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Improved My Skin with Hula Hoop

Slim Is not hard -By Kayla Walker

By QuickCurePublished 11 months ago 8 min read

I’ve always struggled with my weight and my skin. I’ve tried countless diets, exercises, creams, and treatments, but nothing seemed to work for me. I was frustrated and unhappy with my appearance and my health.

Then, one day, I stumbled upon two things that changed my life: hula hoop and red light therapy. These two simple and natural methods helped me lose weight, tone my muscles, improve my balance, and boost my mood. They also improved my skin quality, reduced my cellulite, and made me look younger and healthier.

In this article, I’ll share with you how I discovered these two amazing methods, how they work, and how they can help you achieve your weight loss and skin goals.

How I Discovered Hula Hoop and Red Light Therapy

I first learned about hula hoop from a friend who invited me to join her for a hula hoop class. I was skeptical at first, thinking that hula hoop was just a toy for kids. But I decided to give it a try anyway, thinking that it might be fun.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed hula hoop. It was not only fun, but also challenging and rewarding. I felt like I was working out my whole body, especially my core muscles. I also felt happy and relaxed, as if I was playing instead of exercising.

I started to hula hoop regularly, at least three times a week for 30 minutes each time. I noticed that I was losing inches from my waist, hips, thighs, arms, and other areas. I also noticed that my posture and balance improved, and that I had more energy and confidence.

I was curious about the science behind hula hoop, so I did some research online. I learned that hula hoop is a low-impact aerobic exercise that can burn about 210 calories in 30 minutes for a 155-pound person1. It also tones your muscles, improves your balance, and boosts your mood.

I was impressed by the benefits of hula hoop, but I wanted to enhance my results even more. That’s when I came across red light therapy.

I read an article online about red light therapy for weight loss and skin improvement. It claimed that red light therapy is a non-invasive procedure that uses low-level laser light to target fat cells under your skin. It may help you lose some inches from your waist, hips, thighs, arms, or other areas.

It also claimed that red light therapy can improve your skin quality by stimulating collagen production, reducing inflammation, and healing wounds3. It may help you reduce wrinkles, fine lines, scars, stretch marks, acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions3.

I was intrigued by the potential benefits of red light therapy, but I was also skeptical. It sounded too good to be true. So I decided to do more research on it.

I found out that red light therapy is also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), photobiomodulation (PBM), or phototherapy. It’s a type of body sculpting that may help you get rid of stubborn fat without surgery2.

The procedure uses a low-irradiance laser that emits wavelengths of red (620 to 750 nanometers), blue (400 to 500 nanometers), and infrared (800 to 900 nanometers) light approximately 1–2 inches (2.5–5 cm) into your skin2. It targets the layer of fat that sits just below the surface of your skin2.

The mechanism behind red light therapy is unclear and controversial. One common theory is that red light therapy temporarily breaks down part of the cell membrane of the fat cells. This allows stored fat cells to leach out, shrink, and be removed through your body’s natural waste removal process2.

Another theory is that red light therapy increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to the treated area. This stimulates the metabolism of the fat cells and enhances their breakdown2.

When you attend a red light therapy session, a trained professional will place the laser on each treatment area for 10–40 minutes2. Most clinics recommend at least six sessions to see results2. There’s no downtime or pain involved in the procedure.

I was curious about the effectiveness and safety of red light therapy for weight loss and skin improvement. So I looked for some studies on it.

I found several studies that showed positive results from red light therapy for weight loss and skin improvement. For example:

A recent 6-week pilot study in 60 people found that red light therapy treatments twice per week led to a modest 0.8-inch (2-cm) reduction in waist circumference.

Another randomized double-blind study in 67 people revealed that those who received six red light therapy treatments for two weeks lost significantly more collective inches from their abdomen, hips, and thighs — 3.5 inches or 8.9 cm) — than the control group ( 3 ).

Furthermore, a 2-week study in 86 people at a U.S. clinic observed a significant decrease in waist (1.1 inches or 2.8 cm), hip (0.8 inches or 2 cm), and thigh circumference (1.2 inches or 3 cm).

However, I also found some studies that showed no effect or even an increase in fat tissue from red light therapy. For example:

A study in 17 people found that eight of them had an increase in fat tissue thickness after four weeks of red light therapy treatments.

Another study in 40 people found no significant difference in body fat percentage, body mass index, or waist circumference between the red light therapy group and the placebo group after eight weeks of treatments.

These studies suggest that red light therapy may have some fat loss benefits, but they are not conclusive or consistent. More research is needed to determine the optimal dose, frequency, duration, and long-term effects of red light therapy for weight loss.

What are the risks of red light therapy?

Red light therapy is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, with few side effects. However, some people may experience mild discomfort or adverse reactions, such as:

  • skin irritation, redness, or rash
  • eye strain or damage from direct exposure to the light
  • headache or dizziness
  • nausea or vomiting
  • fatigue or insomnia

To reduce the risk of these side effects, it’s important to follow the instructions and precautions given by your provider. You should also avoid looking directly at the light source, wear protective eyewear, and limit your exposure time.

Additionally, red light therapy may not be suitable for everyone. You should consult your doctor before trying it if you have any of the following conditions:

  • pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • epilepsy or seizures
  • photosensitivity or skin disorders
  • cancer or tumors
  • bleeding disorders or blood thinners
  • diabetes or insulin resistance
  • thyroid problems or hormone imbalances

Is red light therapy worth it?

Red light therapy for weight loss is a controversial and costly procedure that may not deliver the results you expect. While some studies have shown modest reductions in fat and weight, others have shown no effect or even an increase in fat tissue.

Furthermore, the long-term effects and safety of red light therapy are unknown. There is no guarantee that the fat loss will be permanent or that it will not cause any health problems.

Therefore, you may want to think twice before investing your time and money in red light therapy for weight loss. You may be better off sticking to more proven and sustainable methods of weight loss, such as eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

Other weight loss strategies

If you’re looking for effective and natural ways to lose weight and improve your health, here are some strategies you can try:

Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These foods are rich in fiber, protein, and antioxidants that can help you feel full, boost your metabolism, and prevent oxidative stress.

Avoid processed foods, added sugars, refined grains, and trans fats. These foods are high in calories, low in nutrients, and can cause inflammation, insulin resistance, and weight gain.

Drink plenty of water and limit your intake of sugary drinks, alcohol, and caffeine. Water can help you stay hydrated, flush out toxins, and suppress your appetite. Sugary drinks, alcohol, and caffeine can dehydrate you, spike your blood sugar, and increase your calorie intake.

Exercise regularly and include both aerobic and resistance training. Aerobic exercise can help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health. Resistance training can help you build muscle and increase your resting metabolic rate.

Manage your stress levels and get enough sleep. Stress can trigger the release of cortisol, a hormone that can increase your appetite, cravings, and fat storage. Sleep can regulate your hormones, repair your tissues, and reduce inflammation.

Set realistic and specific goals and track your progress. Having clear and attainable goals can help you stay motivated and focused on your weight loss journey. Tracking your progress can help you measure your results and adjust your plan as needed.


Weight loss hula hoop is a fun and effective way to slim down and improve your health. It can help you burn calories, tone your muscles, improve your balance, and boost your mood.

However, if you’re looking for another way to enhance your weight loss results and improve your skin quality, you may want to consider red light therapy.

Red light therapy is a non-invasive procedure that uses low-level laser light to target fat cells under your skin. It may help you lose some inches from your waist, hips, thighs, arms, or other areas.

However, red light therapy for weight loss is very controversial and expensive. The research on its effectiveness and safety is inconclusive and inconsistent. You may not get the results you want or

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