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Lemon with Ginger and Honey, a real elixir for health

Easiest way to be healthy

By Maria Ostasevici Published 3 years ago 3 min read

For example, I drink this ginger, honey and lemon drink every time I feel cold or have the flu. If I drink for a few days, I don't need any pills.

We keep hearing about ginger that it has beneficial properties on the body, about honey we already know how important it is, and about lemon, I think everyone knows that it is a strong source of vitamin C, but the mixture of ginger with honey and lemon is a real elixir for health. Ginger, honey and lemon are three beneficial ingredients on the body's health, which should not be missing from anyone's diet, consumed individually or together, or included in various preparations.

Detoxification with ginger and lemon is a low-calorie diet, which usually involves replacing all meals with tea or lemonade obtained from only four ingredients: water, ginger, lemon and honey.

Lemon juice helps reduce the amount of fat in the body in many ways. First of all, lemons have a mild diuretic effect and help eliminate toxins and excess water from the body. Lemon juice has a therm effect, supports fat burning due to the poly phenol in its composition and stimulates metabolism. In addition to the benefits for weight loss, lemons have many health benefits - they contain a large amount of vitamin C, with antioxidant effect, reduce inflammation and detoxify.

Ginger, on the other hand, protects blood vessels and prevents atherosclerosis, has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves digestive function, has a thermal effect, activates metabolism and fights nausea - a common side effect of weight loss diets and detoxification treatments. A study by researchers at the Institute for Human Nutrition at Columbia University concluded that ginger consumed in various foods or beverages creates a feeling of satiety and maintains it for longer. In addition, ginger regulates the secretion of cortisol, which, in excess, supports the deposition of adipose tissue in the abdominal area and weight gain.

Together, ginger and lemon detoxify the body, improve circulation, fight "bad" cholesterol, strengthen the immune system, stimulate digestion and prevent water retention.

In principle, you can keep a diet with ginger and lemon completely giving up honey, but it is rich in nutrients, regulates blood sugar levels, nourishes the body and helps you get over it easily and without unwanted side effects (dizziness, feeling weak, etc.) diet period. In addition, it gives any drink a more pleasant taste and is easier to tolerate, even if it is consumed in large quantities and for long periods of time. Honey really is a miracle food! The combination of ginger and honey is known as a powerful analgesic, ginger due to its intense aroma, has an expectorant role, and this helps to instantly reduce pain. This combination is very well known as a treatment for colds and we all know that a cold is usually followed by a sore throat. Ginger, due to its strong aromas, will open the sinuses and help remove mucus from the respiratory system.

And if we add to the mixture of ginger and honey, we will get a real recipe for immunity.

Put the ginger, lemon zest and water in a saucepan over high heat and simmer for 5 minutes on low heat. When ready, let the liquid cool, then add honey and lemon juice.

The mixture of ginger with honey and lemon is effective as a gargle for antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. But it can also be used for external use, in cosmetics, for skin and hair.

Here are the proportions for making ginger with honey and lemon:

500 gr honey

300 gr ginger root

3 medium lemons

If you want to take advantage of all the benefits of eating ginger and lemon, but not necessarily in the context of a strict diet, you can include them in the diet and as a salad dressing. Mix the juice from a lemon with 2-3 pieces of grated ginger, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and salt and pour the dressing over the salad.

how to

About the Creator

Maria Ostasevici

Communication and public relations student, Moldova

Instagram profile: maria.ostasevici;

mother of two awesome Dobermans.


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