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Instead of setting goals, make them a reality.

Another year has passed, and with most people only a few weeks into their resolutions, I've discovered that many people are either trying to get started or have already fallen on their way to success.

By Healthy MediaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Instead of setting goals, make them a reality.
Photo by Dan DeAlmeida on Unsplash

With 2021 behind us and 2022 beginning off on a sour note (RIP Betty White), it'll only be a matter of time until we start seeing posts about individuals quitting before they even try to work toward their year's objectives. With a pandemic and political turmoil gripping the news almost daily, I can't say I blame anyone for feeling too fatigued to even begin working toward these lofty goals.

Consider manifesting what you want to accomplish instead of giving up totally.

I'm sure you've read somewhere that when someone talks about the success they've achieved or maintained, it's because they materialised it for themselves. What exactly does the term "manifest" imply? Manifesting is indicated by having a positive and clear view that you will achieve, as well as recognising that your goals are merely milestones that you are looking forward to celebrating. Consider true third-eye stuff, where you sense you've already performed these tasks in a foresight kind of way.

It's been a running joke for a long time that we self-defecate in how we go about our daily lives, so it's not unexpected that we do the same with our plans for personal objectives. Now, I'm all for jokes, especially the self-deprecating kind, but I'm also aware that they might lead to us abandoning our goals before we even try to achieve them. I've gotten much more spiritual in many areas over the last few years, and while I'm not an expert in the field of manifestation, I believe that by joking about giving up, we're allowing ourselves to be more spiritual.We're sort of fulfilling that prophecy because, even jokingly, there's still some belief that we won't make the mark, so why not just stop there?

We can usually accomplish our daily objectives if we take a time during our day to think about what we want to do that day, so why not do the same with our long-term goals? Every successful person I've seen talk about how they got to where they are all said that they not only reminded themselves of what they could achieve by positively reinforcing the idea that there's more to life than they need and that they simply can't stop until they get there, but they also wrote down their manifestations so that it was solidified and on paper. It's no longer just something they spoke out loud to themselves one day.It's as if they've made a pact with themselves that they must follow through on.

Because of how much we all have going on in our lives during the COVID era, I understand that many of us have sort of just stuck in "I give up" mentality after years of exhausting closures and remaining indoors to keep ourselves and everyone around us safe. However, we must understand that we cannot maintain ourselves in that mental state because doing so will simply lead us to become accustomed to living in failure. Sure,

You may believe that if you haven't tried, you haven't failed, but if you want to succeed and achieve all of your goals, you must believe that settling is failing, because it is.

It's just as crucial to stay mentally engaged and prepared as it is to stay physically fit. Taking time out of your days to conduct breathing exercises, time of thought, and tranquilly can gradually increase your feeling of self as well as our confidence in getting things done, which is especially important during COVID.

So don't waste any more time. In every way, manifest the life you deserve for yourself.


About the Creator

Healthy Media

I'm really enthusiastic about assisting people in finding happiness and feeling good about themselves. I think that when you FEEL GOOD, you perform better in life.Nutrition and exercise, as well as spiritual and mental wellbeing.

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