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Modern people have become more likely to suffer from insomnia. When fighting it, they often make mistakes. How to get healthy sleep back?

It is very important to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, regardless of the weekend. Only then does our biological clock adjust to the correct rhythm. In our body, hormones, enzymes and other biologically active substances are activated at a certain time.

By ROBINSON JAMES HERBERTPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Modern people have become more likely to suffer from insomnia. When fighting it, they often make mistakes. How to get healthy sleep back?
Photo by Gemma Chua-Tran on Unsplash

Peaceful sleep 2

Modern people have become more likely to suffer from insomnia. When fighting it, they often make mistakes. How to get healthy sleep back?

It is very important to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, regardless of the weekend. Only then does our biological clock adjust to the correct rhythm. In our body, hormones, enzymes and other biologically active substances are activated at a certain time.

If we begin to disrupt these rhythms, dramatically change the duration of sleep, the body can malfunction. It is not always felt. However, if biorhythms constantly go astray, this affects the immune system, and the work of the digestive system, and appearance.

Mistake: Long Daytime Sleep

Not getting enough sleep during the night, many try to sleep during the day. This is especially true for older people. However, if a person sleeps for more than an hour during the day, then nighttime insomnia is only aggravated.

For those with sleep problems, you should try to stop sleeping for a long time during the day. Several times you will have to overpower yourself. But it's worth it. Only a short nap, no more than 30 minutes, can refresh and does not affect falling asleep in the evening. You can not refuse it.

It should also be remembered that increased daytime sleepiness can be a symptom of a serious and very dangerous disease - sleep apnea syndrome. If a person constantly wants to sleep and he falls asleep even in an inappropriate environment, he should be examined by a specialist sonologist.

Error: violation of the rules of falling asleep

There is an excellent rule of ideal sleeping conditions - the "rule of three T": dark, quiet, warm. Light and sound insulation is extremely important for both good sleep and a sound, refreshing sleep.

Exercise is an excellent way to combat insomnia. However, vigorous exercise can only be done until 4 pm to 5 pm, and light exercise no later than 3–4 hours before bedtime.

The bed should be spacious enough and comfortable. Orthopedic mattresses, comfortable pillows, natural "breathable" bed linen materials are the key to a comfortable sleep and good rest.

It is very important not to look at the TV screen, computer or tablet before going to bed. The bright light from these devices interferes with the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Falling asleep becomes more difficult, and shallow sleep does not allow for a good rest.

Error: Incorrect Power Supply

People with insomnia should minimize the amount of caffeine in drinks: give up cola, coffee, strong tea. Sometimes this recommendation alone becomes enough to save a person from insomnia.

It is also necessary to avoid a hearty dinner, eat no later than two hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, you can only allow yourself something very light.

Mistake: choosing the wrong sleeping pills.

Most people with insomnia do not seek help from doctors, trying to regulate sleep on their own. People go to the pharmacy and buy what they know well. For example, drugs containing phenobarbital. But this outdated sleeping pill disrupts sleep patterns and is addictive. Tranquilizers, such as premazepam, also have a negative effect. Another danger lies in their ability to reduce mental performance and reaction speed. Herbal remedies do not solve the problem of insomnia. They can only help relieve stress and calm down, but not get enough sleep.

A modern and safe group of hypnotics are antihistamines of the first generation - for example, the drug doxylamine (Reclip, Doxylamine). It allows you to fall asleep quickly, increases the duration and quality of sleep without waking up at night. Due to the fact that Reclip does not change the phases of sleep, in the morning a person wakes up easily and feels rested.


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