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Creator Pattern

A Peaceful Way of Living

By Tyrone CrewPublished 3 years ago 27 min read

Chapter 1

The Beginning

Hello, and peace to you all. This book is where you can find your way back to a simpler way of being. The first idea of thought to begin a stable mental process is to understand I did not create myself. Once a person can accept that piece of truth, they are ready to start their journey to inner peace.

I believe the world today is in a state of unrest. We live from day to day rushing to get to work for someone else to pay for our daily needs. The pattern of work, eat, sleep, marriage, pay bills, and maybe a vacation seems to be what we are condition to do to feel normal in society.

Some are filled with stress and anxiety due to the overwhelming need to succeed and feel they are not accepted for who they are because they are condition to think that to be accepted they have to be what people want them to be.

The question at this time would be how do I escape this pattern of living and become who I am really supposed to be in life? The answer is taking a deep breath exhale and start life over again. At any time in life, you can always start again. The first place to begin is on the inside where our thoughts and beliefs are formed.

Everyone knows that when we were born we have to learn to talk and walk. How we communicate and interact with our surroundings and others is based on what we were taught and what we learned about something or someone.

The question is to ask ourselves is what we were taught the actual truth about what something is? Since we cannot live in someone else’s body and experience life as who they are, we only have our individual selves to live as. We did not create our environment, we were born into our environment, and in that understanding, we try to live based on what we were taught.

The outside of our bodies is the environment in which we live in. Based on where we live and who we are around, we learn the acceptable norms of dos and don’ts of the society as children. The environment can be your home, school, job, church, friend’s home, or just being around people in society.

If you live in a society that teaches that normal life is all about going to school, getting a career, getting married, having children, and then retiring. This pattern of living may lead to stress, anxiety, and for some depression. Competition against your neighbor for the job position, lack of money for college, or you have to look a certain way to get potential partners to notice you for romance, is for some difficult.

We are all different and if the environment we live in is not catering to that difference, we feel unaccepted or like failures that cannot achieve goals set for us to meet in the environment. So, we withdraw, lose interest, and even reject the environment altogether and become unruly.

For example, opposite gender loving relationships are considered the normal, and same-gendered-loving relations are not as accepted because it does not cater to having children. Also, outward appearances can be a trouble for some in society in terms of weight, skin type, gender, and culture.

Since we cannot control all aspects of our outward environment. We can however learn to control our inward environment. Our inward environment includes our thinking, thoughts feelings, and emotions, memories, dreams, imagination, and finally ourselves. Sometimes the outside environment has had an influence over what we think and know to be right. To change the conditioning of the outward environment on ourselves from within. We have to first learn to relax.

To relax just find a quiet place where you can be alone for 5 minutes. The restroom might be a good option. People may not want to bother you for at least a few minutes until you have finished going to the restroom.

In the place you have found to be alone, you can sit or stand whichever is comfortable for you. Take a breath in for 2 seconds and exhale for 2 seconds repeat this three times. The idea is to be aware of the breathing and how your body is reacting.

When you breathe out imagine that you are letting go of weight off of your person. Return back to normal breathing and just be aware of the present time that you are in. Relax for 3 minutes and go about your day.

Do this whenever you feel overwhelmed, stressed, irritated, or when you just need to think clearly. You can set a timer on your phone if you are in the group of people who take their phones to the restroom.

Second, we have to learn to be self-aware in our thinking. Once you have finished your three- five-minute breathing to relax you can begin learning to be aware of your thoughts. To begin you have to understand that our normal state of being is peace.


1. Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions Meriam Webster. (2020)

2. Freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession, etc.; tranquility; serenity. (2020)

The definition of peace we will be using is the one above, because it fits with the subject matter of thoughts and the mind. Having a peaceful mind is the beginning place of thinking and is the type of mind to be in all situations. When something starts to disrupt the peaceful mind, it is called a disturbance.


1. An interruption of a state of peace, quiet, or calm Merriam-Webster (2020)

2. Mental or emotional unbalance or disorder. The Free (2020)

The state of being a person is in after the breathing exercise when they are just feeling and being in the moment without disruption, is peace. Disturbances can be from the outside environment that causes a person to react in thinking or behaving a certain way.

Disturbances can generate from the inside as well from memories that have learned behaviors and understandings of right and wrong. Once a person is in a peaceful state of being and can identify that their peace is being disrupted. They have to understand and try to find the cause of the disruption.


