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Know what is the definition of deep sleep, get deep sleep and stay healthy this way

Sleeping seven to nine hours at night is not enough. The quality of sleep also matters. While you are sleeping, your body goes through various stages of the sleep cycle. For example, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) , in which your eyes move rapidly behind the eyelids in different directions during sleep.

By tarikul islamPublished 4 years ago 5 min read
Deep sleep stage

Deep sleep is very important for good health. If you do not get enough sleep, you start feeling tired and restless. Also you can get stressed. Due to which many diseases take hold. At the same time, if you get enough sleep, your mind remains calm and your mood also remains fresh. If you are also struggling with the problem of sleeplessness, then deep sleep remedies are being told here, which you must try.

Deep sleep stage

Sleeping seven to nine hours at night is not enough. The quality of sleep also matters. While you are sleeping, your body goes through various stages of the sleep cycle. For example, Rapid Eye Movement (REM) , in which your eyes move rapidly behind the eyelids in different directions during sleep. Deep sleep ( deep sleep ) is a state of sleep when you need to feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning.

What are the stages of sleep?

Sleep is divided into two categories: REM (non-REM) and non-REM (non-REM) sleep . Your sleep starts with non-sleep sleep. Later there is a short duration of rem sleep. This cycle continues every 90 minutes throughout the night. Non-rem, the last stage of sleep is deep sleep , in which you are going from sleep to sleep .

Non-REM sleep

Stage one of non-sleep sleep lasts for several minutes.

During stage 1

1. Your body functions such as heartbeat , respiration and eye movements begin to slow down.

2. Your muscles only relax occasionally.

3. Your brain waves slow down from their waking state.

Stage 2 is about 50 percent of the total sleep cycle.

During stage 2

1. Now the system of the body slowly starts to relax.

2. Body temperature drops, eyes are closed.

3. Your brain waves are slow, but at the same time there are some activity short bursts.

Stage 3 and 4

In this stage you experience deep sleep. During these steps:

1. As the muscles relax, the heartbeat and breathing also slow down.

2. When you are sleeping, your brain waves slow down.

3. It is difficult to wake up even when there is a loud noise.

4. Deep sleep is also known as "slow wave sleep" (SWS) or delta sleep.

5. The first phase of deep sleep lasts about 45 to 90 minutes. It lasts longer in the first half of the night and gets shorter with every sleep cycle .

6. Stage 4 is also known as Healing Stage. It is a stage in which the body improves cells, muscles and disease resistant systems.

REM (rapid eye movement) sleep

Your first stage of Stage 5, or Rem Sleep, occurs approximately 90 minutes after going through the non-REM stages.

During this stage:

1. The pupils of the eyes move rapidly behind the eyelids.

2. You start dreaming , because your brain is more active at that time.

3. Your heartbeat increases.

4. The breath becomes fast and irregular at times.

5. Your organs may also be powerless (loose).

What are the benefits of deep sleep? (Benefits of deep sleep)

During deep sleep, glucose metabolism of the brain increases, which promotes short-term and long-term memory as well as overall learning. Deep sleep causes the pituitary gland to secrete hormones important for the body's development, such as the human growth hormone.

Other benefits of deep sleep include-

1. Energy is restored,

2. Cell reconstruction,

3. Increased blood supply to muscles,

4. Growth and repair of tissues and bones,

5. Immune system ( immune system strengthening).

6. Memory strengthening

7. Learned things and emotions get captured in the brain

What happens when you don't sleep deeply enough?

You need deep sleep everyday. Deep sleep helps to process the information you get throughout the day. Without deep sleep, the brain cannot convert these information into memory. In such a situation, deep sleep remedies can be effective for you.

Sleeplessness is also associated with the following conditions, such as:

1. Alzheimer's disease

2. heart disease

3. diabetes

4. Stroke

How much deep sleep do you need?

You spend about 75 percent of your night in non-sleep sleep and another 25 percent in sleep sleep. Of this, about 13 to 23 percent of your total sleep is "deep sleep".

It is said that deep sleep decreases with increasing age. If you are under 30, you can get two hours of deep sleep each night. If you are over 65 years old, you can only take a half-hour of deep sleep every night. Young people may require more sleep as it promotes growth and development.

Remedy for deep sleep

1. Warmth in the body can help in getting sound sleep. For example, taking a hot bath or taking a sauna bath before bedtime can help improve the quality of your sleep.

2. Eating a low carbohydrate diet or taking some antidepressants can also promote deep sleep . However, more research is still needed.

3. By getting enough sleep in general, the time for deep sleep can also be increased.

4. Keep your sleeping and waking hours regular.

5. Exercise for about 20 to 30 minutes, but do not do any kind of exercise for a few hours before bedtime.

6. As a remedy for deep sleep, first of all , stop caffeine , alcohol and nicotine before sleeping .

7. Do not use strong lights and loud sounds from your bedroom.

Keep your routine correct by adopting deep sleep measures. Balanced eating and regular exercise, yoga and meditation can encourage deep sleep.


About the Creator

tarikul islam

I am a varsity students, like to read articles of medium.com and so others magazines of different country. I also like very much to write articles about many of topic like health, tech etc. I am here want to enjoy my writing career. Thanks.

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