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Straight Talk About Spirit Guides

Yes, they are real, and you can connect with them

By Jocelyn Joy ThomasPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Photo by S Migaj on Unsplash

You have guides who work with you every day of your life and you may not even know their names. When you get a gut feeling or sudden inspiration, it's not entirely you alone, your guides work behind the scenes helping you connect the dots.

In my work as an intuitive reader for over twenty years, I have learned a great deal about the guides that work with us, mostly unrecognized. I didn’t believe in anything like this growing up. I had no training in communicating with guides and knew no one that could do it. I got my start reading books, asking questions, and learning to meditate. I eventually developed the ability to connect to past lives, guides, and more. This didn’t happen all at once and I believe anyone can do it if they choose to practice consistently.

We are not alone

Not only are we not alone right now, but we have never been. Before we are born, we create a life plan with goals for this lifetime. I call this a Life Map since it keeps us on track. The Life Map contains our life purpose, life lessons, and soul contracts. Guess who helps us carry out these soul set goals? Our guides do!

We have more than one guide, we have a whole team of them. We might work with different guides as we move through life. Certain guides may come around to help us with specific lessons. If you lose a loved one, they may be around as a guardian of sorts, hence the popular term, guardian angel. Your guides are there through it all, dedicated to you in this lifetime. Their main purpose, to help you achieve the goals within your life plan.

Not all guides are alike

In my work as a reader, I have had the opportunity to connect with a lot of different guides. Angels, animal guides, and spirit guides. Most people have a team of guides but have one main guide, a sort of leader to the other guides. This is typically the spirit guide.

A spirit guide is almost always someone like you and me who has incarnated before so they know what it is like to be in the physical world. Their experiences help them have empathy for you as you go through your life.

Just like people here in the physical, guides have personalities. They can be reserved, outgoing, loud, quiet. They are full of knowledge but always kind. You will find this to be true of any guide, they will always be inspiring, and positive.

How to communicate with your spirit guide

While many may scoff at the idea of guides at all, if you have an interest in developing communication with yours, there’s a reason. Chances are you are an old soul, who has been through enough lifetimes to know that there are guides. Or at least you are ready to consider this as a possibility. You likely have intuitive abilities, an open mind, and most importantly an open heart. This makes it so you are able to connect and receive communication.

Step 1. Be open

Just like you aren’t going to manifest abundance if you carry a strong scarcity belief, you aren’t going to connect with a guide if you strongly believe they don’t exist.

I was skeptical at first but curious, so that allowed me to be open enough to receive. If you can be just open enough to try, that should be enough.

Step 2. Determine a method of communication

Meditation- This is one of the best ways to communicate. If you are new to it, start with a short five-minute meditation daily. Clear your mind and be still, nothing more. Practice this for a day or two.

Next, ask your spirit guide to join you. You may feel a soft presence, or more at peace, you may not feel anything, that’s okay. After a couple of days, take it one step further and ask your spirit guide a question.

By now, you have trained your mind to be still, and are accustomed to the presence of your guide. The next natural step is communication. You may get a feeling rather than words as a response, or you may hear the response. Not “hear” as in a physical person speaking, but rather how if you close your eyes and think of song lyrics you can hear the words, that is how you will hear a guide speaking.

Ask for a sign- As an alternative to meditation, ask your guide to give you a sign. Pick something, feathers, a name, a color, a number to use as your sign, and ask your guide to send that sign to you over the next few days. You can even work out a system where seeing a sign means yes to a question you have asked, not seeing it means no. Build from there.

Step 3. Trust

It takes time to build communication with your guides. It’s very much like learning a new language, they speak in soul language, and while you are fluent in it, since incarnating you have likely forgotten it. Soul language is about feeling, sensing, going beyond the five senses. When you get a response, whether it’s in meditation or it’s a sign, very often the tendency is to reject it. Thinking that’s just my mind.

Is it really only your mind?

A good way to know is to look at the content. If what you have picked up is limiting or judgmental, it’s probably your mind. If it is something inspirational, and informative, it’s your guide. If it’s a sign you might question it, but if it’s from a guide the sign will stand out.

For example, my spirit guide sends crows as his sign, usually as a hello. Now, there are a lot of crows out there, and not every crow is a sign from my guide. When a crow flies right across my path or makes a very loud, insistent squawk outside my window, I know that is from my guide. It’s very different than seeing a crow walking along the sidewalk or on a wire minding its own business.

Why connect with your guides

Remember you are free to talk or not talk to your guides. They are used to working behind the scenes after all. Yet, if you are interested in making the connection, it does have a lot of benefits. You get answers to questions, guidance on decisions, insights on the people in your life, as well as your life plan.

While most people are content to live their life apart from their guides, many are waking up to the realization that we are not alone. That there are guides, or possibly could be guides, that help us with our lives. Once you get there, you probably want to explore it a bit. Chances are it’s in your life plan to do just that. There isn’t anything sensational about it, or crazy, or any other label people have put on it, it’s only spiritual development.

Eventually, each soul comes to a place in our many lifetimes, where we want to explore what is beyond this life. We are no longer content with the trappings of the physical world alone. We want to know who we really are, and part of understanding that is to know who we walk the path of life with.

Whether we can see them with our physical eyes or not, we are accompanied by a team of guides who have sworn to help us carry out our life work. As such, reach out to them, be patient, open, and curious.


About the Creator

Jocelyn Joy Thomas

Writer, spiritual teacher, and travel enthusiast. Enjoying the journey! Join my mailing list and receive a free guide on How to Meet Your Guides in Three Steps!


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