1. Something that brings about an effect or a result Merriam-Webster (2020).

2. The producer of an effect, result, or consequence. The Free Dictionary (2020).

There are a lot of triggers that can cause non-peaceful feelings or reactions. Being overwhelmed with work, family issues, and relationships, in general, can cause disruptions in life. They can also have lasting effects on how we live think and react in situations of interaction.


1.Something brought about by a cause or agent, a result. The Free Dictionary (2020)

2.Something that is produced by an agency or cause; result; consequence (2020)

What happens to individuals because of a cause is called the effect. To be self-aware or to be conscious of ones thinking, thoughts and reactions is the goal. To stay at peace, people have to be mindful of their peace. Once a person has awareness of their peace they can start to be aware of the disturbances of their peace.

Some of the things that can disrupt peace in the mind or create peace in the mind are feelings. When thinking about feelings there has to be an understanding of the context in which the word feeling is being used. Feeling can be a noun or verb.

Feeling as a (Noun)

1.A sensation experienced through this sense (Touch) Merriam Webster (2020)

2. An awareness or impression. The Free Dictionary (2020)

Feeling as a (Verb)

1.To experience an emotion or a physical feeling Cambridge Dictionary (2020)

2. to sense a physical, mental, or emotional state Merriam Webster (2020)

When practicing self-awareness, a person has to be aware of what they are feeling from the outside environment and also how they are feeling on the inside of themselves. Balancing the two will help in maintaining a peaceful mindset.

For practice, a person can go to the park and just sit and observe nature. They can pay attention to how the surrounding environment makes them feel. They also can examine the thoughts they have while being in the park.

Emotions are a part of the peaceful mindset as well. When a person starts to sense their feelings about a subject the feeling can build in strength and become an emotion.


1 A conscious mental reaction (such as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body. Merriam-Webster (2020)

2 Emotions are intense “stirred up” feelings, usually directed toward a specific person or event, and involving widespread visceral and skeletal changes. Psychology Dictionary (2020)

Emotion is a feeling expressed in strength which can be positive or negative. Peace can be a strong emotion that can produce a relaxing and calming effect on the body and mind. A person has to practice maintaining their peace every day. It is like how exercising can build muscles

If any person finds that they don’t like their life whether it is due to the environment in which they live, or the choices that they have made in the past. They can always start over by just being in the moment and breathe. After that let, the peace begin by being aware of your outside environment and inside environment like the thoughts and feelings that can occur through cause and effect.

The question that a person can ask themselves while practicing a peaceful state of being would be is this peaceful me? I believe that understanding who you are in truth is the beginning to a peaceful way of being.


1 The body of real things, events, and facts ACTUALITY Merriam Webster (2020)

2 Reality and actuality The Free Dictionary (2020)

Chapter 2

Seven Parts Working Together as One Truth

I found that truth is defined as what actually is. Therefore, how do I actually exist? The way I found this truth started with a decision I made when I forsook my Christian beliefs and became a person of an atheistic state of mind. I found that the complexity of Christianity was not helping me find the truth of who I am and where I come from and what created me because I did not create myself.

I believe that since I was not present for the events in the bible I cannot defend and will not defend what is written in the Christian bible as being absolute truth. The information in the Christian bible to me is controversial.

The interpretation of the information is left to the reader to decide how to understand what is written therein. Conflicts and church separations have happened because of a different interpretation of the information contained in the Christian bible.

I found having an emotional attachment to something that may or may not be true is not healthy for one’s existence. There was no peace for me in that environment personally. I left the church setting and proceeded to search for truth on my own. I looked for the definition of truth online and found the definition of truth is actuality (2020).

There was a time where people thought that the earth was flat and that if you sailed out to the horizon you would fall off the earth. In truth, the earth is not flat but that was the belief at the time. Therefore, I started to question and examine my own beliefs about who I am and where I come from. I started to think if I had no one to teach me about religion, or science or how to think about things what would I believe?

I breathe air in and out for life every day and without air, I would die. I understood at this time that to me air (wind) is an actual substance that I needed to stay alive. Truth (actually what is) had now become the air I breathe for life which I can trust without a doubt an understanding that no one can take away from me.

I also drank water for life every day or as often that I drank it to stay alive. I need water to function and to do my daily activities. Truth (actually what is) had now become the water that I drank to live. This is an understanding that I can trust and believe in that no one can take away from me.

