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Strengthening Your Body's Natural Armor Against Viral Threats

Immune Boosters: Calcium, Vitamin D, and Vitamin F in Viral Defense

By Abeer AbbasPublished about a month ago 3 min read

first thing you need to know that calcium does not make bone, bone is made from water, minerals like calcium compounds never individual calcium, you want to consume calcium from Plants leafy greens.

Now bone is also made from collagen protein, if you want to destroy your bone just go ahead and consume cooked collagen which is in cooked meat, because that basically cooked animal protein will deteriorate your bones.

does milk build bones? no it doesn't build bones. so what you want to do is you want to consume fermented milk products unless you have an allergy, that would be the plain Organic Raw, yogurt or raw milk, or cheese so even if it's pasteurized, if you take pasteurized milk and make cheese out of it or yogurt you're still making that product more, making the calcium more available, because the new enzymes and the bacteria in it will help you absorb calcium, so even if we took this calcium carbonate it converts it to an available calcium.

vitamin D: if you're taking vitamin D, make sure it's natural, it' be vitamin D3, but you can get Vitamin D from the Sun 20 minutes of sun a day will give you plenty of vitamin D unless your adrenals are all messed up because the adrenal gland if overactive will block vitamin D in the body, if you have a deficiency in it, it will cause pain in your bones specifically in the back so back pain many times can be a vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium into the bone and into the blood but not into some other tissues.

vitamin f is the opposing reciprocal vitamin to vitamin D, if you have a lot of vitamin D it automatically depletes vitamin F.

calcium is mobilized and transported through vitamins, the vitamin D takes the calcium from the skin, the muscles and the tissue and drives it into the blood and the bone, vitamin F on the other hand takes the calcium from the bone and the blood and pushes it into the tissue.

vitamin F: it allows calcium to be transported in the tissues so really one of the big purposes of vitamin f is a calcium transporter.

the most important purposes of calcium is to protect you against viruses, when you get a herpes simplex simplex virus that means you have a Calcium deficiency but it could mean you have a vitamin F deficiency that can't transport the calcium into the tissue, many people get viruses coming out of remission when they're stressed, because the adrenals deplete calcium from the urine, so adrenal stress will deplete calcium from the urine and the viruses come out of remission so vitamin f is an immune protector viruses stay in remission if there's enough vitamin F and calcium and this includes all viruses. for example , women have the HPV virus, that that's linked to cervical cancer 'cancer of the cervix', what's very interesting about the papilloma virus is that these case outbreaks generally occur in late summer, why does that happen? well what happened during the summer months you get all the Sun which depletes vitamin F and then the virus comes out of remission.

during the summer months you get all the Sun, it depletes vitamin F and then the virus comes out of remission, this is why most viral infections occurs at the late summer.

you need a balance of calcium and vitamin F and vitamin D, both of these vitamins work in sync, and viruses come out of remission when you're deficient in certain nutrients.


About the Creator

Abeer Abbas

I am a doctor with plenty of luck, and I love of science and beauty.

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