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Love Bubble Energy Process for Kids

A mind walk style meditation to enable inner, loving strength.

By Linda Simpson Published 3 years ago 8 min read

Well Hello, it's Linda here from Neutralizing With Love.

How are you going today?

I’m here today to tell you the journey of Love Bubble Energy. It's an amazing story that popped into my thoughts as I was thinking about how I mix with people and how sometimes I let people mix a little too much with me and my energy. You know what I’m saying, huh. How you come away from some meetings a bit flat, not so happy.

It's not always a good thing because it leaves me feeling different from what I was, so I was wondering why, why did I let it happen and this was when the secret information showed me that:

• We are full of love

• We sometimes forget this

• Sometimes people have shown me how to create a protection around myself, but I always felt that this closed me off.

• I didn’t want to be protected – I want to feel happy and love and joy.

It was great to learn what I’m going to show you here today

• to live a good life

• to be aware

• to live with happiness

• To see things with wonder and love. Not with fear of the unknown.

This Love Bubble Energy is the way to carry on doing our work here on earth; go out, be real and still it let our energy fields engage with other energy fields.

At the same time not take on board any of their stuff.

You know the stuff I mean.

• The way a mean kid impacts on other kids, not just physically

• The way good words have more magic than nasty ones

• The way a really grumpy kid has heavy energy around them and it seems to spread

Carrying Love Bubbles inside you and your energy field will transform loads of negative into love. I call it Neutralizing, because this means it takes away any negative effect and leaves room for love.

So if you're all set to go I'm going to walk you through this beautiful Love Bubble Energy journey. It’ll help you to more easily be around other kids and other people who don't vibrate as highly as you and not have their energy affect yours.

If you want to jump straight into listening to this mind walk meditation then the link to the YouTube recording is here. https://youtu.be/1V36PZivVfc

But if you’d like to walk you or your children through this mind walk yourself here are the words.

OK, one of the first things to do is make sure you’ve drunk some water and have a glass or bottle handy for more as what we do here can make you thirsty. You just have a drink whenever you feel like it.

Once you’ve had a drink sit somewhere comfortably and just be You.

We’re going to first of all practice some deep breathing.

Breathe slowly in. Hold for a little at the top then

Breathe slowly in and out.

There’s a great way to breathe for when you feel anxious, a little fearful. It goes like this.

Breathe right down into your tummy, so breathe in and feel the air filling up your tummy and then push the air out, all the way out, push from the bottom of your tummy, you might yawn, it’s just oxygen filling your system.

Feel it and feel the muscles pushing the air out.

Now, the special breathing I do when I feel a bit out of balance is this.

Are you ready?

Breathe in with me for 1 2 3 4

Hold that breath for 5 4 3 2 1

And slowly breathing out for 6 5 4 3 2 1

Let’s do it again.

Breathe in with me for 1 2 3 4

Hold that breath for 5 4 3 2 1

And slowly breathing out for 6 5 4 3 2 1

You can't think of much else when you're doing that; it's a good side track for your brain as it can count as you breathe and not feed you stressful thoughts.

OK, if you're all settled I'm going to give you a picture to work with.

I want you to imagine a Love Bubble

Now see how you’re the Love Bubble Maker, the Love Bubble Factory.

Whenever you breathe and whenever your heart beats your Love Bubble Factory will produce Love Bubbles.

Whenever you breathe and whenever your heart beats.

More Love Bubbles.

Once you start this off it just flows. Your heart will buy into it straight away, so will your breath; it just becomes part of who you are.

Can you Feel these Love Bubbles flowing.

Now that you've got your Love Bubble Energy working let's take the next step; let's start filling your body up with Love Bubbles.

They’ll flow wherever they want to go, you know, so just allow them to go.

Keep breathing gently as we do this

You can feel them as they drop down into your toes

And start filling up your feet, your ankles

Your legs

Tickling your knees

Up through your thighs and into your hips

Tingling your spine as they fill up your body

Some of them just go straight out and fall down into your arms

With the little ones filling up your fingers.

They fill up your arms

All the way up to your shoulders

Through into your neck

Filling up your head, behind your eyes, your nose, your ears, your hair.

All with Love Bubble Energy.

You are a big awesome Love Bubble now.

At this point when your body is full of Love Bubbles the Love Bubbles will choose to pop out into your energy field.

You know that field that surrounds your physical body.

They’ll just fall outside of your skin and start filling up your energy field because they know the score here, they want to go out and spread love; they've got a goal - that Love Bubbles are viral.

This is an easy process; it takes hardly any effort on your behalf; just your heartbeat and some breathing.

Can You Feel the Love Bubbles just falling out into your energy field?

However big you think your energy field is; it’s bigger.

The Love Bubbles will keep expanding.

Every time you breathe;

Every time your heart beats;

Love bubbles are created and they float.

They float across all time and space.

Now let’s see how this can all work; because we can leave the breathing and the heartbeat to do their own thing, making more Love Bubbles.

So while that's happening and you’re relaxed, I’d like you to imagine that you’re going to school with your current energy full of Love Bubbles.

I know in the past, when you’ve gone to school or to sport, you may have felt the energy rub from another kid whose worry and thought patterns have leaked out from their human form and settled, almost permanently, into their energy field.

This time it’s going to be different. You’ve empowered your energy field full of Love Bubbles and your intention is for this to keep going. There’s no need to do anything other than walk and know that you’re encompassed with Love.

You’ve got Love Bubbles working on your side.

So, imagine you, with your energy field full of Love Bubbles; with the other kids and teachers there as well, with their energy field and whatever’s in it; whatever they carry around in their field.

As you go by them you can’t help but have a crossover of energy fields. This kind of interaction happens all the time and in the past there’s even been some of their positive or negative stuff left behind to stick to your energy field.

But now, today, with your beautiful Love Bubbles working for you, you’ll crossover with their field and anything that rubs off at all slips and slides through all the Love Bubbles.

As it flows through your field it’s Neutralized Into Love.

It just flows through and out again; and the special part about that is that it leaves your energy field as Love with nothing negative affecting you.

Keep walking around the school, out into the play areas, walking with your super power, Love Bubble Energy, which is a task force for love.

The people who brush through your energy field are going to have some of your Love Bubbles rub off onto them. And maybe even some Love Bubbles rub off and start a new journey over there. Love Bubbles do their own thing once they’re out in the world.

Come back to You – You and the Love Bubbles that you’re creating. You will be able to go out now Knowing that with every heart beat and every breath intention that your Love Bubbles will Neutralize anything that comes into or close by your energy field. Anything that doesn’t belong will be Neutralized With Love.

You’ll be out doing your thing without even thinking about it.

Without thinking about what may or may not affect you.

And this is exactly how it’s meant to be.

With your intention in place this is all just going to happen as you wander through the day and every now and then you’ll have a smile on your face when you think, hmmm, I spread some Love there today and I didn’t even try, it was just who I am.

Well now you know how Love Bubble Energy works.

I’ll leave you here knowing the gift of your own Love Bubble Energy.

Take Care. You are wonderful, you know. You are unique and you are much Loved. Bye for now, LINDA


About the Creator

Linda Simpson

Storyteller, Urban Farmer, Love Bubble Distributor

I enjoy my life to the full, whether working in Our Small Urban Farm or uplifting and enabling beautiful beings in their spirituality, their journey. Love is my Magic and my Alchemy.

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