I used and needed heat that can manifest as fire and light in and outside the body to survive and if heat were taken away, I would freeze to death. Truth (actually what is) had now become the heat I use every day to live and this was an understanding that I could believe in without a doubt.

I consume earth as food to live like meat, vegetables, rice, and grain. Truth (actually what is) had now become the earth I eat for food to live which is an understanding that no one can take from me.

I need the creation which to me is the air, water, heat, and earth working together as one unit called creation, environment, nature. From the creation, I get my daily needs to live and survive. Take one part away I will die. Truth (actually what is) had now become actually what I used from creation to live.

I am information from the inside to the outside. I am made of the air, water, heat, earth which works as a unit called creation or my body that I consume and use for life every day. The outside is just like the inside a mini creation experiencing itself. Truth (actually what is) had now become my information about my existence.

I did not create myself so where did I come from? There are many thoughts and beliefs about how a person comes to be. If I examine everything I have learned as possible lies or misunderstandings, based on inexperience or a lack of information or, just a wrong perception.

I began with truth and truth is what is. Therefore, what created me a creator of the created is truth, not a lie or a misunderstanding. An actual creator as truth and truth as creator creating my actual life as being one and the same. This I could believe in and an understanding I could trust.

Once I had finished my self-examination of my life and existence, I put the pieces of my life together in seven parts I call (Truth Pattern).

Chapter 3

Truth Pattern Is

Part one: Truth you are wind and air

Part two: Truth you are water

Part three: Truth you are heat, fire, light

Part four: Truth you are earth, flesh, dust

Part five: Truth you are creation, body

Part six: Truth you are information. wisdom, knowledge

Part seven: Truth you Creator of Creation in all languages this truth understanding is, truth you believe

I believe that truth pattern is a literal and peaceful way to live and I use truth pattern when I sleep. I breathe air (wind) in and out without monitoring the process as it naturally occurs, and my belief is the creator as truth keeps all my body functions going without me being aware of how everything works.

A question I always asked myself is what is the origin, the place it came or started from (2020). Another question I always ask myself is, what is the definition of the word and how is it being used in the situation.

My experience has taught me to search out a subject not just hear and believe all is true and absolute. I studied everything I thought was true and found contrary evidence to show what I believe was wrong. The question is who do I believe and who do I trust? Everyone thinks they are right, so how do I find the truth?

I started with myself and started defining who I am and where I come from. Truth defined as (what actually is) does work for me. If I plugged my nose how long would it be until I need air to breathe? What if water were taking away from me how long would it be until I die of thirst? What if earth (food) was taken or heat how long until I die? This is how truth works with me. Truth is my answer to my literal life and living experience. Personal truth is the way of self-identity and stability.

Chapter 4


After understanding myself in the pattern of truth that I discovered I found I could interact with all things with the understanding of truth is actually what is as air, water, heat, earth, and creation, information, and creator of creation.

To really understand someone or something understand the origin. In the truth pattern truth is creator to me and I know I did not create myself and anything I see and interact with did not create themselves either at least not by experience thus far. I believe and think that I should care for the person as much as I care for air, water, heat, and earth because like me that is what is in them as well as I.

Truth be told we need these things for life. As much as I liked to get my needs supplied, I understand the need in others. I believe truth as creator of creation. We share in the creation that we did not create and are a part of in many manifestations that work together for life.

I am convinced that with the truth pattern wars would cease, because of the things that nations go to war for. If we accept that the planet we live on that we did not create and the wind(air) is for everyone and water is for everyone, earth (food) is for everyone to get in a portion to live, we would live in peace. If passed down information of cultural norms is causing people not to give everyone access to the same resources because of how things came to be. Then present the question did you personally see any of the events happen? Did you create yourself?

Do you think truth is more important than a misunderstanding? Truth (which is actually what is) becomes an understanding of, how can I say to someone they cannot have their daily needs because they do not look, or act like me.

Understanding that truth (what actually is) is Creator as we all have the same origin. We can learn to share the planet peacefully. Everyone being comfortable working toward living a life of peace and prosperity.

Simplicity is key when explaining how things are. It was hard for me to leave or forsake what I learn in Christianity. The conditioning of my reactions to what was being taught and years of believing it was right, took a while to overcome. Our similarities can bring us together because the creation and how we perceive it is how cultural norms are created. We are to love (care) and be at peace with each other. I believe in truth (actually what is) as information can help accomplish that task. How we are actually supposed to be is peace, in the idea of harmlessness toward one another.

