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Miracles of Medical Healing

Tech to the Cure

By Xilla ClubPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Head Transplant : The Last Surgical Frontier ?

How could a virus pandemic like Corona be tracked and possibly slowed down?

Global Tracking

A significant part of epidemiology consists of prevention of disease and aborting spread of epidemics. Caroline Buckee who was studying genetics in Kenya partnered with Nathan Eagle to compile data from mobiles to predict spread of disease.

People, carriers and disease will be tracked to their location. Analytical models will be used to predict epidemic spread. Real time prediction of the route of epidemic spread can help in bringing in preventive measures just in time.

“With cell phone data, we can follow people over time, build up a map of where everybody is, then use mathematical models to predict the spread of disease. This is the future of epidemiology.” Caroline Buckee.

Speak. It’s Important.

Speech disorder can progress to neurodegenerative disease. If untreated speech can go back all the way and lead to neuro degenerative disorder. This shows how important speech is in maintaining an active network of brain neurons.

Speech in the context of social function cannot be emphasized enough. Apraxia of speech.

Back To Nature.

Green tea has anti-inflammatory property in rheumatoid arthritis patients. A relief to all those who suffer from gnarled painful inflamed joints for life. Omega 3 fatty acids are also shown to have similar properties.

Nimbolide from neem, a tree that grows extensively in India was found to have chemotherapeutic effect on pancreatic cancer a severe fatal cancer. Metastasis tendency was reduced by a whopping 70 %.

Turmeric as an antibiotic is well known. Lipids from walnut in prevention on colon cancer. Broccoli may have cancer prevention molecules. These are all research based facts.

This is just a snap shot. It just goes to show there is more to nature than we think. I reckon many cures are still there as yet undiscovered. In the leaves plants, flowers and trees. Once we get away from the obsession with synthetic chemical discovery we might indeed find cures for lethal diseases in nature itself. Very cost effective and minimal or nil side effects.

Nature is a hidden trove of unearthed treasures.

Epilepsy Algorithm

This algorithm allows the device to alert the epileptic patient at least 20 minutes before the seizure. This can be life altering to the epileptic patient. With this device if not driving, he can resume some activities like swimming. He can get out of the water in time with a timely alert.

Brain for Research from Cells

Ohio state university scientists have developed a brain in a dish. This expresses 99 percent of the genes and has all major brain areas, the spinal cord, different cell types, signal transmission capability and even a retina.

With this, research can get an actual functioning brain model. Expectation is that treatment for Alzheimer, autism, cognitive functions and disorders and brain diseases can be speeded up.

Transform Skin To Heart

Skin cells transformed into heart and brain cells. Previous success for this was by adding external genes.

Heart cells are difficult to regenerate after a heart attack.It now seems possible to generate heart cells just by using the right combination of drugs.

Cancer Cure

Cancer will be a curable disease.The many options for cancer treatment include immunotherapy.

Immunotherapy for cancer.

Cancer tumors take charge of the body’s immune checkpoint proteins and use them to suppress immune response! How cunning. There is intelligence at cell level too!

The body’s immune system is enhanced and channelized against the cancer.

It is a battle out there.

Immune check point modulators, therapeutic antibodies, cancer treatment vaccines, immune system modulators and immune cell therapy.

Cancer vaccines are promising. Immune cell therapy has been shown to eliminate cancer in certain advanced cancers.

Antibiotic Resistance

Due to overuse and misuse of antibiotics several bacteria have developed antibiotic resistance much sooner than expected. There are concerns that if we do enter into a post antibiotic era even minor infections can prove to be resistant to treatment. That would be horrible indeed.

Antibiotics from breast milk. While still some time away, there is some hope on the horizon for treatment of antibiotic resistant bacteria. There is promise of development of an antibiotic from the lactoferrin of breast milk. This works by literally punches holes in bacteria.

Biopen Stemcell

Stem cells can reconstruct human tissues since they can grow to specific type of tissue. How do you put the stem cells into tiny corners like intra articular space of joints? Electromaterials Science has developed a “biopen” that enables surgeons to deposit stem cells wherever required.

Gene Therapy

In the most exciting gene therapy trial, gene therapy was used for a rare form of progressive blindness. And it has revealed that gene therapy improved vision in this genetic progressive eye disease.

Gene therapy can preserve and improve vision in those who have genetic cause for vision loss.

Blind no more.

Gene therapy - Gene slicing

This has the potential to correct genetic mutations which can cause inherited diseases.

Undesirable portions of genes can be possibly sliced and desired traits can be inserted by gene re-engineering made possible by CRISPR-Cas9.

Pure Meat

Contamination free meat. Meat grown from animal cells. You don’t need to kill animals anymore for your meat. Pure and clean without fear of contamination by bacteria or parasites. And you get it with much less fat. Good for the heart.

