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Meditation Guide

Creator Awareness in Seven Days

By Tyrone CrewPublished 3 years ago 15 min read

Chapter 1

Creator Day One

Creator Day One is all about bringing your awareness to the thought and reality of wind, air, and spirit, being Creator. You can begin by defining the word creator. The creator is the one who creates or brings something forth to existence Merriam-Webster (2020).

Therefore, the wind has a beginning and the process to create the wind is truth. Truth is defined as being actually what is) The Free Dictionary (2020). Truth is the actual creator, the force that put the wind together being, air and spirit, is the awareness for Creator Day One. The creator is the one that creates or brings something into being. Truth is actually what is and when you find out how something came to be, the source will be known as truth.

Truth, the actual who, when, where, why, and how is creator as the beginning of all things and how they should be, not what we want them to be. Wind Dictionary.com (2020) The concept of wind is air in motion The Free Dictionary (2020). Air is synonymous with breath and so when we breathe, we are creating wind, which is air in motion.

Spirit is also synonymous with breath Free Thesaurus.com (2020). Spirit is considered to be the life force of the body; therefore wind, air, and spirit are what is keeping us alive Collins Dictionary.com (2020) Therefore if one would meditate on one's breathing one can begin to understand the Creator as the breath of life.

We did not create the wind on the outside of our body, but we breathe it in and out through the process of breathing to stay alive. If we were to stop the breathing process for too long, we would die. This is a truth that all can believe in and unite in one understanding being truth as the creator.

Meditation and Awareness

To start your journey on becoming aware of wind, air, and spirit being the Creator. Just find a quiet place and sit down and just pay attention to the breathing. Start breathing in and out while concentrating on the breath and try to relax the body after each breath. It can be one minute to however long you want the meditating to be. The exercise is just to learn how to be aware of the air and how important it is to breathe and relax. You can go and research different breathing and meditating techniques that are fitting for you.

Remember that contemplating and concentrating on the breath while breathing in and out to relax is a major concept in meditating Merriam-Webster (2020). There are many ways to enjoy and experience wind.

You can turn on the fan in your home and practice being aware of the airflow moving about in the room. Another way is while being parked in a vehicle waiting for someone in a store or waiting for the kids at school.

You can turn on the air conditioner or fan, relax, and breathe while concentrating on the airflow. Once you found the place where you can experience airflow or just where you can concentrate on breathing.

That is the place where you can find peace in the presence of the wind which is breath. Let the feeling of the airflow become the peaceable way you feel in your feelings. Remember that creator is the peace you feel in the wind and the creator is truth and truth is creator actually what is and what will be and what was.

Chapter 2

Creator Day Two

Creator Day Two is all about bringing your awareness to the thought and reality of water liquid and mist, being the creator. You can begin with defining the word creator, just like on Creator Day One.

The creator is the one who creates or brings something forth to existence Merriam-Webster (2020). Therefore, water has a beginning and the process to create water is truth. Truth is defined as being actually what is Merriam-Webster (2020).

Truth is the actual creator, the force that put the water together being, liquid and mist. The creator is the one that creates or brings something into being. Truth is actually what is and when you find out how something came to be, the source will be known as truth.

Truth, the actual who, when, where, why, and how is creator as the beginning of all things and how they should be, not what we want them to be. Water is defined being a liquid that descends from the clouds as rain, which forms streams, lakes, and seas Merriam-Webster (2020).

Mist is water particles and can form water which means that the creator is water and liquid and mist Merriam-Webster (2020) Also, we did not create water and without water sooner or later we would surely die. Awareness of water is the first step in understanding and having a relationship with the creator is water.

Meditation and Awareness

To start your journey to the understanding and awareness of the creator is water. There are three things that you can do depending on where you are. You can run water over your hands to get acquainted with water. A bowl of water large enough to put your hands into. You can also go to a place like a beach, boat ride where you can put your hands or body in the water.