I came to this conclusion because of the effect or the thought of what life does. Actual life only brings forth and maintains life. Life does not take life away it increases and sustains itself. Truth (actually what is) as Creator of life behaves in the way that brings peace and an increase of life.

Acknowledging my created self and accepting we have the right to have our daily portion of the air, water, heat, earth, creation and information and creator of creation which is truth. I would be a person who understands truth (actually what is).

I believe the whole planet could be united through the truth pattern. The air, water, heat, earth creation, information, and creator of creation, is actuality how we are living whether we are conscious of it or not. How many people would be opposed to the thought of believing that breathing air to live is the truth?

How about drinking water to live is the truth or using heat (fire, light) to live is the truth, or eating earth(food) to live is the truth? How about believing air, water, heat, and earth, work together as a functioning system of life for us to use to stay alive are the truth?

This truth understanding is how I interact and perceive people. They are made of water and need water and they are made of earth and need food which is made of earth. The truth pattern is a simple way to organize and how to approach a situation and value other people.

My belief is let truth (actually what is) be my guide in life unto peace. If I do not know what something actually is, I will remember that truth is what actually is. When I find out what something actually is it still will be known as truth (actually what is).

People who are in authority and making decisions for society should be following the truth of how we actually exist and what our needs are and how we can get them supplied. The environment we live in is air, water, heat earth, working together as creation(environment) and information about how to use the creation in peace knowing we did not create ourselves. Therefore, we work together with the force that brought us into existence which is truth (creator)in peace for the betterment of life.

I don’t know everything about everything, but I do understand truth is real (actually what is) and I am a truth seeker and what I have learned is the truth pattern brings me peace and is how I live everyday literally. Take one part away and I will die literally for the truth pattern works as a whole complete system for my life. I am thankful for the personal truth that I have found.

Chapter 5

My Actual Creator

I began my journey in an atheistic mindset and found the truth pattern within myself. Now I am ready for the next step and that is having a creator that I can feel confident in and still can learn about. A creator as truth and truth as creator in seven parts that make up my life which are:

Creator Pattern is

Part one: Creator you are truth as air (wind)

Part two: Creator you are truth as water

Part three: Creator you are truth as heat (fire, light)

Part four: Creator you are truth as earth (flesh and dust)

Part five: Creator you are truth as creation(body)

Part six: Creator you are truth as information (wisdom, knowledge)

Part seven: Creator you are truth as creator of creation in all languages this understanding is found.

This pattern is the same as truth pattern but with the creator as the focus and being actually what is as truth. Truth as Creator and Creator as Truth. Creator as truth is my whole life, everything I do did or will do Creator as truth is all and all for me. I asked myself do I want a lying, make-believe, unsure creator or a creator that is truth and truth is creator of actually what is? Naturally, I choose truth as creator and creator as truth.

Inside, outside, origin is all truth as creator the same in all directions wherever I can go I can find truth. I would love to live in a society where creator is the information that is used and paid attention to, to help society to get what they need to live. Creator as truth would be in charge for, we did not create ourselves and actually what did should have the control and authority in our created lives.

If the creator were in control, we would live our lives caring about each other and would have a desire to live in peace. Life would be the focus, and life brings forth life. Creator being the focus and life the will of the Creator in peace, we would not have hunger and disease, or wars, or hoarding of resources.

A created individual could not control another created individual or say they are not allowed their daily needs for the day. All things were given for all to enjoy by the Creator as truth.

Creator is the only control of the created and the will of the creator is peace, not harming one another. Creator as truth encourages us to live in happiness and in a pattern of living which is truth, according to a pattern of actually what is with the Creator being truth.

Chapter 6

Moving Along

I believe in simplicity. The Creator to me is motion. Since truth is actually what is then what actually is to me is motion. What can you do that does not require motion? Previously I spoke about what I learn through observation on my own. Science has taught me that everything is energy. Energy is the ability to be active Merriam-Webster (2020). According to a website I viewed called Go-Lab, energy cannot be created or destroyed but can transform Go-Labs (2020).

Since energy is the ability to move (to be active). I believe that energy is motion and motion is energy. Plus, if energy cannot be created or destroyed then the Creator is energy which cannot be created or destroyed. I have formulated a system of thought for this way of thinking according to the actual information given.

