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A New Found Joy

By GetyourmindrightPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
90 days is all I need

Celebrities are Gods. Comparison plagues the world consistently. It seems as if nobody owns their own life. Everyone wants to be the next star. Deep down, within every human soul, rests a burning passion to become something more. A potential seed planted in everyone, this “selfishness” is far from wrong. However, so many of us have received false programming; the lot of humanity fails to recognize their personal strengths, instead choosing idolatry, mixed with envy, towards a fellow brother. What we fail to realize is that the only way to experience a dream come true is to willfully be the hero! Due to lack of confidence, not many stand strong enough to picture themselves fulfilling their dreams; therefore they praise someone else achieving these feats for them. A training of their mind would serve humanity tremendously.

I will admit to the fact that I was one of these doubters. The fact that I envisioned such legendary ideas whilst failing to act on them infuriated me to the last flame! How could I be so negligent towards both myself and those who support me. I felt embarrassed and I felt ashamed. Imagine the feeling that you are a puppet on a string, controlled by an unseen force. I always made choices opposite to my nature and never acted on my desires.

At last, the answer had arrived: my subconscious mind. When children grow up between infantry and the age of 7, they are in a state of high suggestibility, almost like hypnosis. This explains why children hold full access to their imaginations 24/7. During this stage of development, their minds are given various amounts of software, all factored by where they are from. Bits of this information will later on prove to be misinformed, like a bad game of telephone. Many limiting beliefs that hold us back in life stem from this phase in life.

The core belief annihilating any hope of improvement is the idea that external situations dictate both our life and who we are. This may sound simple, but it manifests in many shapes and forms. One may reason that a specific hobbie is not for them, due to a variety of variables such as age, gender, personality, skin color, environment, the past, etc. In the end, only one entity may decide anything about oneself, which is, yes, you guessed it, the individual themself. So many view points exist because the world is simply what we make of it. Reflecting our inner kingdom, our perceptions serve as mirrors. Our inner kingdom serves as a reflection of our thoughts. Thoughts serve as energy. Everything is energy; therefore, like attracts like. What if the solution to our problems proves much simpler than originally speculated.

Although a change of mindset does not eliminate the external struggle, it certainly changes the overall flavor of life. I have recently found that much of my lack of joy derived from personal compromise. “If, and only if, I accomplish tit for tat will I be happy” Keyword happy. Happiness and joy are two different categories. One will always prove to manifest but a fraction of the latter’s potential. Joy is a sense of wonderlust for life itself. Joy comes into play without excuse, without conditions, and without logical why’s. For so long I set aside joy because my happiness was set on what I wanted externally. The trap is that I was simply chasing cheese.

At times, life seems like a maze. Metaphorically speaking, we are mice, running around, pondering the intention of this silly, yet very serious game. As we wander our youth, we see other mice chasing cheese and begin to lose sight of what this charade is all about. Anything can be cheese. The image we display to the world is cheese. Mountains of accomplishments, piled with a loss of hair due to “healthy” stress comes up to around $Cheese.00. To become still and breathe in life is considered lazy. Four hours of sleep is considered optimal for the aspiring billionaire. What is the point of working just to say you worked? Is this no better than an ever perpetuating cog within a machine. This is the year I break out of my drone mind.

Some concepts seem so obvious to the mind, yet hard for the heart. As I drove to work, the concept that nobody else was going to live my life struck me. I am the only living organism who ever existed, exists, and will exist with the potential to live out my dreams. After much reflection, I decided it was time to drop every single piece of my life that was not relevant to my passions. It becomes so easy to get wrapped up in the bullshit. We have so many little fish to fry that the bigger parts of life seem to escape right from our grasp. This is the year I drop all bs and get real about what I want. This has become so serious to me that I am done worrying about the cool things going on in my idols life. I’m dropping all ideologies, religions, outside beliefs, and listening quietly to my own intuition. I believe that in 90 days I can truly change my mind set.


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