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Spiritual Revolution

True Evolution

By Angela FosnaughPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

It’s actually taken some deep thought and contemplating to be able to get past the writers block I’ve been having these past couple of months. I don’t remember a time in my life where the energy, for me personally, has been so conflicting. 

For me, walking into the year 2020, I felt that this year was going to be different but had no inclination that something this profound was going to take place.

I must say I’m happy to finally be at a place energetically where I feel I can write, once again.

As an empath, I feel everything so deeply and being an awakened empath has deepened those feelings so much that for the first time, I felt that there was too much to write so I wrote nothing at all.

These first five months of 2020 have been crazy to say the least but don’t believe that it’s all for nothing. Whether you believe that there is something bigger than us all or not, you must have at least thought about the theory that maybe, just maybe there is. 
I’m here to tell you that the theory that you have contemplated once or twice is in fact, reality.

We are now witnessing the fall of the false prophets. The fall of the corrupt. The fall of those hypocrites that we’ve all come to recognize either personally or through social media. This is the fall of people who hurt people. This is the fall of those people who hurt children. This is the absolute fall of those not believing in something bigger than themselves and thinking that they have a free ticket here on earth to do as they please without any consequence.

We weren’t given this precious life to go around just doing as we please with no ramifications for our actions! We are all bystanders of a spiritual cleanse that’s currently, in progress. Spiritual warfare, good versus evil. 

If you’ve come across this post I’d hope that you’re either on your way to waking up or you are someone who’s at least curious about the idea. Walking through life with blinders on isn’t the reason anyone was born. The hurt, abuse and disgust that we currently see taking place on just about every news station or social media platform isn’t the reason why any of us are here.

We each have a mission. Unique to ourself. You were not born to follow, you are born to lead. 
Imagine, for a moment. You are born. Your body grows but your mind nor soul, does not. Ever. You’re an 80 year old with a day old babies mind and soul. For what? What would be the purpose in that? 
We were all put here for a very special purpose. We are all born choosing our parents. They needed us just as much as we needed them. Through growth, we learn many things, we are taught many hard lessons that we take on throughout our lifetime that helps us mature and helps us become stronger. It continues from there and that process is our evolution. 

The earth isn’t ours to destroy. People aren’t our property to hurt. Think about this, we are given a life, on this beautiful earth with only a few rules that we are to abide by. Our will is free until we sin, and if we sin, we are told to ask for forgiveness and so it shall be. I’d have to guess that the free pass isn’t free forever. At some point, the world had to be shaken. That time is now.

Everything that’s taken place so quickly has so many people questioning life. It even has people so afraid of our current reality that they are taking their own life. This isn’t the reason for any of it. 
Yes, there has been loss. There has been heartbreak. There has been sadness. There has been discontentment but it’s because you need to question the state of the world, the earth.

Losing the attachment to the outer world wasn’t to alarm you, it was to wake you up as to what you’re looking for isn’t beyond yourself, it’s within yourself. 

If the only person you had to talk to today was you, how would that conversation go? Isolation is a means to grow you internally. It’s never a punishment. 
Too many people during quarantine could no longer stand their own reflection and felt they had no where else to turn and felt that death by suicide was their only way out of this whirlwind of events, but this great awakening is deeper than what we’re superficially led to believe. 

It’s time for change. Imagine a world where everyone has evolved. Kind. Compassionate. Helpful. Healed. That’s what this time is for. Look deeper into the purpose of it all, not just what the media is allowed to show or say. You’re here experiencing it all and that’s a wonderful thing, believe it or not.

What’s your soul been trying to convey to you for so long? It wants you happy and healthy. You are your soul. Let that sink in. Your body is your avatar. Your soul, at the very depth, is who you are. 
You were born at the exact time you were meant to, the exact day, even astrologically correct. Don’t waste another hour flipping through the same television channels. Turn it off. Turn on something that’s worthwhile.

If you can’t go outside. Stay in. Meditation is the pathway to the soul. Take a walk. It’ll do you good. 

You can find me on social media. 
Facebook@ life unfolding 1111

Instagram through _teal_eyes

Sending you love and light and loads of positive vibes. Until next time~ take care of yourself. 


About the Creator

Angela Fosnaugh

Creative soul who loves to create through the use of words & I feel that my heart is full of words, waiting to be put together. After self publishing 3 books I want to get my work out for more to see it is indeed my heart & soul on paper.

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