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Simple Habits to Cure a Bad Day

You want to start doing these more

By Nicholas McKennaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Kelvin Valerio from Pexels

We were put on this planet to live, so why don’t we live to the fullest?

To me this means enjoying the days as much as possible. This won’t happen all the time. Life gets in the way and events occur where you don’t feel like smiling.

We need these sad times to make the good ones feel better. Life goes up and down and you want to do your best to make the highs higher or last longer.

Below are a few ways that I try to do this. They won’t work for everyone but hopefully one will help you change your life for the better.

Drink water

Water’s a vital component of a healthy diet. You may have been told before to drink more of it to stay hydrated, but water is the answer to other problems too.

It helps regulate hunger. This means you will feel fuller and prevent you from overeating. Have a glass of water with every meal if you’re trying to lose weight.

Keeping water by your bed helps keep you hydrated as you’re waking up dehydrated most times.

Headaches are a symptom of dehydration. Water helps prevent this.

During the summers, we tend to forget about this. You are going through your daily routine and by the end of the day have pit stains from sweat.

Sports drinks like Gatorade are full of electrolytes to give you energy but water is a key component to keeping you hydrated and reducing your chances of getting a headache.

Walk more, complain less

It’s relaxing going for walks. We don’t move enough as a society and the number of obese people in our country is proof of that.

Work gets in the way of us doing what we like but it doesn’t have to prevent us from walking.

Start by taking the stairs more often. Work on a high floor? Take it to a floor below yours and walk up one of two floors.

One of the best pieces of equipment in the gym is the stair master. Ten minutes at a moderate speed and you will be covered in sweat.

It’s important for us to move more. It improves your health and relieves stress from the day.

Don’t suffer in silence

Let people know how you feel.

As a guy, I was led to believe that I needed to keep my feelings to myself. While I believe it’s better to keep most of my problems private, I know when I need to talk to someone.

When you’re having a bad day, it’s ok to tell someone. You may not want to go into too much detail about it but a simply “today is not my day” works fine.

You will be letting someone know you’re having a bad day and getting something off your chest.

For those that feel they need more help, therapy is always an option. Some, like myself, started going with the idea that “only people with something wrong with them do this”.

Which is true but, everyone has something wrong with them. Why not try to better yourself if you can?

Make Time for You

You deserve time to yourself. Most people take this time after a long day at work.

Saying work can be stressful is an understatement. We all have something we have to deal with throughout the day that makes us want to put our fist through a wall.

Set time aside for yourself. This will help you relax, and it doesn’t have to be that long.

Take 5 or ten minutes to sit in a quiet room or listen to your favorite podcast. Whatever it is that makes you feel comfortable or happy make time for it.

Final Thoughts

It’s interesting to think about bad days. You always go back to who did something to ruin it for you or what happened that caused everything to go off the rails.

Placing blame won’t change the outcome and it won’t make you feel better.

When life hands me problems, I try to face them head on and fix what I can. That’s all you can do in these situations.

After that, try your best to move on. Don’t complain about it afterwards, unless you need to vent to someone, and take 5 or 10 minutes to relax. Take your mind off everything that bothered you earlier.

We all have bad days but there’s always something positive we can find in them.


About the Creator

Nicholas McKenna

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