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Spanking Therapy And Other Strange Methods Of Stress Relief

Could one of these unusual therapies change your life?

By Chelsea RosePublished 8 months ago 5 min read
Photo courtesy of Italo Melo via Pexels

Stress is a normal part of daily life, but there are times when we can't seem to handle the pressure. It can make us feel anxious, tense, and exhausted. While several tried-and-tested methods exist to ease our worries, some people have turned to unconventional stress relief techniques. From spanking therapy to venting your frustrations in a rage room, these strange methods have gained popularity. But are they effective?

Spanking Therapy

Spanking. While it may seem counterintuitive at first, spanking can actually be a great way to relieve tension and release our feelings in a safe environment.

The act of spanking releases feel-good hormones called endorphins, which help reduce pain, alleviate stress, and create a sense of euphoria. These hormones can be a great tool for combating stress and anxiety, as they help to ground us in the present moment and provide relief from overwhelming thoughts.

Spanking may sound easy, but you just can't go around spanking people without knowing what you're doing. It requires skill and training to carry it out safely.

Therefore, if you're thinking about giving it a try with your partner, it's always a good idea to consult a professional spanker or a professional Disciplinarian first. They can give you advice or even provide some training.

Alternatively, you could attend sex parties where spanking is the main focus or take classes at sex shops. And of course, there are plenty of online tutorials, articles, and books.

If you do decide to undergo a professional spanking therapy session, the professional spanker will usually start by informing you of the process and help you explore your expectations, safe words, boundaries, and comfort level.

The professional may also encourage you to use breathing exercises and relaxation techniques during the actual spanking, as these can help you achieve a greater sense of control and release additional tension from the body.

Finally, after the session, the professional should guide you through aftercare activities to ensure that your experience is beneficial for your overall health and well-being.

Laughter Yoga

At the beginning of his career, Dr. Madan Lal Kataria read extensively about the immense benefits of laughter and the power of expressing emotions through animated facial expressions. Yet it struck him profoundly that laughter was a rare sight in the vibrant streets of Mumbai, India.

Then an idea flashed in his mind: why not start a laughter club? And that's just what he did. In 1995, he launched his first laughter yoga session, which had five participants.

Over time, the audience grew, and Dr. Kataria realised that laughter for the sake of laughter itself was the simplest yet most potent way to unlock euphoria.

Photo by Sarah Noltner on Unsplash

As it was, by starting with fake laughter, genuine laughter soon erupted and spread like wildfire. He would later complement the laughter with fundamental stretches and Pranayama breathing exercises from India, which unleashed a surge of energy by oxygenating the body and expelling carbon dioxide. As the participants' lung capacity flourished, so did the endurance of their laughter, filling the air with endless waves of mirth.

Today, laughter yoga has grown from a small club in Mumbai to a worldwide movement with over 5,000 clubs worldwide.

Rage Rooms 

Have you ever just wanted to smash something in anger or frustration? Well, that's where rage rooms come in handy. These unique spaces are specifically designed for people to unleash their inner fury and obliterate objects like glasses, lamps, televisions, plates, and even furniture. The best part? You can let loose without worrying about any consequences or having to tidy up the aftermath. It's an indulgence that offers pure, guilt-free stress relief.

However, it's crucial to keep in mind that if you're a person with severe anger issues or a history of violence, you should stay away from rage rooms, as they can reinforce harmful coping mechanisms, warns clinical psychologist Scott Bea, PsyD.

Moreover, it's important to note that rage rooms only provide a fleeting respite from negative emotions and stress. They shouldn't be mistaken for a form of therapy. As primarily entertainment venues, they fail to address the underlying causes of stress or teach effective strategies for emotional management. But if you're looking for a momentary escape, even if it's a bit pricey, why not give it a shot?

Floatation Therapy

Picture yourself in a world where tranquillity envelops you effortlessly, as you float in a serene oasis of relaxation. How is such bliss possible, you may wonder? Enter flotation therapy.

Flotation therapy, or "floating," takes you on a sensory voyage inside a water-filled tank known as a sensory deprivation tank. By simply adding a high concentration of Epsom salts to the water, a phenomenon called floating is achieved. This magical experience mirrors the legendary Dead Sea, elevating the water's density and buoyancy.

But the sensory deprivation tank is more than a dark, soundproof container filled with just a foot of salt water. It's a gateway to restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST).

The temperature of the water and the chamber is meticulously adjusted to match your skin, creating a seamless fusion with your surroundings. It becomes an experience that defies gravity, making you feel weightless and disconnected from the noise and chaos outside.

What's more, sound and light are nonexistent within the sensory deprivation tank. In the absence of sensory input and external pressures, your mind and body can delve into profound states of rest and healing. This can culminate in tremendous mental relief and a release of muscle tension.

While the science behind flotation therapy may still be unfolding, recent studies hold remarkable promise. Researchers have begun to unveil the potential benefits of this therapy for those teetering on the edge of burnout, as well as individuals seeking relief from symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Intriguing findings from a small study on individuals with burnout-related depression shed light on this captivating journey. After 12 float therapy sessions, participants reported reduced stress, anxiety, and depression. Astonishingly, their sleep quality improved, while their optimism soared. These discoveries hint at the transformative power of floating, offering hope for overall well-being and mental health.

While flotation therapy may not be widely available and can be a bit costly, it offers a complete and unparalleled relaxation experience for those seeking true tranquillity.


In conclusion, the never-ending stress and anxiety faced by people have led to innovative platforms for relieving stress. These strange methods may seem unconventional, but they have proven to be helpful for many. Spanking therapy, laughter yoga, and floatation therapy are just a few examples of alternative methods to deal with anxiety, depression, stress, and overall mental health.

However, it's essential to exercise a level of caution and always consult a professional before trying these methods. It's worth noting that no one method works for everyone, and it's essential to find what works best for you. So go ahead and give spanking therapy or rage rooms a shot! Who knows? It might just be the solution you've been seeking.


About the Creator

Chelsea Rose

I never met a problem I couldn't make worst.

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