Lastly, you can take a bath or shower if being outdoors is not an option. Just like on Creator Day One meditate on the feeling of the water as you touch and feel the texture. Feel how calm the water is and the temperature on the skin.

If the water is not of the right temperature for comfort add cold or hot water until you find the right temperature. While feeling the water understand how the water does not feel pain, sadness, or anger.

Try to understand the peace of how that is a real feeling that water has, and you have water in your body. Concentrate and try to adjust your feeling to that of the water feeling very calm and peaceful. Believe that it is your normal feeling every day. When you feel that you have found a place of peace with the feeling of water that is the creator being water liquid and mist.

Water is on the outside and inside of the body, we drink it to stay alive; water is a part of us for the living cycle across the planet, we are dependent on and submitted to water for everyday usage. We are one with water, it is inside of us and on the outside. Water is partly who we are so as well as the wind (air), we are water.

Chapter 3

Creator Day Three

Creator Day Three is all about bringing your awareness to the thought and reality of light fire and heat, being the creator. You can begin with defining the word creator, just like on Creator Day One.

The creator is the one who creates or brings something forth to existence Merriam-Webster (2020). Therefore, light, fire, and heat have a beginning and the process to create heat is truth. Truth is defined as being actually what is The Free Dictionary (2020).

Truth is the actual creator, the force that put the light, fire, and heat together. The creator is the one that creates or brings something into being. Truth is actually what is and when you find out how something came to be, the source will be known as truth.

Truth, the actual who, when, where, why, and how is creator as the beginning of all things and how they should be, not what we want them to be. Heat is defined as to make warm or hot Merriam-Webster (2020).

Meditation and Awareness

To begin your journey to an understanding of the creator is light, fire, and heat. You have to think of things that produce light. Like the sun shining through the window in the home. You can get a chair or sit on the floor. You want to be comfortable because you are going to get to know the sunlight that is shining through the window

Whether you use your body or just a hand to feel the light. You should be able to feel heat. Understand that if there was not any heat we would freeze to death. Imagine it is a cold day and you need the feeling of heat to settle down. Remember the comfort that heat brings in that moment.

Heat brings peace and you want to rest and sleep. While feeling the heat of the sunlight understand the peace you are feeling. Believe it is the same way the heat makes you feel in your body and since we did not create ourselves, or the process and the need for heat to survive, it is truth being the creator, actual heat that is produced by light and fire.

We need heat to live and just being aware of how we did not create gives us the need for a creator our true beginning. When there is no sunlight or heat source to remember the peace of heat, just put your hands together and feel your heated breath in your hands. Remember that meditation is simply contemplation Merriam-Webster (2020).

Chapter 4

Creator Day Four

Creator Day Four is all about bringing your awareness to the thought and reality of the creator being earth, flesh, and dust. You can begin with defining the word creator, just like on Creator Day One. The creator is the one who creates or brings something forth to existence Merriam-Webster (2020).

Therefore, earth has a beginning and the process to create earth is truth. Truth is defined as being actually what is The Free Dictionary (2020). Truth is the actual creator, the force that put the earth together being, flesh and dust. The creator is the one that creates or brings something into being.

Truth is actually what is and when you find out how something came to be, the source will be known as truth. Truth, the actual who, when, where, why, and how is creator as the beginning of all things and how they should be, not what we want them to be. Earth is defined as being dirt, ground, soil, and flesh Merriam-Webster (2020).

Meditation and Awareness

To begin the journey to understanding the creator being earth. You can go outside for this exercise because you are going to be using the ground. If you are unable you can use the floor in the home While standing close your eyes and just concentrate on feeling the earth beneath you, with your feet for a few minutes. Try to relax and get comfortable with the feeling. Breathe in and out to relax while paying attention to the feeling you feel through your feet on the ground.

Once you are relaxed sit down on the ground and then use your hands to rub across the ground gently Breathe and relax the body again while paying attention to the feeling of the ground with your hands. Once you feel peaceful with this feeling understand we did not create the ground which is earth. This is the truth actually what is where the understanding of the creator of the earth is needed.

