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Summer Self-Care Tips

Summer can be fun! But it can also be super stressful. Here are tips to take care of yourself, from the mundane to the luxurious feeling.

By Sam SmithPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
Source: Pixabay

I love summer! But I also find it to be somehow mundane and stressful at the same time. These are tips for self-care that, while specifically for summer, can be applied year-round. PS - if you use product links in this article, you will be directly supporting me. Thanks!

This may seem obvious to some, but for those with chronic illnesses or those who are super busy or stressed, showering may get put off. In summer, however, it’s incredibly important to shower every day (or at least every other day in cooler climates) to prevent oil buildup. Wash your face too - again, once a day - to prevent adult acne. I personally use Neutrogena’s benzoyl peroxide wash, as I find it’s gentler than salicylic acid washes.

Hydrate - And Hydrate Often!

You know the rule of thumb - 8 glasses every day. But, in summer, hydrating is especially important. Where I live, drinking water every day is incredibly important. This will keep your skin and organs hydrated, especially good for when it’s super hot out and dehydration is common. If you’re working out (or playing!), drink fluids with electrolytes, like Gatorade or Powerade to replenish those too.

Visit Your Local Library.

Free AC, wifi, books, and movies, what more is there to love? Save energy at home by spending a day at the library. Many libraries also have summer reading programs for adults and kids alike, along with workshops, fairs, and activities. Mine personally has conventions, writing workshops, and poetry slams. Set a summer reading goal, and see how many books you can read!

PS - Check out 10 Books to Diversify Your Reading Challenge for some bookspiration and ideas on what to check out!

Bullet journaling is amazingly therapeutic, but some people think they don’t have the right supplies to begin. All you need is a pen, journal, and a bit of creativity. I use Pinterest for ideas on what I’m going to journal, but my main journal pages are:

  • Mood tracker
  • Weekly planner
  • Month at a glance (calendar)

Some other favorites are:

  • Money tracker/budget tracker
  • Habit tracker
  • Workout plans

And tons more! All you need is a little imagination.

Track Your Mood.

You don’t have to bullet journal to track your mood, but a mood tracker is always my first spread in my bullet journal. It’s therapeutic to be mindful of how you feel on what days and try to notice a pattern. Use a different color highlighter or colored pencil for each mood, then every day, color a little square on a piece of grid paper for your mood that day. You may notice a trend!

Work Out - To the Best of Your Ability.

Not everyone can work out. Some days, I can barely get out of bed. But, whether it's going for a walk or running a marathon, exercise in the sun can help boost your mood and your physical well-being. So go out and have fun! Just remember to stay hydrated!

Take a Social Media Detox.

Take a day if you can, to just be away from social media and give that day to yourself. Go for a hike, read a really good book, bake. Just don't touch social media. Those notifications will be there tomorrow, trust me.

Wake Up Early.

Sleeping in until midday can make you feel groggy, gross, and can cut your day in half. Try to be early to bed and early to rise - adjust your sleep schedule so you're waking up with the sun. In the wee hours of the morning, when it's still cool enough outside, go for a walk, read a book, paint, or make a real breakfast. Your brain and body will thank you. Plus, more sunlight = more vitamin D, an essential vitamin for happiness and well-being.

Learn Something New.

Have you always wanted to learn an instrument? Language? Wanted to try basketball? Well, learn this summer! Many community colleges have non-degree-seeking classes if you can afford, and libraries will have free classes or programs. Check into your local resources and keep your brain working this summer!

Create A Daily Ritual.

Every day, do something either in the morning or evening that helps you wind down, self-reflect, and be mindful. Whether that's yoga, taking a bath, journaling, reading, or just sitting and thinking about how you feel in that moment and let the world pass by, having a ritual can help you feel more alert and in tune with your emotions.

self care

About the Creator

Sam Smith

Activist. Author. Always learning.

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