Creator is motion:

Creator, you are motion

Creator, you are pattern

Creator, you are form

Creator, you are transformation

Creator you are will

Creator, you are energy (the ability to move)

Creator, you are truth (actually what is) as control, my creator

This idea goes under part six of the Creator pattern called Creator you are truth as information. Truth (actually what is) has now become all that I know about science that I can trust in and believe as my Creator. I feel this is a simple way to understand and live life to the fullest without the fear of being submitted to any man-made construct of religion that may bring about fear or condemnation.

Peace and happiness are my end goal and the (Truth Pattern) being (Creator Pattern) being (Creator is motion) is how I am going to live the rest of my life. I am complete now in truth in a way that is not causing fear or anxiety. Truth is how we live every day whether we are aware of it or not. I can now breathe in peace.

Chapter 7

Creator and I are One

In my life, I understand that the parts that make me who I am are also the parts that make creation what it is. Wind (air) is on the outside of the body and we breathe the wind (air) in and out. We are part of the wind in the life cycle across the planet. We are submitted and dependent on the wind (air), we are one with the wind where the wind is first, and we are the children of the wind for we did not create the wind (air), but we use it to stay alive, we are wind(air).

Water is on the outside and inside of the body, we drink it to stay alive water is a part of us for the living cycle across the planet we are dependent on and submitted to water for everyday usage. We are one with water it is inside of us and on the outside. Water is partly who we are as well as the wind(air), we are water.

Light (fire, heat) is on the outside of the body like the Sun and fire we use to heat ourselves. It is also on the inside of the body, when you touch yourself you can feel the heat in your body like you can feel heat from the Sun and from fire. We need light (fire and heat) for the cycle of life across the planet. We are submitted to Light (fire and heat) we are one with it for it is our life inside and outside of the body. We are light (fire, heat).

Earth (flesh, dust) is on the outside of the body we use it for food like grain and wheat, and fruit. We consume earth (flesh and dust) and put it on the inside of the body as a part of the life cycle on the planet to stay alive.

We are made of earth like our skin, hair, bones and when we die we deteriorate back to the earth. We are dependent on and submitted to earth (flesh dust) and we are earth (flesh, dust).

Creation (body) on the outside of the body is a combination of wind, water, light (fire, heat), earth working together as one unit on the inside as well as the outside. We are dependent upon and submitted to the Creation for life, take one part away of the wind, water, light (fire), and earth and we would die. We as created people are reflections and mini manifestations of the creation, for we are living creations each with our very own unique manifestation.

Information is the details and facts about who or what we are whether on the inside or outside or origin all is information. We are the information that we exist as and how we interact or behave in information, with information, is based on choices which come from what we have learned and been taught about who and what we are.

Whether good, evil, life, or dead (death) we are information using information to live and direct our everyday lives. Creator is when you tell yourself the truth about how one did not create oneself. In terms of origin of wind, water, light, earth, creation, information which we are inside and outside in the basic understanding of life, the question still remains where did we come from? Truth is actuality Merriam-Webster (2020).

What actuality created all things first begins with truth. Truth is a place of how, where, and when and even a conscious being like you or I as a who that can explain the why. When there is no more guesswork and the feeling of, I know that I know absolutely for certain this is right that is where Truth is Creator.

Therefore, the wind, water, light, earth, creation, and information being the truth we actually live by and exist as is truth. This makes us one with truth actually what is. Which in turn make us one with truth the actual creator of creation inside outside and origin. Creator and creation are unified in harmony in peace as one in a literal living way in the present known as Truth Pattern. Where truth is Creator and Creator is truth one and the same.


Merriam-Webster (2020) Peace

Retrieved from (2020) Peace

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Merriam-Webster (2020) Disturbance

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The Free Dictionary (2020) Disturbance

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Merriam-Webster (2020) Cause

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The Free Dictionary (2020) Cause

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The Free Dictionary (2020) Effect

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Merriam-Webster (2020) Feeling

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The Free Dictionary (2020) Feeling

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Cambridge Dictionary (2021) Feeling (as a verb)

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Merriam -Webster (2021) Feeling (as a verb)

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Merriam-Webster (2020) Emotion

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Psychology Dictionary (2021) Emotion

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Merriam Webster (2020) Truth

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The Free Dictionary (2020) Truth

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Dictionary .com (2020) Origin

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Merriam-Webster (2020) Energy

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Go-Lab (2020) Energy

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Contact Information and Media

Name: Tyrone Crew (Peace Minister with Creator Pattern Ministry)


Email: [email protected]

self help

About the Creator

Tyrone Crew

I am a peace minister and I help people live in peace with the Creator, self, and others.

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