We use earth being flesh like meat, vegetables, and grains. When we go without food for too long, we die. Just as we need food to live, we need the creator of the earth to live and that is a truth we can believe in. Remember meditation is just simply contemplation Merriam-Webster (2020)

Earth (flesh, dust) is on the outside of the body, we use it for food like grain and wheat, and fruit. We consume earth (flesh and dust) and put it on the inside of the body as a part of the life cycle on the planet to stay alive.

We are made of the earth like our skin, hair, bones and when we die, we deteriorate back to the earth. We are dependent on and submitted to earth (flesh dust) and we are earth (flesh, dust).

Chapter 5

Creator Day Five

Creator Day Five is all about bringing your awareness to the thought and reality of creation and body being the creator. You can begin with defining the word creator, just like on Creator Day One. The creator is the one who creates or brings something forth to existence Merriam-Webster (2020).

Therefore, creation has a beginning and the process to create creation is truth. Truth is defined as being actually what is The Free Dictionary (2020).

Truth is the actual creator, the force that put the creation together being, also the body. The creator is the one that creates or brings something into being. Truth is actually what is and when you find out how something came to be, the source will be known as truth.

Truth, the actual who, when, where, why, and how is creator as the beginning of all things and how they should be, not what we want them to be. Creation is defined as the act of bringing the world into ordered existence Merriam-Webster (2020). Body is defined as a human being (person) Merriam-Webster (2020).

Meditation and Awareness

To become aware of the creator being creation and body. Go to a park or a quiet place outside where you will not be disturbed. Sit down or stand whichever you prefer and review Creator day One to Creator Day Four. Understand each part and how they connect to you as a person(body). Then you can sit and relax if you are standing. Breathe in and out while concentrating on relaxing the body. Think of each part working together as one. Pay attention to how the air from the outside goes to the inside back to the outside. Then pay attention to the water in the body and how it is like rain and rivers and streams. Understand how you replenish your lake inside your body by drinking water.

Think of the light (fire and heat) in the body being like the sun that shines or a fire that gives off heat. Notice the earth in the body like the bones are like the ground you walk on or trees and logs. and after death, they go back to being dust. The combination of these working together is creation and body.

Creation (body) on the outside of the body is a combination of wind, water, light (fire, heat), earth working together as one unit on the inside as well as the outside. We are dependent upon and submitted to the Creation for life, take one part away of the wind, water, light (fire), and earth and we would die.

We as created people are reflections and mini manifestations of the creation, for we are living creation each with our very own unique manifestation Since we did not create the creation or body. We have to understand this truth and remember that truth is actually what is, so therefore truth is the actual creator of creation and body.

Chapter 6

Creator Day Six

Creator Day Six is all about bringing your awareness to the thought and reality of information, wisdom, and knowledge, being the creator. You can begin with defining the word creator, just like on Creator Day One. The creator is the one who creates or brings something forth to existence Merriam-Webster (2020).

Therefore, information has a beginning and the process to create information is truth. Truth is defined as being what is The Free Dictionary (2020).

Truth is the actual creator, the force that put information together being, wisdom and knowledge. The creator is the one that creates or brings something into being. Truth is actually what is and when you find out how something came to be, the source will be known as truth.

Truth, the actual who, when, where, why, and how is creator as the beginning of all things and how they should be, not what we want them to be. Information is defined as being knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction Merriam-Webster (2020). Wisdom is defined as knowledge of what is true Dictionary.com (2020)

Meditation and Awareness

To begin the journey of being aware of the creator being information and knowledge, and wisdom. We have to understand that we are information is the details and facts about who or what we are whether on the inside or outside or origin all is information.

We are the information that we exist as and how we interact or behave in information, with information, is based on choices that come from what we have learned and been taught about who and what we are.

Whether good, evil, life or dead (death) we are information using the information to live and direct our everyday lives. The meditation exercise for awareness this day (day five), will be about thinking and contemplation.

