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Living in Babylon: How Jah Rastafari Provides a Path to Liberation and Social Justice

A Rastafarian Perspective on Resisting Oppression and Building a Just Society

By Brian KaPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Rastafari is a spiritual and cultural movement that emerged in Jamaica in the 1930s. It is based on the belief that Haile Selassie I, the former Emperor of Ethiopia, is the messiah and the embodiment of God (referred to as Jah). Rastafari emphasizes the values of equality, justice, and righteousness, and draws inspiration from Ethiopian and Jamaican traditions.

Babylon is a metaphor used in Rastafarian culture to refer to the oppressive systems and institutions of the world, such as capitalism, imperialism, and racism. It represents the forces that Rastafarians resist and seek to overcome in their pursuit of personal and collective liberation.

In this post, we will explore how Rastafari provides a path to liberation and social justice. We will examine Rastafarian beliefs and values, the challenges of living in a Babylonian society, and the ways in which Rastafarians have resisted and sought to transform oppressive systems. We will also discuss how Rastafarianism can lead to personal and collective empowerment and the movement's contributions to global social justice movements.

Understanding Rastafarian Beliefs and Values

To truly understand Rastafari and its significance, it is important to explore its core beliefs and values.

Central to Rastafarianism is the belief that Haile Selassie I, the former Emperor of Ethiopia, is the messiah and the embodiment of God, known as Jah. Rastafarians also believe in the divinity of Ethiopia and the importance of returning to the land of their ancestors.

Rastafarian values are grounded in the pursuit of equality, justice, and righteousness. These values are expressed through a commitment to community and solidarity, and an emphasis on respecting oneself and others.

Another important principle in Rastafarianism is nonviolence and pacifism. Rastafarians believe in peaceful resistance and the power of love and compassion to transform society. They seek to overcome Babylon through spiritual and cultural means, rather than through violent revolution.

Living in Babylon

Babylon is a central metaphor in Rastafarian culture and represents the oppressive systems and institutions that Rastafarians seek to overcome. Babylon is associated with oppression, injustice, and corruption, and Rastafarians see it as a force that works against the values of equality, justice, and righteousness.

Despite living in a Babylonian society, Rastafarians navigate this reality by maintaining a strong sense of community and solidarity. They create alternative spaces and communities that prioritize their values and beliefs, such as Rastafarian settlements and communes.

Rastafarians also resist Babylonian systems and institutions through acts of peaceful resistance and cultural activism. One example is the use of reggae music as a means of expressing their cultural identity and promoting social justice. Rastafarians have also challenged Babylonian institutions such as the police and government through acts of civil disobedience and nonviolent protest.

Path to Liberation

Rastafarianism provides a path to personal and collective liberation through its beliefs and values. By rejecting Babylonian systems and institutions, and embracing the values of equality, justice, and righteousness, Rastafarians find a sense of personal empowerment and liberation.

Spirituality and meditation are central to Rastafarianism, and play a significant role in the movement's pursuit of personal and collective liberation. Through prayer, meditation, and spiritual practices, Rastafarians seek to connect with Jah and find inner peace and strength.

Music and art are also important in the Rastafarian movement, and provide a means of personal and collective expression and empowerment. Reggae music, in particular, has played a significant role in promoting Rastafarianism and social justice. Rastafarians use music and art as a means of spreading their message, expressing their cultural identity, and resisting Babylonian systems.

Social Justice

Rastafarianism is a movement that is deeply committed to social justice and equality. The values of the movement, including equality, justice, and righteousness, inspire Rastafarians to work towards creating a more just and equitable society.

Rastafarian activism and advocacy takes many forms, including community organizing, education, and cultural activism. Rastafarians have been involved in movements for racial and economic justice, and have been at the forefront of campaigns against police brutality, poverty, and systemic racism. They have also been active in advocating for the rights of indigenous people, environmental protection, and international solidarity.

Rastafarianism has also had a significant influence on global social justice movements. The movement's emphasis on nonviolence, pacifism, and spirituality has been influential in movements for peace and social justice around the world. Reggae music, which has its roots in Rastafarianism, has also played an important role in spreading the movement's message and inspiring social change.


Rastafarianism provides a unique path to personal and collective liberation through its beliefs, values, and practices. By rejecting Babylonian systems and institutions, and embracing spirituality, meditation, and cultural activism, Rastafarians find empowerment and work towards creating a more just and equitable world.

Rastafarianism's emphasis on social justice and equality is evident in its activism and advocacy, and has had a significant impact on global social justice movements. The movement's influence on music, culture, and spirituality has inspired generations of activists and advocates for peace and social justice.

As we reflect on the importance of Rastafarianism as a movement for liberation and social justice, it is important to acknowledge the contributions that Rastafarians have made to creating a more just and equitable world. We must also continue to learn more about Rastafarianism and its principles, and work towards building a world that is more just, equitable, and compassionate for all.

Final Note

If you’re interested in exploring who is Jah further, we invite you to check out Fifth Degree’s collection of Rastafarian clothing. Our clothing is designed to reflect the spirit and teachings of Rastafarianism, with bold colors, empowering messages, and a commitment to sustainability and ethical production. We believe that what you wear can be a powerful expression of your values and beliefs, and we’re proud to offer a range of high-quality, stylish, and socially conscious clothing for individuals who are seeking to live in harmony with nature and the divine. Visit our website today to learn more about our collection and find the perfect Rastafarian clothes for woman for you.


About the Creator

Brian Ka

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    Brian KaWritten by Brian Ka

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