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Last Goodbye

Not goodbye, see you soon

By Michelle Roberts-StarkPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

She laid in the bed surrounded by white walls; the only sound was the beeping tell people that she was still alive for now. While she laid there alone, she only thought about him hoping that he would walk through the door even though she knew in her mind that it would never happen. He was gone, he was now happy with another while she laid in that bed waiting to take her last breath. She wanted it that way though, he did not know what was happening right now, he was completely oblivious that the only girl that had ever truly loved him was laying there, alone. She thought back to the day that she had found out, the day that had changed her forever. She sat in the doctors office not really thinking about the worst, she had problems already with her iron, but she never thought that the cause of her low iron would be something so bad. When the doctor came in, she saw the look on her doctors face and knew right away that something was wrong. The doctor shut the door and sat down across from her, she looked her right in the face and told her that she had liver failure. The donor list was long and there was no guarantee that she would get a new liver in time. She looked at her doctor stunned, not knowing what to say or do. The doctor recommended that they keep giving her iron transfusions and she just nodded her head in agreement. She then thanked the doctor and walked out, the walk home was a long one and her mind could do nothing but race. She thought about her boyfriend, they had only been together for a little over a year and she loved him so much. They had their hard times, but they got over it and everything was better. She wondered how her boyfriend would take it or her family and friends. I would like to say that she told him and that everything turned out alright, but it didn’t. She never told him or anyone. As time went on her health went down and no one noticed through the fake smiles that she gave. The time that they had been together she always believed that she was never good enough for him and that he deserved better when she was his equal. One day while he was at work she went out for a walk; she soon lost all her strength and fell to the ground. When she woke up in the white room and herd the sound of the machines, she knew that this was it for her. She felt weak and could barley keep her eyes open, little did she know though that the hospital called her boyfriend to tell him the news and he was on his way to her going as fast as he could. By the time he got there it was too late, she was gone. He looked upon her still body laying there in the bed, he slowly walked toward her. He put his hand on hers and felt the coldness of her hand giving the sign that she was gone. His eyes filled with tears. In her hand was a note, he took the note and opened it. Written on the note in her handwriting was the words, “I love you. This is my last goodbye.” His face was completely wet with tears as he leaned over to give her one last kiss while saying, “This is not goodbye, it is only see you soon.”


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