When you get free time to be to yourself in a quiet space. You can make a cup of coffee or get your favorite tea and just relax and breathe in and out to relax the body.

Then just think about how and where we use information and how we interact. How many things do we take for granted and not pay attention to just because it is there all the time? Like air or water, and earth.

We are created and we have to be aware that we have a creator. Truth is how we came to be where we are. Therefore, truth is the creator of all things being information, wisdom, and knowledge.

Chapter 7

Creator Day Seven

Creator Day Seven is all about bringing your awareness to the thought and reality of the creator of creation and the mind of the body being the creator. You can begin with defining the word creator, just like on Creator Day One. The creator is the one who creates or brings something forth to existence Merriam-Webster (2020).

Therefore, the creator is the beginning and the process to create. Truth is defined as being actually what is The Free Dictionary.

Truth is the actual creator, the force that put the creation together. The creator is the one that creates or brings something into being. Truth is actually what is and when you find out how something came to be, the source will be known as truth.

Truth, the actual who, when, where, why, and how is creator as the beginning of all creation and how they should be, not what we want them to be. Mind is defined as being the elements in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons Merriam-Webster (2020).

Meditation and Awareness

Creator Day Seven awareness and contemplation is about understanding that there is a creator. Like before find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Start your concentration on the breath. Breathe in and out to relax the body. When you are relaxed then begin thinking about how I did not create myself.

Understand the creator awareness is when you tell yourself the truth about how one did not create oneself. In terms of the origin of wind, water, light, earth, creation, information which we are inside and outside in the basic understanding of life, the question remains where did we come from? Truth is actuality Merriam-Webster (2020).

What actuality created all things first begins with truth. Truth is a place of how, where, and when and even a conscious being like you or I as a who that can explain the why. When there is no more guesswork and the feeling of, I know that I know absolutely for certain this is right that is where truth is the creator.

Therefore, the wind, water, light, earth, creation, and information is the truth we actually live by and exist as is truth. This makes us one with truth actually what is. Which in turn make us one with truth the actual creator of creation inside outside and origin.

Creator and creation are unified in harmony in peace as one in a literal living way in the present known as Truth Pattern. Where truth is Creator and Creator is truth one and the same.


Merriam-Webster. (2020) Creator

Retrieve from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/creator

The Free Dictionary (2020) Truth

Retrieve from https://www.thefreedictionary.com/truth

Dictionary.com (2020) Wind

Retrieve From https://www.dictionary.com/browse/wind

The Free Dictionary (2020) Wind

Retrieved from https://www.thefreedictionary.com/wind

Free Thesaurus (2020) Spirit

Retrieved from https://www.freethesaurus.com/spirit

Collins Dictionary (2020) Spirit

Retrieved from https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-thesaurus/spirit

Merriam-Webster (2020) Meditate

Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/meditate

Merriam-Webster (2020) Water

Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/water

Merriam-Webster (2020) Mist

Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mist

Retrieve from https://www.dictionary.com/browse/meditate

Merriam-Webster (2020) Meditate

Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/meditate

Merriam-Webster (2020) heat

Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/heat

Merriam-Webster meditate

Retrieve from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/meditate

Merriam-Webster (2020) Earth

Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/eart

Merriam-Webster Creation

Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/creation

Merriam-Webster Body

Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/body

Merriam-Webster information

Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/information

Dicitionary.com (2020) Wisdom

Retrieved from https://www.dictionary.com/browse/wisdom

Merriam-Webster (2020) Mind

Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mind

Contact and Media Information

Name: Tyrone Crew (Peace Minister with Creator Pattern Ministry)


Email: [email protected]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTG8XG43MEptnYIiN3ZHBvg

Website: https://www.creatorpatternministry.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2406775242745886


About the Creator

Tyrone Crew

I am a peace minister and I help people live in peace with the Creator, self, and others.

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    Tyrone CrewWritten by Tyrone Crew

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