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My Past Life Regression

What it Felt Like, What I Learned, and How it Changed the Way I Think About Things

By Brit BPublished 7 years ago 4 min read

I've always been curious about hypnosis and particularly past life regression. I felt like I had lived before; I thought I was a doctor or a musician or something else that I considered "cool" based on my current interests. So for my 24th birthday present, I asked that myself and my younger sister go to get our past life regression done. We went to see a lady in Vancouver in her apartment that does all different types of hypnosis and I made my sister go first because I was scared. Then I went upstairs and we had a chat to calm my nerves and went right into it. I laid down on the couch with a blanket over me, eyes closed, and imagined a happy place.

My place was on a lake and I was facing towards the beautiful mountains. Kemila (hypnotherapist) told me in a calm voice to take a step every time she counted down; 10, 9, I was taking steps toward the lake and by 8 I was in a canoe and I was paddling. "You will see a mist around you, go through it as I continue to count," she said and I continued to paddle through. By the time she got to one, I felt as though my consciousness was in the back seat completely. That's the only way I can really describe it, it did feel strange. By this point I was through the mist and I was sort of analyzing myself: dark skin, dark hair, bare feet, still paddling.

Kemila tapped me on my hand and I was instantly on land in a small village of white teepees. I described it as my village and then I saw a bigger man standing in the distance. I noticed he was shirtless, but had a fur over his shoulders and I described him as the Chief. I had the sense that I made clothing for the other people in the village along with some of the other women. In an instant, I moved forward in time to where I had fallen in love with a man and been pregnant with his child. There were so many positive feelings here for the first few minutes and then suddenly I started to get scared and told Kemila "something bad is going to happen, I don't like this, I can't go further, I can feel it" and I started to tear up. She urged me to push through it a bit and I ended up with my husband in the snow, watching him bleed out and die. I started to cry uncontrollably, I did not handle the loss very well and I hadn't had the baby yet.

Kemila urged me to say goodbye to him and move forward in time again. A few years had passed because my daughter looked about 3-years-old. She asked me how I felt at this time and I felt happy, because a part of my husband was still with me in the form of my daughter but also sad because he wasn't there to watch her grow and to grow with me. I never found love with any other man in this life. We moved forward again. This time I'm much older and I'm feeling weaker. The end is coming soon as I walk with my daughter and I begin to cry again and say, "I'm not ready, I don't want to go!" Kemila calms me down though and says it's necessary to move on. I take my last breath and feel what it's like to be free from my body as I'm surrounded by white light. This was probably my favourite part. No longer did I feel tension or sadness, I just felt whole and peaceful and I knew I had reunited with my husband. I felt him there with me.

While in this state, I discovered that my purpose for this life is to learn to trust my own intuition and use it as a tool to guide me and help others. After my regression was over I felt so refreshed, but after I left and got in the car, I started crying as I told my mom and sister what I experienced. They dropped me off at home and I was just emotionally and physically drained. I fell asleep almost right away. When I woke up, I remembered something strange too. A few months before I went I had told my sister that I had always been afraid of getting pregnant with my current partner because I was scared he would die before I had the baby. Now I know where that fear came from!

All in all it was a great experience and I'd recommend it to anyone that is even somewhat curious about reincarnation. It changed the way I see things and it really has opened me up to be able to trust myself and my instincts and I feel like I have a purpose now, whereas, before my experience, I felt lost.


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