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Often eat boiled egg, is nourishing liver or hurt liver? Listen to the doctor. Three things to keep in mind.

develop good living habits, liver disease prevention is more effective.

By Tomorrow SaturdayPublished about a year ago 9 min read

Uncle Chen, 52, came home with his medical examination report and threw it in front of his wife Aunt Li: "It is because you make me eat boiled eggs every day that I eat fatty liver!"

Is fatty liver caused by eating boiled eggs? Aunt Li only knew that eggs were cheap and nutritious food, and Uncle Chen would eat two boiled eggs every morning, but never knew that they could cause fatty liver disease.

In order to find the answer, two people come to the hospital, want the doctor to look at the liver, by the way to ask whether boiled eggs will hurt the liver.

After analyzing Uncle Chen's physical examination report, the doctor told him that the occurrence of fatty liver was related to high cholesterol and triglycerides in the body and low exercise. One egg a day will not cause high cholesterol. Uncle Chen's fatty liver needs to be regulated through diet, exercise and changes in work and rest habits.

Now Uncle Chen finally understands that nourishing the liver and protecting the liver requires comprehensive management of the body, and it is wrong to put all the responsibility on the egg.

First, the body appears these symptoms, indicating that the liver is alarming

Liver is one of the human body is not easy to get sick, ill after treatment of the organ, daily life whether diet, drugs, improper lifestyle, may cause damage to the liver. If the liver is diseased, all the functions of the body will be affected, so if you detect the abnormality early in the morning and intervene to minimize the damage.

Yellowing of the face and eyes may be the manifestation of liver metabolism.

About the body of the skin yellow, many people think that is only hepatitis will appear symptoms, in fact, when the concentration of bilirubin in the blood, there will be yellow skin, jaundice symptoms.

High bilirubin often indicates that there are stones, blockage or inflammation in the liver. The liver cannot discharge metabolic waste in time, blocking the normal excretion of bile and making the body yellow.

Indigestion, not wanting to eat, is not necessarily a gastrointestinal problem, may be related to poor liver function.

When the body does not digest food, vomiting, diarrhea and other diseases, we often think that the digestive system is abnormal, consider the gastrointestinal diseases. But clinically, liver disease also has a great impact on the digestive system.

When the liver function declines to a certain extent, it will reduce the secretion of bile. We know that bile can promote the digestive function of the human body. If the secretion of bile is less, the kinetic energy of the digestive system is insufficient, it is easy to appear food is not easy to digest, abdominal distension, diarrhea and other symptoms after eating.

Therefore, the problems in the stomach and intestines, the root is not necessarily it itself, digestive diseases to consider liver problems, timely inspection and treatment, so as not to have serious consequences.

Skin appearance of spider nevus, should be alert to liver disease.

Spider nevus is a kind of telangiectasia, its occurrence and the human body estrogen too much, androgen too little relationship, liver function problems, some patients will grow spider nevus on the body.

When the liver is damaged, its decomposing and metabolic capacity is reduced, and estrogen increases in the body, affecting the internal circulation environment of the patient's body, resulting in spider moles on the face, neck, chest, shoulders and arms.

However, not all spider nevus are related to liver problems, it is necessary to analyze their own situation, find out the cause and then treat the symptoms. Here spider nevus is only a symptom, not a necessary symptom.

In addition, lower limb edema, liver pain, bad breath and so on May also be related to liver disease, need to pay attention to.

Two, often eat boiled eggs, is nourishing liver or liver injury?

The treatment of liver disease needs to experience a relatively long time, and the recurrence is relatively strong, so we should learn to nourish the liver and protect the liver at ordinary times, to avoid its disease. How is it to nourish the liver? How to count hurt liver again? Eat boiled egg after all can nourish liver or hurt liver? These problems need to be analyzed from the liver function.

The liver is a detoxifying organ. After food enters the body, substances absorbed from the stomach and intestines enter the liver, and the liver converts harmful substances to non-toxic excretion, such as alcohol and drugs, which belong to this category.

Eggs are rich in lecithin, sterols, lecithin, calcium, iron and phosphorus and other nutrients, can reduce liver damage, repair damaged liver cells, has a protective effect on the liver.

The liver is also a synthetic organ. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats and other substances that people ingest are digested and absorbed by the stomach and intestines and then enter the liver, where these substances are synthesized to be converted into nutrients and energy that the human body can receive.

The liver synthesizes clotting factors and albumin. Coagulation factor has the function of coagulation and hemostasis, which is of great significance for maintaining the blood balance in the body. Patients with cirrhosis are prone to bleeding and cause thrombocytopenia, which is caused by too little secretion of coagulation factor.

Albumin is a nutritional protein, it can regulate the balance of water in the tissue fluid inside and outside the blood vessels, and conducive to wound healing, is an indispensable important material for the human body. Eggs contain more high quality protein, which is an important raw material for albumin synthesis.

The liver makes and stores blood and removes bacteria from the blood, keeping the body in a healthier environment.