Finger prick tests to detect diseases.

Mind Reader For The Paralyzed

The paralyzed can move prosthesis, use a computer, switch on television and music channels.All on their own.

Spinal bio command chip can operate prosthetic limb and computer.

A chip in the brain allows a paralyzed man to use the computer and move robotic arm. Signals are generated in the brain by certain thoughts and wishes. Brain signals are read by the chip and transmitted into actions.

Computer speaks to brain and you don’t need to have a voice to communicate. The brain signals are captured. A 3D brain dictionary helps to decode thoughts, colors and multiple dimensions. The brain signals are transformed into voice. And viola!the computer speaks for a paralyzed man.

Remote Medical Care.

Robot at home checks you up. You want a medic to cross check he can do the recheck via the robot with remote image and real time data transfer.

Drones In Emergency.

A kidney can survive for one day, heart can survive for 10 hours and liver for 12 hours. Every hour counts in the transplant of vital organs. Unmanned aerial vehicles famously known as drones can save 50% travel time.

Transport of vital organs in an emergency is life saving.

Remote Clinical Research

Apple launched Carekit a software platform for apps that helps patient monitor their health and share information with medics. More than 1 lakh have already enrolled.

Ten thousand Parkinson’s patients have enrolled. iPhone measurements of dexterity, gait memory and balance are done.

Reach – fabulous

Quality of data - Impressive

Imagine the traditional way of doing this research. Collect all the ten thousand people in multiple sites (hospitals) for the preliminary and follow up visits. So cumbersome. You can imagine the cost and drop out rate. What if the records are fudges to make up the numbers? Well sorry about that. But it has happened – in clinical trials.

Incredibly now you get the measurements at home and you can’t cheat. The iPhone records everything including the time.

Verily : The Alphabet Healthcare

Google’s Alphabet lifesciences project named Verily is testing magnetic nanoparticles that flow through the bloodstream in search of early signs of cancer.

Phillips : Scan Experts.

Philips is honing in on ultrasound scans that can be performed at home by the patients. You have an abdominal pain that seems strange. Just sit back in the chair and run the scanner yourself. The image is transmitted to your doctor and the report lands in your inbox.

Star Trek Decoder

Reminiscent of the Star Trek tricoder, a medical tech venture analyzes your heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature just by a visual of your live video image.

I, for one just cannot believe this will happen. But well, an Oxford spinoff is working on this tech.

Star Trek was not fiction after all.

What next? Holograms of you floating in the sky.

Personalized Genetic Profile

Each person’s cancer genome is a complete historical account of the genetic changes that they have acquired throughout life.

5 genes and 13 mutations have been discovered to potentially lead to breast tumor.

Breast cancer genomes are highly individualized. Gene profiling and personalized healthcare and personalized medicines will be here to affect a cure.

Personalized Chemotherapy

Genetic make-up varies from person to person. The same chemotherapy can result in varied side effects depending on the genetic makeup. Certain genes produce certain enzymes that may result in piling up of the chemo leading to severe toxic effects. Finetuning chemo based on the genetic make upcan lead to controlling the toxic effects of chemotherapy.

3 D Techno Surgery.

Patient wears 3 D Specs for surgery. The 3D virtual reality specs surgeons created a neutral vision in the 3D virtual reality specs. Then, luminous objects were made to appear by testing and probing the neural connections in specific parts of the brain, Once the neural network was localized the aggressive tumor located in the vision center of the brain was removed while leaving the vision center intact. The virtual reality space allowed the surgeons to identify the vision center with greater accuracy. The patient had lost an eye earlier and it was important for him that his one remaining eye functioning. The 3D specs was used for the first time ever in a France hospital in 2016.

Robotic Surgery.

Precision and accuracy.

And trust. Trust a robot to be accurate.

In the future.

Head Transplant.

The last frontier of medical science. We are already talking about it. Two neurosurgeons have come forward to do it. And one human who suffers from a muscular disorder has already volunteered to be the first human ever for a head transplant. He is ready for his head to be transplanted to another body.

But, this is controversial to the core. Though we suspect we haven't heard the last of this.

Gene Switch On - Switch Off

License in UK to probe the possibility of genetic therapy to prevent abortion.

British researchers get green signal to modify gene editing on human embryos. Genes at play in early fertilization.

Crispr-Cas9 can allow switch on and switch off genes in early embryo and identify the modifications the switch on and switch off have on the embryos.

Anti-Aging Pills.

Tested successfully on mice.

Anti ageing pills. Young for more. Old and defective cells that are harmful if left in the body were removed. Once these senescent cells were removed the heart and kidney of the mouse was seen to function better and these mice were more active and young looking.

Tech takes cure to the realm of miracles.


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