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I’m Starting to Learn That I Don’t Have to React to Everything That Bothers Me

And you can do the same thing as well

By Alexander BradshawPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
I’m Starting to Learn That I Don’t Have to React to Everything That Bothers Me
Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

In the Zen tradition, there is a real art, that of "not giving importance" to things meant to hurt you, offensive words, people who want to hurt you. It is not easy to practice, but its effects on our lives are truly healing.

Stopping to react impulsively and conflictive to everything that bothers you is a long-term, step-by-step practice. It means drawing lessons for yourself shortly, which you can persevere until your life is completely transformed. Here's what you need to start learning today!

I'm starting to learn not to hurt those who hurt me anymore

It is not an easy thing to get over the harm done by a person without wanting to hurt, retaliate or take revenge. But you have to repeat over and over again that the true sign of maturity is the power to move away from the source of evil, without hitting, in turn.

You will thus begin to learn that the energy you invest in responding violently to those who hurt you can be redirected to more important goals. When you focus only on what is bad in your life, you are drained of the good things that could happen to you every moment that comes your way.

You have to accept that not all people like you, that some of them may not treat you the way you treat others, but that shouldn't affect you. Your goal in life is not to "win" everyone on your side, it would be just a waste of energy and time, which only leaves you with a feeling of emptiness.

I'm starting to learn to rise above the things that hurt me

When you do not react to the things that hurt you, it does not mean that you feel good, but you choose to go beyond the moment and consider what is happening to you as a life lesson. In this way, you rise above the people who hit you and you learn to accept the events of life as they come to you, for better or for worse. It is the way to reach your full potential and become a better person.

You choose to keep your peace of mind, because you do not need drama and turmoil in your life, but serenity. Give up false connections, people who point out that you are not a good enough person, quarrels, and power struggles. Sometimes saying nothing means saying everything.

I'm starting to learn not to let others control my emotions

When you react to the words or deeds of a person who intends to hurt you, you give him free rein to manipulate your feelings, you let him dominate your inner life. You can't control what those around you do, but you have complete freedom to control your answers. You decide how to perceive the lines and actions of others, how to deal with them, and how to detach yourself from them.

You need to understand that, as a rule, what others tell you or how they treat you does not say anything about you or the person who is trying to hurt you.

Maybe all the disappointments are meant to teach you to love yourself and protect yourself from those who don't want the best for you. In this way, you will create a real shield to face the enemies, those who want to bring you down. You will also gain the strength to resist their attacks, to keep your confidence in yourself and your wonderful qualities.

I'm starting to learn that when I react, I don't change anything

An important lesson to understand is that your reactions, no matter how impulsive, do not change the true nature of those around you, do not make them respect you or love you suddenly, do not magically transform them. mind.

Sometimes it's better to let things happen and people be the way they want to be. You don't always have to fight, give explanations, look for answers, or want to make others understand you.

Life is better when you learn to focus less on what is happening outside of you and more on what is going on in your soul. Work on yourself, on your inner peace, and you will understand that not reacting to every little thing that bothers you is the key to a healthy and happy life.

mental health

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