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Stopped Losing Hair in the Shower

BY Deborah Harris

By CureZonePublished 11 months ago 4 min read

I used to dread taking a shower. Every time I washed my hair, I would see clumps of it in the drain. Every time I brushed my hair, I would see strands on my hairbrush. Every time I touched my hair, I would feel it getting thinner and weaker.

I was terrified. What was happening to my hair? Why was it falling out so much in the shower? Was I going bald? How could I stop it?

I did some research online and found out that hair loss in the shower is normal, and that everyone loses about 100 hairs a day as part of the natural hair growth cycle. However, if you lose more than that, or if your hair stops growing back, you may have a condition called telogen effluvium.

Telogen effluvium is when more hairs enter the resting phase and fall out more easily in the shower or elsewhere. This can happen for various reasons, such as stress, hormonal changes, illness, medication, nutritional deficiencies, or aging. These factors can disrupt the normal balance of your hair growth cycle, which consists of three phases: anagen (growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (resting).

I realized that I had been under a lot of stress lately, and that this could be the trigger for my hair loss. I also learned that there are some treatments available for hair loss, such as medications, hair transplantation, or red light therapy.

Red light therapy caught my attention. It sounded too good to be true. It was a non-invasive treatment that used low-level laser or LED light to stimulate blood flow and cellular activity in the scalp. This could promote hair growth and prevent hair loss by increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles.

Red light therapy had been proven by multiple studies to be an effective treatment for hair loss, especially for androgenetic alopecia, which is the most common type of hair loss in men and women. Some of the benefits of red light therapy included:

It was safe and painless: Red light therapy had no known side effects and did not cause any damage to the skin or the eyes. It was also FDA-approved for treating hair loss.

It was convenient and easy to use: Red light therapy could be done at home with a device called a red light therapy hat. This was a cap that contained red LED lights that covered the entire scalp. You just needed to wear it for a few minutes a day, according to the instructions, and you could see results in a few weeks or months.

It was affordable and cost-effective: Compared to other treatments for hair loss, such as medications or surgery, red light therapy was much cheaper and more accessible. You only needed to invest in a good quality red light therapy hat once, and you could use it for as long as you needed.

I decided to give it a try. I ordered a red light therapy hat online and waited for it to arrive. I was skeptical but hopeful. Could this really work?

My experience with red light therapy

When I received my red light therapy hat, I was impressed by how simple and comfortable it was. It looked like a regular baseball cap, but with tiny red lights inside. It came with a battery pack and a timer that allowed me to set the duration of each session.

I followed the instructions and wore the hat for 15 minutes every day. The first few days, I didn’t notice any difference. But after a week, I started to see some changes. My hair felt softer and smoother. My scalp felt less itchy and irritated.

After two weeks, I noticed that my hair was falling out less in the shower. I counted the number of hairs I shed when combing my hair or running my fingers through it in the shower. It was less than 50 hairs a day on average.

After a month, I noticed that my hair looked fuller and thicker. My parting was less visible and my temples were less receding. My friends and family commented on how healthy and shiny my hair looked.

After two months, I noticed that my hair was growing faster and longer. I had new baby hairs sprouting along my hairline and filling in the gaps. My hairstylist complimented me on how much volume and bounce my hair had.

After three months, I noticed that my hair was stronger and more resilient. It didn’t break or split easily. It held its shape and style better. It looked more vibrant and radiant.

I was amazed by the results. Red light therapy had worked wonders for my hair loss in the shower. It had restored my confidence and self-esteem. It had made me feel like myself again.


If you’re suffering from hair loss in the shower or anywhere else, don’t lose hope. There are solutions out there, and one of them is red light therapy. It’s a safe, convenient, and affordable way to stimulate your scalp and promote hair growth.

I’m not saying that red light therapy is a miracle cure or that it will work for everyone. But it worked for me, and it could work for you too. All you need is a red light therapy hat and some patience.

Have you tried red light therapy for your hair loss? What was your experience? Share your story in the comments below!


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Adrenaline-fueled blog with weight loss secrets, mind-blowing hair growth remedies, energizing pain relief techniques, and elevated overall well-being. Thrilling transformation awaits!

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