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Natural Ways to Help Your Sick Kids

Naturally Helping Your Kids

By Jade PulmanPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

When your child begins coughing or developing a fever, your natural reaction might be to go to the doctor. However, most common childhood illnesses can be treated with natural remedies from home.

Common Cold

Colds are caused by a minor viral infection that usually only lasts for a few days. Usually, the common cold can be treated at home and doesn’t require a visit to the doctor unless your child has a very high temperature, or unnatural symptoms, like wheezing. Make sure your child is drinking lots of water. This will help them replenish fluids, especially if they are experiencing sweating, vomiting, or diarrhea. Pair water with other warm liquids like herbal and green tea to clear up congestion. Gargling salt water can help to relieve a sore throat, but make sure your child is old enough to gargle properly if you use this method. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in an eight ounce glass of warm water, and have them gargle for a few seconds before spitting it out. To treat a cough, you can try natural cough remedies like honey or probiotics.


Your child is developing a fever if the temperature rises above 98.6 degrees fahrenheit, but it isn’t considered significant until it reaches 100.4 degrees fahrenheit. As your child grows hot or uncomfortable, their immediate desire might be to take a cold bath or shower. However, this will actually make the fever worse. Instead, bathe your child in lukewarm water, or give them a sponge bath, gently dabbing lukewarm water over the body. You can also relieve heat by placing a cool washcloth on the forehead. A unique remedy that surprisingly works is wearing wet socks. This stimulates the immune system and increases blood flow to the feet, causing the fever to pass more quickly.


Young children are the most likely to get chicken pox, and symptoms may last up to two weeks. The most obvious symptom is small, red bumps that appear on the head, back, and stomach, and later spread to the arms and legs. While you should check with a pediatrician to make sure the illness is, indeed, chicken pox, there are plenty of ways to treat your child from home. Skin creams, like calamine lotion, can relieve itching and can be especially helpful at night, when you aren’t there to keep your child from scratching. An oatmeal bath can also aid in relieving discomfort. Grind a cup of whole oatmeal into fine powder, and sprinkle it evenly throughout the tub. You can test to see if the oatmeal is finely ground enough by placing a tablespoon of oatmeal into a glass of warm water. The oatmeal should turn a milky white. If your child is young or has a difficult time resisting the temptation to scratch, you can also give them mittens to wear.

Ear Infection

Ear infections are fairly common in children under seven, and they can be very uncomfortable, especially when a child is too young to understand what’s going on. Severe ear infections might require antibiotics, but more mild cases can be treated from home. Keep your child hydrated with fluids, and place a warm compress over the ear for 10-15 minutes. Children older than six months can take acetaminophen (Tylenol) to help relieve pain. You can also give your child a spoonful of elderberry syrup to help relieve symptoms, or use natural forms of ear drops, like garlic oil.

Stomach Flu

The most common symptoms of the stomach flu are vomiting and diarrhea, but the vomiting usually lasts no more than a day. It might seem counterproductive for your child to eat or drink when they’re throwing up, but the stomach flu causes you to lose a lot of fluids, and replenishing them will strengthen the immune system and help your child to heal faster. Have them take frequent, small sips of water, sports drinks, or other clear liquids. If your child can’t keep liquids down, they can suck on ice chips to keep them from getting dehydrated. Ginger and mint tea can help to relieve nausea and promote healing for the stomach. When you’re ready to reintroduce food, try broth-heavy soups and bland foods, like bananas, crackers, and toast.

While treating every illness is different, there are things that you can do to provide relief and aid in the healing process for your child. Combining rest and fluids with natural remedies will help your child recover more quickly and experience less pain.


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