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Pre-Workout Supplements: What You Need to Know for Optimal Performance

All you need to know about Pre-Workout

By SunanosPublished 9 months ago 5 min read
Pre-Workout Supplements: What You Need to Know for Optimal Performance
Photo by LyfeFuel on Unsplash


In years the pre workout industry has experienced growth. Analysts predict that by 2027 the industry could surpass $23 billion representing a 60% increase compared to the estimated market value of, around $14 billion in 2020. This growth raises a question; does pre workout really provide benefits? Which ingredients are most effective?. Is it being overly hyped by fitness influencers?

A study conducted by the University of Mary Hardin Baylor in Texas and published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in 2016 aimed to explore the effects of a workout supplement on athletic performance among college aged males. The study involved 26 athletes who were randomly assigned to either receive a workout supplement containing beta alanine, creatine, caffeine and nitric oxide boosters or a placebo. Tests were conducted before and after six weeks of using the supplements or placebo.

The findings revealed that those who took the workout supplement experienced significant improvements in measures of muscular endurance, power output and vertical jump performance compared to those who received the placebo. Additionally individuals, in the supplement group reported feeling more energized and focused during their workouts.

There is a range of ingredients commonly found in pre workout supplements. Lets take a look, at some of the used ones;

1. Caffeine; It’s a stimulant that gives us that energized feeling, improving energy levels focus and athletic performance. However it’s crucial to research. Read the labels on pre workouts because many of them rely heavily on caffeine while lacking beneficial supplements.

2. Creatine; This compound has been extensively. Is known to enhance muscle strength, endurance and growth. I’ll delve deeper into the research on creatine in another article.

3. Beta alanine; An amino acid that plays a role in improving endurance and reducing fatigue during high intensity exercise.

4. Nitric oxide boosters; These include ingredients like L arginine and citrulline which help improve blood flow and ensure delivery to the muscles.

5. B vitamins; These vitamins are crucial for energy metabolism. Can also contribute to reducing fatigue levels.

6. Taurine; Another amino acid that aids in enhancing exercise performance while minimizing fatigue.

7. L theanine; This particular amino acid is known for its ability to improve focus and decrease anxiety levels.

It’s important to be aware of these ingredients when choosing workout supplements as they can have varying effects, on your body during workouts.

Here are some advantages of using workout supplements;

1. Increased energy; Pre workout supplements often include caffeine or other stimulants that can boost energy levels and reduce fatigue allowing for an workout.

2. Improved focus; Certain pre workout supplements contain ingredients, like L theanine that can enhance focus and concentration during exercise.

3. Enhanced athletic performance; Ingredients such as creatine beta alanine and nitric oxide boosters in workout supplements can improve muscle strength, endurance and blood flow potentially leading to better athletic performance.

4. Increased muscle growth; Some pre workout supplements may contain ingredients like creatine that can facilitate muscle growth and increase size.

5. Reduced muscle soreness; Specific components in workout supplements like beta alanine might help decrease muscle soreness and improve recovery time after exercise.

However it’s important to note that pre workout is not a solution that will instantly give you bulging arms like melons. There are also downsides to using these supplements if proper research isn’t conducted.

Pre workouts available on the market have amounts of caffeine which can result in several negative side effects such as jitteriness, anxiety, nausea and difficulty falling asleep. It’s crucial to be aware of these risks, before incorporating pre workouts into your routine.Some people may experience reactions, to ingredients found in pre workout supplements like creatine or beta alanine which can lead to digestive issues or allergic responses.

It’s important to note that the long term effects of workout supplements are not well understood despite various research conducted by institutions. There is information regarding their safety and effectiveness over extended periods of usage.

Similar to drugs tolerance can develop with workout supplements. This means that higher doses may be required to achieve the desired effects. However excessive caffeine intake could have effects on your health.

Although it is relatively uncommon there is a risk of mislabeling and contamination, in workout supplements since they are not regulated by the FDA. Therefore it is crucial to purchase these products from sources to minimize the possibility of encountering mislabeled products. This way you can ensure that you know what you are consuming.Personally I rely on workout supplements for almost every gym session. It provides me with the energy to power through my workouts. Carry that energy throughout the day. Over time I’ve learned a tips and tricks that have proven helpful;

1. Stay hydrated; Pre workout often contains amounts of caffeine which acts as a diuretic and can cause your body to lose water and salt. This is why you may feel the need to use the restroom during your workout. To prevent dehydration it’s crucial to keep hydrating during your gym session. Dehydration can negatively affect your performance. Potentially lead to headaches.

2. Timing is key; Most ingredients, in pre workout take around 30 60 minutes to reach their peak levels in your bloodstream. Therefore it’s advisable to consume pre workout half an hour before starting your gym session. By doing you can maximize the benefits. Experience its full effects during your workout.

3. Experiment with doses; Lately I’ve come across an approach where individuals vary their pre workout dosage based on different days or types of workouts they have planned. For instance some people prefer taking half a scoop of pre workout on push and pull days (focusing on back and chest exercises) while opting for a scoop, on leg days or more intense workouts.

These are some insights I’ve gained from experience when it comes to using pre workout supplements effectively in my fitness routine.

It is advisable to refrain from consuming workout beverages within five hours of your bedtime as this can significantly impact your sleep quality and hinder your progress in achieving fitness goals.


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