red meat, whole

dairy products, butter, cheese and coconut

and palm oil.

Studies show that excessive consumption of this

type of fat can contribute to themincrease in liver fat.

So don't overdo it!

When the body consumes more fat than

it is able to metabolize, the excess fat

is stored in liver cells.

And saturated fats are particularly

difficult for the liver to process and metabolize.

So limit it!

The 3 biggest villains are

3rd- Sugar

When the body consumes more sugar than

it is able to process and use as energy,

the excess sugar is converted into fat in the liver.

In addition, excessive sugar consumption

can lead to insulin resistance,

which can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

So try to reduce the sugar in your coffee,

drink tea without sugar, eat fewer sweets.

Your palate will adapt, I'm sure!

2nd- Corn syrup and fructose

Corn syrup and fructose is a widely used sweetener

in processed foods and drinks, like sodas, juices and syrups.

Because it's cheaper for the food industry.

And it does great harm.

This syrup is metabolized differently

from glucose, and is much worse for fatty liver.

When the body consumes excess fructose,

the liver converts the excess fructose into fat.

In addition, this syrup is found in foods

and drinks high in calories — sodas,

juice boxes, cereal bars—and you

thinking you were eating a healthy food—

which can lead to weight gain.

1st place- And the winner is: Ultra-processed foods

What are ultra-processed foods?

It's instant noodles, chicken nuggets, frozen pizzas, cookies, chips,

sausages, cold cuts, soft drinks, energy drinks,

yoghurts except those natural ones, ice creams, morning cereals.

These, in addition to having a lot of salt, bad fat,

sugar, are full of preservatives, chemicals

that damage the liver and worsen your health.


I already know I can't eat anything!

It's not quite like that.

Here on the channel I value balance.

So what are the 10 foods and drinks that you

should introduce into your diet?

Let's start with the drinks

10th place - my favorite - Coffee

Coffee has polyphenols, tocopherol (which is

a form of vitamin E) and chlorogenic acid,

which together can protect your liver.

People with hepatic steatosis should drink

at least 3 cups of coffee a day to

improve liver elasticity.

The best is caffeinated, black, filtered, and without

sugar and extra calories like frappes, lattes.

9th place - Green tea

If you're a fan of a good cup of tea,

green tea can be an amazing option

to help reduce fat in the liver!

This is because green tea is rich in bioactive compounds

called catechins, which have powerful antioxidant

and anti-inflammatory properties.

And recent studies have shown that

green tea helps reduce the amount of

fat in the liver, in addition to improving insulin

sensitivity and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

But don't take it in capsule form, as it can have a

harmful effect on the liver.

8th place - Milk thistle tea

Milk thistle tea contains silymarin

which is a powerful ally for liver health!

With its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties,

it helps protect liver cellsmand reduce fat in the liver.

In addition, it helps regenerate liver tissue,

improving digestion and detoxification.

You can drink one cup a day.

And now foods let's go to foods

7th place:

For those who like bread - opt for whole

carbohydrates Complex and whole carbohydrates, such as whole grain breads,

brown rice, quinoa and other whole grains,

can be a good choice for those wanting to prevent

or treat fatty liver

6th place - Avocado

Avocado contains healthy fats, including

oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fat,

which helps liver health.

It also has soluble fibers, which can reduce

the rate of carbohydrate absorption,

reducing blood glucose spikes and improving

insulin sensitivity.

In addition, avocado contains antioxidants,

such as vitamin E and glutathione, which can

help protect liver cells from oxidative

damage, which can occur as a result of

fat accumulation in the liver.

5th place Citrus fruits - orange, lemon,


Grapefruit, in particular, is an amazing

fruit when it comes to improving your liver health.

Recent studies show that grapefruit contains

powerful substances that help fight

inflammation, which is great for your

liver to function better.

And a parenthesis - orange, grapefruit, tangerine,

consume in natura and, not the juice.

The juice has excess fructose, which can interfere

with your liver.

When we consume the whole fruit, we are getting the fibers that decrease the absorption

of carbohydrates and are great for our,gut flora.

4th place - nuts and chestnuts

Nuts and chestnuts are true nutritional

powerhouses, full of protein, fiber,

vitamins and minerals.

In addition, they contain healthy fats,

such as omega-3 fatty acids, which can help

liver health, including reducing

fat in the liver, as they have anti-inflammatory properties and can improve

insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

But here you have to eat little, because they are high in calories.

3rd place- cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower,

cabbage, Brussels sprouts, arugula, turnips

and radishes, are rich in nutrients, including

vitamins like vitamins C and K and minerals,

they are low in calories and can be beneficial

for liver health.

The sulforaphane in cruciferous vegetables has antioxidant

and anti-inflammatory properties and can

help protect the liver against damage.

Here is the continuation of the English translation:

2nd place- white meats

Lean meats, like chicken, turkey and fish, are important sources of protein.

In addition, lean meats are good sources of vitamin B12, zinc and iron, which are necessary for liver health.

White meats also contain less saturated fat than red and processed meats.

Deep sea fish like sardines, salmon, contain omega-3, which as I said, have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation in the liver, improving organ health.

Recent studies suggest that the consumption of white meats can help reverse fat in the liver because it helps increase the metabolic rate and fat burning in the body, in addition to reducing inflammation and insulin resistance.

1st place- artichoke

Artichoke is a nutrient-rich plant and contains bioactive compounds such as chlorogenic acid, cinarin and silymarin, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, artichoke is rich in soluble fibers, which help reduce cholesterol levels and improve heart health.

Studies show that artichoke can help reduce fat in the liver, help improve liver function, including bile production, which is important for fat digestion.

That's it.

With the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, you can not only reverse fat in the liver, but also improve your overall health, increase your energy and have a better quality of life.

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