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Haile Selassie in the Bible: Book of Revelation and the Truths of the End Times

Exploring the Fascinating Connections between Ethiopia's Emperor, Biblical Prophecy, and the Meaning of the Apocalypse

By Brian KaPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Haile Selassie is a name that resonates with people from different parts of the world and faiths, due to his status as a historical and spiritual leader of Ethiopia, a champion of African independence and unity, and a symbol of hope and justice for marginalized communities. In particular, Haile Selassie holds a special place in Rastafarianism, a religious movement that emerged in Jamaica in the 1930s and worships him as a divine incarnation of God or Jah.

However, Haile Selassie's significance goes beyond the boundaries of a single religion or region. His life and legacy intersect with many cultural, political, and theological narratives, including those of Christianity and the Bible. As a devout Orthodox Christian, Haile Selassie embodied the principles and rituals of his faith, which traces its origins to the Ethiopian eunuch who was baptized by Philip in the Acts of the Apostles. Moreover, Haile Selassie's title as the "Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah" reflects the prophecy in the Book of Revelation, which describes a celestial figure who defeats the dragon and the beast, and reigns over the world with justice and mercy.

Therefore, this blog post aims to explore the link between Haile Selassie and the Book of Revelation in the Bible, and to examine the different interpretations and implications of his role in the "End Times" prophecy. By delving into the biblical, historical, and cultural contexts of Haile Selassie's life and teachings, we can gain a deeper appreciation of his impact on different communities, and shed light on some of the enduring questions and challenges of human existence. Whether you are a Rastafarian, a Christian, or a curious reader, this blog post offers a unique perspective on one of the most fascinating figures of the 20th century, and invites you to join the ongoing conversation about faith, justice, and hope.

Haile Selassie and the Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation, also known as the Apocalypse, is the final book of the New Testament, written by John of Patmos in the late first century CE. It is known for its vivid and symbolic descriptions of the end of the world, the resurrection of the dead, the judgment of the living and the dead, and the reign of God in a new heaven and a new earth. The Book of Revelation has been a subject of intense debate and interpretation among scholars and theologians, as well as a source of inspiration and fear for many believers throughout history.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Book of Revelation is its connection to Haile Selassie, the former Emperor of Ethiopia, and the founder of the Rastafari movement. Many Rastafarians and other believers associate Haile Selassie with the figure of the Messiah, the Second Coming of Christ, or the Lion of Judah mentioned in the Book of Revelation. This association is based on various textual, historical, and spiritual factors, which have been subject to different interpretations and debates.

One of the main reasons why Haile Selassie is seen as a messianic figure is his imperial lineage, which traces back to the biblical King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, according to Ethiopian tradition. This lineage is seen as a fulfillment of the prophecy in the Book of Revelation, which describes a conqueror from the tribe of Judah who will defeat the enemies of God and establish a new kingdom of peace and righteousness. Moreover, Haile Selassie's advocacy for Pan-Africanism, anti-colonialism, and global disarmament is seen as a manifestation of the prophetic vision of the Book of Revelation, which calls for the end of all wars and the unity of all nations under the reign of God.

Some specific examples of how Haile Selassie's life and deeds may have fulfilled some of the prophecies or symbols in the Book of Revelation include his resistance to Italian fascist invasion in 1935, which is seen as a fulfillment of the vision of the "beast" and the "false prophet" in Revelation 13. His famous speech at the League of Nations in 1936, where he warned of the dangers of aggression and pleaded for justice and peace, is seen as a fulfillment of the vision of the "Lamb" and the "rider on the white horse" in Revelation 5 and 19. His eventual downfall and exile in 1974, after a military coup led by Marxist revolutionaries, is seen as a fulfillment of the vision of the "harlot" and the "Babylonian system" in Revelation 17 and 18.

Overall, the connection between Haile Selassie and the Book of Revelation reflects the deep and complex interplay between religion, culture, and politics, and invites us to reconsider the meanings and messages of this ancient and fascinating text in light of contemporary challenges and opportunities. Whether we accept or reject the idea of Haile Selassie as a messianic figure or a symbol of hope, we can learn from his life and legacy as an example of courage, wisdom, and compassion, and as a reminder of the enduring power of faith and imagination.

The Truths of the End Times

The concept of the "End Times" has been interpreted and debated by various religious traditions and scholars throughout history. Some Christians believe in the Rapture, an event in which true believers will be taken up to heaven before the Tribulation, a period of intense suffering and chaos on Earth. Others see the Tribulation as a necessary purging of evil and a prelude to the Second Coming of Christ, when he will establish his Kingdom on Earth for a thousand years, known as the Millennium. Some identify the Antichrist as a figure who will oppose Christ and deceive humanity, while others view this as a symbolic representation of worldly powers that oppose God's will.

The belief in the "End Times" can have profound implications for how people live their lives and understand their place in the world. For some, it inspires hope and perseverance in the face of adversity, as they look forward to the ultimate victory of God and the triumph of good over evil. For others, it can instill fear and anxiety about the uncertain future, leading them to seek salvation and repentance. In the Rastafarian tradition, the idea of the "End Times" is closely linked to the idea of Babylon, a metaphorical representation of the oppressive and corrupt systems of the world that Rastafarians see as their enemy. Haile Selassie's legacy as a symbol of resistance and liberation against Babylon has therefore been seen by some as evidence of his divine mission.

The belief in the "End Times" raises important ethical, theological, and political questions about the nature of God, the role of humanity, and the fate of the world. For example, if the "End Times" are imminent, what is the responsibility of believers to spread the message of salvation or to work for social justice and peace? How should we reconcile the idea of a loving and just God with the concept of judgment and punishment for the wicked? What is the fate of those who do not believe or have not heard the message of salvation? These questions are complex and require careful consideration, as they have implications not only for individual believers but for society as a whole.


In this blog post, we have explored the fascinating and complex connections between Haile Selassie, the Book of Revelation, and the "End Times" prophecy. We have seen how some believers interpret Haile Selassie as a fulfillment of biblical prophecies, such as the Lion of Judah or the Second Coming of Christ, and how this belief has shaped their attitudes towards social justice and liberation. We have also discussed the various interpretations and implications of the "End Times" prophecy, and the ethical, theological, and political questions that arise from it.

As we conclude, we invite readers to share their own insights, questions, and perspectives on these topics, and to engage with the ongoing discourse in different communities and media. Whether you are a Rastafarian, a Christian, or simply a curious learner, there is much to explore and learn from these rich and diverse traditions.

Final Note

If you’re interested in exploring who is Jah further, we invite you to check out Fifth Degree’s collection of Rastafarian clothing. Our clothing is designed to reflect the spirit and teachings of Rastafarianism, with bold colors, empowering messages, and a commitment to sustainability and ethical production. We believe that what you wear can be a powerful expression of your values and beliefs, and we’re proud to offer a range of high-quality, stylish, and socially conscious clothing for individuals who are seeking to live in harmony with nature and the divine. Visit our website today to learn more about our collection and find the perfect Rastafarian clothes for woman for you.


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Brian Ka

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    Brian KaWritten by Brian Ka

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