The liver absorbs nutrients such as iron, folic acid and vitamin B12, all of which are essential for blood synthesis, but which it can only provide rather than directly contribute to blood production.

In addition, the liver stores some blood, and when the body loses blood, the liver uses the stored blood to replenish and maintain the balance of blood volume. However, the blood storage of the liver needs to be replenished in time after use. If the replenishment is not timely, anemia may occur.

Boiled egg plays a main nutritional role for the liver. Most of the substances contained in it can enter the liver and participate in its functional activities, so it belongs to the liver protection food.

Three, there is a special way to eat boiled eggs, doctor: these three points should be kept in mind

Boiled eggs are one of the cooking methods of eggs to maintain the most complete nutrients. It is one of the most common and cheap nutrients in life. Eating eggs every day can not only provide energy to the liver, but also help the health of the whole body. However, there is also a way to eat boiled eggs, and doctors give advice on this.

Eggs do not help, normal people a day to meet the needs of the body.

Because eggs are common and cheap, plus high nutritional value, some people like to eat them for breakfast, even eat five or six eggs a day. The absorption capacity of the human body is limited, when the excess of nutrients, it will continue to digest, can not absorb the part is stored in the body, to the blood, muscles and various tissues and organs bring additional burden.

Eggs contain steroids, which can cause high cholesterol. This is why people with high cholesterol should not eat eggs. Under normal circumstances, eating an egg a day can meet the needs of the body, preferably no more than two, to avoid the impact on health.

When you boil eggs, you need to cook them properly. Too tender or too hard is not good.

Ordinary people will boil eggs, which itself is not difficult, but some people like to eat tender soft-boiled eggs, some people like to eat older.

There may still be some bacteria in the runny eggs have not been killed, often eat it is not good for health; If cooked too old, the egg protein becomes hard, not only not easy to absorb, but also difficult to digest, bring a burden to the stomach.

Do not eat boiled eggs at least two hours apart during the medication.

Hard-boiled eggs are high in protein, which is difficult to digest and stays in the gut for a long time.

Drugs often have some easily decomposed components, it and eggs in combination, will increase the burden of the stomach, stimulate the stomach is not willing to eat, constipation and other phenomena.

According to the digestion time of food and the drug effect time, the best time interval of two hours, which can reduce the irritation of the stomach and intestines, but also more conducive to the effect of the drug.

In addition, when eating eggs, it is best to eat with vegetables, one can absorb more nutrition, two can increase the cellulose in the body, not because the egg digestion is not completely cause constipation.

Four, nourish the liver and protect the liver, do these things well

Liver health needs to be maintained from all aspects, not just an egg a day is enough. Liver disease is closely related to food, mood, exercise and so on. We should start from these things in our daily life to protect the liver and avoid illness.

1. The best liver protection is avoiding alcohol.

As mentioned above, a large part of the reason for liver disease is that when it plays the function of detoxification, toxins ingested will cause harm to it, causing liver enlargement, inflammation and other diseases.

All the alcohol you consume is broken down by your liver, so all the damage that alcohol does to your body is absorbed by your liver. "Alcoholic liver" has become a common disease, often drink people more or less have liver disease, so in daily life, try not to drink.

2. Don't take medicine casually, any medicine will harm the liver, medication must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

Nowadays, many medicines can be bought online or in pharmacies. For minor ailments such as cold, gastroenteritis and toothache, many people buy medicines from pharmacies themselves. The use of drugs and food is different, it has its own indications, different diseases in the choice of drugs, dosage, collocation are not the same.

Almost all drugs or some chemicals, after entering the body, must be detoxicated through the liver, and the toxins will naturally hurt the liver. Therefore, medication needs to be carried out under the guidance of doctors to avoid excessive damage to the liver caused by drug abuse.

3. Eat a balanced diet, exercise moderately, and feel good.

A balanced diet is to eat light vegetables, fruits, fish and shrimp and other healthy food on the premise of ensuring adequate nutrition for the body, and eat less fried, pickled and oily food to reduce the workload of the liver.

Moderate exercise to avoid excessive visceral fat, affecting the normal operation of the liver. With the continuous improvement of social living standards, people's diet is becoming more and more rich, weight rise, the incidence of fatty liver is also more and more high. Exercise can prevent fatty liver disease, which can cause a decline in body function and health.

Optimistic, positive attitude, can make the liver work in the stretch. When a person is irritable or angry, blood rushes to the brain, and the liver pushes the stored blood out. If you are constantly angry, your liver's function is easily affected.

The conclusion of the article:

Liver health is a lot of people are more concerned about the problem, especially alcohol, drugs, chemicals and so on are often exposed to in daily life, and these are damaging to the liver. Hard-boiled eggs are the most common and inexpensive nutritional supplement on the dinner table. Eating an egg a day can help repair damaged stem cells and replenish a variety of nutrients.

To prevent liver disease, do not drink alcohol, do not abuse drugs, develop good habits, only in this way, can make the liver function strong, avoid or reduce its incidence.


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Tomorrow Saturday

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