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I Started Running Today

Working towards a new goal.

By Emily FormanPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
I Started Running Today
Photo by Alex McCarthy on Unsplash

If you had told me this time last week that I would be writing this post I would have laughed and said you were crazy but here I am. This week I heard about a 5K that is being organized for a cause very close to my heart. I want to be part of the 5K but I don’t run. I made the decision that since I have been adjusting to my workout routine over the last several months and I’ve been putting off taking it to the next level that this is the perfect opportunity.

Today I ran 3 minutes, which I know doesn’t seem like a lot but for me, it was huge for day 1.

I Have Never Been a Runner

Running has never been in my DNA or being athletic for that matter. Sure I like working out but would rather take a barre class or walk on the treadmill. I was the kid in school that would come in last during the timed mile. I know this about myself, but here I am ready to achieve this goal and I know I am probably going to have to do a lot of training and it is not going to come naturally. I was on the track team in high school ( it was the only team that didn’t make cuts) and I threw the shot put and ran the 100-meter dash. When I had to run a mile with the entire team it wasn’t pretty and my career as a track star only lasted two seasons.

That One Summer

One spring my friends said he was running a 5K Color Run, which was very popular at the time. Knowing I wasn’t a runner but wanting to try it I agreed, and then immediately panicked. I had a few months to prepare and decided I would give it my best shot.

I trained like it was the Olympics, tracking my progress, beating personal goals, referring to it as training, and being very focused. I completed the color run and was so proud that I even did a second 5K that summer. Once, fall hit my running career once again came to an end and I never really looked back.

I do remember some things from my running that summer. I remember I didn’t diet or change my eating habits and I was in the best shape I had ever been in, I felt good, healthy, and the feeling of working towards a goal was rewarding.

This time around I am not as focused on the number on the scale but feeling healthy overall. I have gained 20 pounds in the last year and a half so I do need to shed some of that.

Let’s Give Running Another Shot

Last night as I was lying in bed I decided I wanted to try running again and the cause for the 5K means a lot to me personally along with being focused on my health. This morning when I went to the gym, got on the treadmill, I had my book, coffee, set the time to 25 minutes, set my typical incline, pace, and was ready to go.

Except when the time hit 5 minutes I ran for one minute, I started sweating, my legs started feeling weak as I made it through that one minute it felt good. Then when the time got to 15 minutes the same thing I started running for one minute still out of breath and sweaty I got it done. I also promised myself that if I started a new chapter in my book I would have to run, so when the chapter started I gave it another minute.

There you have it my first day of running and I ran three minutes. Now to some, this seems like nothing or it is really displaying how out of shape I am. That is fine this is my journey and I know I am starting from nowhere. I am excited, proud, and ready to keep going.

My first day of running was an overall positive experience and I am looking forward to seeing where this takes me.

Stay tuned for more updates on my running. Will running stick this time around?


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