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Onions sterilize and protect against the cold

Is it better to eat onions raw or cooked?

By ChichikushvilPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

As a common vegetable, onions are a regular feature in the kitchen, and most people have different opinions when it comes to onions. Those who like onions find them to be sweet, while those who don't like the smell of onions frown on them frequently.

The food value of onions is relatively high, especially abroad, where they are also known as the "queen of vegetables". For those who don't like onions, a bowl of boiled onion water every day will bring unexpected benefits to the body.



About onions

Are onions cool?

Onions are mild, although a bit pungent, and can be eaten by people with high blood pressure and diabetes.

Onions contain yellow uric satyric acid, which enables cells to make better use of sugar, thus lowering blood sugar. Onions also contain propagandists, which dilate blood vessels, reduce peripheral vascular resistance, promote sodium excretion, and bring down increased blood pressure. So eating onions is very good for you.

[Is it better to eat onions raw or cooked?

Doctor: It is better to eat onions raw.

Onions have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, and the more pungent the onion, the more antioxidants it contains.

However, if an onion is stored in the air for too long after cutting or heated at high temperatures during cooking, the amount of these substances will be reduced. Therefore, to retain the nutrients in onions it is best to eat them raw. The pungent flavor in onions promotes the secretion of digestive juices and enhances the peristaltic power of the intestines, which has the effect of promoting digestion.

[Can I still eat onions when they are sprouted?

Doctor: Onions can be eaten after they have sprouted.

Onions will not sprout like potatoes or peanuts. They do not produce toxic substances such as libertine or antitoxin, so people can eat them without worry.

When an onion sprouts, part of itself provides the buds to grow, at which point the onion will be less nutritious and less tasty. Onions will sprout at a high rate in a warm and humid place. If you can't finish your onions at home to put them away for a while, it is best to keep them in a cool, dry place, otherwise, they are prone to mold.


If you insist on drinking a bowl of "boiled onion water" every day, there are 7 benefits that may come to you unannounced.

1. Enhance appetite

People who have a poor appetite, can't eat, and have poor gastrointestinal function can eat more onions, which can have the effect of increasing their appetite.

This is because onions contain a high level of onions, a substance that stimulates the secretion of gastric juices and accelerates peristalsis and digestion. For those who suffer from stomach problems, drinking a little onion-boiled water can also help to maintain and repair gastric mucous.


2. Sterilization and protection against cold

Onions contain a certain amount of Alicia, which acts as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, and can also be effective against the flu virus.

If you often catch a cold, you may want to drink a bowl of boiled water with onions before going to bed. If you persist for a while, you can improve your immune system and prevent colds.

3. Beauty and skin care

Insist on boiling water with onions to drink, after some time, can play a beauty care effect. The vitamin C and nicotine acid contained in onions can speed up the formation of cell gaps and repair damaged cells, allowing the skin to remain smooth and rosy, and elastic.

In addition, the sulfur vitamins contained in onions can prevent the formation of age spots by preventing the production of liposuction from unsaturated fatty acids. This is why it is important to drink water with onions, as this can have a beautiful effect.

4. Relieve insomnia

If you suffer from insomnia or poor sleep quality, you can also improve your sleep quality by drinking onion-boiled water. By drinking onion water in moderation, the calming ingredients contained in the onion will have a hypnotic effect.

If you have recently had poor sleep, drink a bowl of onion water before going to bed and persist for a while, your insomnia problem will improve and you will sleep better and better.

5. Protect your blood vessels

The propagandist content in onions is also relatively high, this substance can dilate blood vessels, and dice the concentration of blood. This is a good way to prevent blood clots by increasing the blood flow in the coronary arteries.

The utilization of philodendron in onions is also particularly high. According to research, philodendron can prevent the oxidation of low-density proteins and effectively maintain the health of blood vessels.

Protect your blood vessels

6. Appetite and digestion

Appropriate drinking of onion boiled water can also play a role in regulating the spleen and stomach, onion itself is very strong and stimulating, and good for the digestive tract and intestines. It also promotes the secretion of digestive juices to improve digestive power, achieving the effect of promoting digestion and stimulating appetite.

It has been experimentally proven that onions can effectively increase the peristaltic speed of the intestines and stomach, improve the tension of the intestines and stomach, accelerate the digestion and absorption of food, and achieve the effect of strengthening the spleen and appetite and promoting digestion.

7. Relief of constipation

The sulfur content in onions produces hydrogen chloride with the proteins or intestinal bacteria in the intestines, which can increase the peristaltic speed of the intestines. The soluble dietary fiber in them can effectively stimulate the intestines and make the body more energetic.

The oligonucleotides control the multiplication of the black forces of the intestine and achieve relief from constipation.


Extension: Although onions are good, the following 4 types of people are not suitable for eating them


1. Patients with eye diseases

The onion itself contains "Alicia", which is an irritating ingredient, and the reason why people usually cut onions will weep is that this ingredient stimulates the tear glands, and the body naturally secretes tears to protect the eyes and trigger a reaction.

Therefore, people with eye problems are more likely to be irritated by this ingredient, which can lead to eye attacks and affect the state of their eyes, making them more likely to suffer from eye confusion and fever. Patients with eye problems should therefore be careful not to consume too much onion.

2. People with poor kidney function

The kidneys are very important detoxification and metabolic organ in our body, and their main function is to filter out the metabolic waste from the body and excrete it in the form of urine. If you eat a lot of onions in your daily life, it may put a burden on your kidneys.

3. People with a hot body

Some people with a hot body may not be able to eat onions, as they are warm vegetables in nature.

In severe cases, it can also affect the symptoms of short urine or constipation, which can lower the level of health. Some people with hot bodies can also become emotionally unstable and angry after eating onions, which can cause serious problems in their lives.

4. People with skin diseases

People with skin diseases are also not suitable for eating onions, because people with skin diseases have inflammation themselves and should be light in their diet and should not eat spicy and irritating foods like onions, otherwise they will aggravate the symptoms of skin diseases.

Therefore, people with skin diseases should not eat onions, and if they want to eat them, they should have their skin diseases looked after before eating them.


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