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💥 Magnetized 💥

7 ways To Unstoppable Magnetic Attraction

By Amber LoguePublished 2 years ago • 3 min read

Beauty bears a golden mirror to the dazzling inner essence. It shows accurate self-perception as well as the amount of one's discipline.

Attractiveness demonstrates sensitivity to people around us. Just as we shine our shoes, wash our vehicles, or trim our lawns to provide a certain visual pleasure to passers-by, there are individuals who keep their bodies at the pinnacle of health to present lovely emblems worthy of emulation.

I feel that beauty is not frivolous; it is vital to civilized society. Imagine everyone relinquishing control and trudging around in torn clothing, sagging bellies, dishevelled hair, blackened fingernails, and breath so filthy only a mother could love? No one would be delighted - except the mouthwash makers. Those who regard beauty as totally superficial are generally too indolent to reach for a bar of soap or the jump rope.

But let's define beauty a bit further. Beautiful individuals are not always supermodels with Greek-God looks and unbelievable dimensions. That is a fallacy perpetuated by sly salespeople of snake oil lotions and frequently harmful cosmetic implants and injectables.

Beautiful individuals are average people who control their food, keep their bodies clean, and dress to convey their feelings. They live an empowered lifestyle, indulge in mind-expanding reading, and engage in varied activities that increase their consciousness.

Beauty, more significantly, is within. The beautiful declare their beliefs and battle for convictions. Whether gorgeous or pretty, boring, or plain, the internally beautiful disclose an intellect and burning diligence that mirrors their nature. Recall that personality is shaped by how we hold ourselves and engage with the world at large.

Finally, beauty is holistic. Magnetic individuals take an effort to be the best that they can be. They recognize that they are fusions of body, soul, and spirit. Hence, people build up each component through polishing their abilities and hobbies. They may have average features yet lead remarkable lives. These amazing people are the finest mankind can give.

Augmenting beauty simply entails caring for the body and the psyche. It doesn’t require much work, just a touch of self-regulation. Here is how you ooze magnetic attraction:

1. Books and magazines are your best buddy. Beef up what’s in your brain and rack up extra beauty points with your educated dialogues. Intelligence is beautiful.

2. Watch a stand-up comedy. You will develop your sense of humour. Wit is a rare and prized commodity.

3. Is that a fast-food burger you’re shovelling down your throat? Stop. You are literally what you consume. So, think carefully about your selections, pick clean meals, whole, largely plant-based, and locally produced.

4. Soap, shampoo, and mouthwash are better than all the pheromone sprays, libido boosters, and botched nose lifts. Good cleanliness is the honey that attracts beautiful bees. Try to buy cruelty-free, ecologically friendly things without chemicals. Vegan clean products are even friendlier.

5. Dress to impress- 24/7. You undoubtedly had one of those times. There you were, in sloppy overalls at the stores. Then you run into the boss or a lovely stranger. Say this with me: ‘’NEVER AGAIN! One more time. ‘’NEVER AGAIN.

Stress to love you and your body.

6. Ask and Listen. The most brilliant conversationalists avoid monopolizing talks. Rather, they ask loads of questions. And listen for hours on end. Stop and think about that. Isn’t your closest buddy a fantastic listener?

7. Finally, think seductive. Feel sexy. You are what you think you are. Your body follows what the mind commands. The $3000 executive coaches want to impart this incredible bit of basic wisdom for a premium cost. Save the money.

So, get out there and glow. You can be attractive without those creams, lotions and surgeons.

Be bold. Choose beauty. Choose you!

mental health

About the Creator

Amber Logue

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