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Tar the roads not your lungs

by Areeha Faisal

By Areeha faisalPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Tar the roads not your lungs
Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash


Tobacco use has been a significant public health concern for decades, causing numerous preventable deaths and health issues. Despite various educational campaigns and regulatory measures, tobacco remains one of the leading causes of preventable diseases worldwide. In the interest of public health and the well-being of society, this essay argues that the sale of tobacco should be banned. By doing so, we can create a healthier and safer environment for all citizens, reduce healthcare burdens, and prevent the suffering caused by tobacco-related illnesses.

Health Hazards of Tobacco

Tobacco products contain harmful substances like nicotine, tar, and various toxic chemicals, which have been proven to cause serious health problems. Smoking tobacco is a leading cause of cancer, heart diseases, respiratory illnesses, and other life-threatening conditions. The negative consequences of tobacco use extend beyond smokers themselves, as secondhand smoke affects those exposed to it, including children, non-smoking adults, and even pets. By banning tobacco sales, we can protect people from these harmful effects and mitigate the impact of secondhand smoke on innocent bystanders.

Economic and Healthcare Burdens

Tobacco-related illnesses place an enormous burden on healthcare systems and economies worldwide. The costs of treating tobacco-related diseases are staggering, and governments spend vast amounts of money on medical care, research, and prevention programs. By banning tobacco sales, governments can significantly reduce the healthcare costs associated with treating tobacco-related illnesses. The money saved can be reallocated to other vital healthcare initiatives, such as preventive care, health education, and research into other pressing health concerns.

Youth Protection and Addiction Prevention

A ban on tobacco sales would play a pivotal role in protecting the youth from initiating tobacco use. Young people are particularly vulnerable to the allure of tobacco marketing, peer pressure, and the misconception that smoking is a rite of passage into adulthood. By prohibiting the sale of tobacco products, we can prevent young individuals from developing lifelong addictions and facing the devastating consequences of tobacco-related diseases later in life.

Reduction in Environmental Impact

Tobacco production, processing, and consumption have adverse effects on the environment. Large-scale tobacco farming necessitates the use of vast quantities of water, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, contributing to deforestation, soil degradation, and water pollution. Additionally, cigarette butts are a significant source of litter, contaminating waterways and posing a risk to wildlife. By banning tobacco sales, we can mitigate the environmental impact associated with its production and consumption, fostering a more sustainable planet for future generations.

Challenges and Counterarguments

Critics of banning tobacco sales may argue that it infringes upon personal freedoms and individual rights. However, when it comes to public health and the greater good, certain restrictions are necessary to protect the well-being of society as a whole. Additionally, some may argue that banning tobacco sales would lead to a black market and increased criminal activity. While these concerns are valid, effective regulation, strict law enforcement, and public awareness campaigns can help mitigate these potential issues.


The evidence overwhelmingly supports the notion that banning the sale of tobacco is a crucial step towards safeguarding public health. The devastating health consequences of tobacco use, the economic burden on healthcare systems, the protection of the youth from addiction, and the environmental impact of tobacco production all point to the need for drastic action. Implementing a ban on tobacco sales will not only lead to a healthier society but also create an environment that prioritizes well-being and sets an example for future generations. By collectively working towards eliminating tobacco use, we can build a healthier, happier, and more sustainable world for everyone.


About the Creator

Areeha faisal

So I love writting not about specific topics but freestyle I Hope u enjoy reading Freestyle on this page

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