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Would you like to read about the journey of the spiritual awakening process that a person goes through? let’s discuss this.

By Thara's SpacePublished 12 months ago 5 min read

So, what is spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening is a transformative process involving increased awareness and connection to the deeper aspects of existence beyond the physical realm. In simpler terms, It is a personal journey of self-discovery and growth that can lead to a deeper understanding of life’s purpose and meaning.

Do you think would everyone go through the process of this spiritual awakening?

Not everyone will go through the process of spiritual awakening in the same way or to the same extent. The experience of spiritual awakening is highly individual and can vary greatly from person to person. Some individuals may have a sudden and profound awakening that completely transforms their lives, while others may have a more gradual and subtle awakening over time.

Furthermore, not everyone may feel the need or desire to embark on a spiritual awakening journey. People have different belief systems, perspectives, and life experiences that shape their understanding of the world and their place in it. Some may find fulfillment and meaning in other aspects of life, such as careers, relationships, or personal achievements, without necessarily seeking a spiritual awakening.

Ultimately, the choice to pursue a spiritual awakening or engage in spiritual practices is a personal one. It is up to each individual to determine their path and what brings them a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

How the journey seems to be?

The journey of a spiritual awakening is a deeply personal and transformative experience. It is a process of becoming aware of the deeper aspects of oneself and the interconnectedness of all things. While every individual’s journey is unique, some common themes and stages often arise during a spiritual awakening. Here is a general outline of what a spiritual awakening journey may entail in stages.

Stage 1: Ego is us phase

When referring to the “unconscious stage” of a spiritual awakening, it typically means a period where an individual is fully being operated by Ego. There is not enough space between ourselves and our ego. we completely believe that our ego is us. there is no demarcation between us and our egos. we don't have any control over ourselves. we tend to be negative and self-destructive. we don't develop any individual thoughts and we are most often socially engineered by our environment. No clarity of the conscience of truth about themselves.

Stage 2: Ego death

The most difficult phase to cross through. Ego death, also known as ego dissolution, is a term used to describe a profound and temporary transcendent experience where the sense of a separate self or ego dissolves or diminishes significantly. It is often associated with mystical or spiritual experiences, as well as psychedelic experiences.

During ego death, the usual boundaries and distinctions between oneself and the external world may fade away. The individual may experience a sense of oneness, unity, or merging with everything around them. The concepts of time, space, and personal identity may lose their usual meaning, leading to a feeling of egolessness.

Stage 3: search for the individual we are

The search for spiritual awakening involves seeking and exploration. It may include studying various spiritual traditions, philosophies, or teachings, attending workshops, retreats, or engaging in practices such as meditation, prayer, or yoga. Seeking can also involve connecting with like-minded individuals, joining spiritual communities, or seeking guidance from spiritual teachers or mentors.

The search for spiritual awakening often involves turning inward and engaging in self-reflection and self-inquiry. This may include questioning one’s beliefs, values, and assumptions, examining patterns and conditioning, and exploring the nature of the self and reality.

Engaging in spiritual practices and disciplines can be an integral part of the search for awakening. These practices may vary depending on individual preferences and beliefs but can include meditation, mindfulness, breathwork, contemplation, prayer, or other forms of introspection. Such practices cultivate inner stillness, presence, and awareness, allowing for deeper insights and a greater connection to the spiritual dimension.

Stage 4: Emergence of individual profound self.

The emergence of a profound self often involves a deeper connection to one’s inner essence or core being. There is a recognition of a deeper truth and authenticity that transcends the ego. This connection can bring a profound sense of peace, purpose, and fulfillment.

The individual may experience a natural alignment with higher values and principles. The egoic desires and attachments that were once prominent may lose their grip, allowing for a greater alignment with what is truly meaningful.

The emergence of a profound self involves the integration of unity and individuality. While there is a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things, there is also an appreciation for the unique expression of the individual self. This integration allows for a harmonious balance between the sense of oneness and the expression of personal uniqueness.

It’s important to note that the emergence of a profound self is a continuous process, and the depth of this emergence may vary from person to person. It is a journey of self-discovery and integration that unfolds over time, allowing for a deepening of the awakened state and an ongoing exploration of the true nature of self and reality.

Stage 5: Phase of alignment

In this stage, the individual integrates their spiritual insights and experiences into their daily life. This stage involves living authentically, aligning with one’s values, and making conscious choices that support their spiritual growth and well-being.

The process of alignment with self also includes cultivating self-compassion and self-acceptance. It involves letting go of self-judgment and embracing oneself fully, including both strengths and areas for improvement. It requires listening to one’s intuition and inner wisdom and making choices that are in alignment with one’s true desires and values.

Alignment with self is a continuous journey rather than a destination. It involves making conscious choices and taking actions that support one’s well-being, fulfillment, and authentic expression in various areas of life, such as relationships, work, and personal development.

Overall, alignment with self is about living in alignment with one’s true nature, embracing one’s uniqueness, and creating a life that is in resonance with one’s deepest desires and values. It is a path to self-fulfillment, authenticity, and inner harmony.

currently, I am in stage 5

please feel free to comment on which stage are you in. It’s also important to note that the stages of spiritual awakening are not necessarily linear, and individuals may move back and forth between them. Additionally, the intensity and duration of each stage can vary from person to person. The spiritual awakening journey is unique for each individual and can continue to unfold throughout one’s lifetime.

keep reading and keep exploring with me!!!

mental health

About the Creator

Thara's Space

Researcher, Designer, Writer. Hope you enjoy my content.

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